One year of COVID, a reflection.
" not sure what "anti-vaxxers" have to do with stupidity. people rejecting to taint their blood out of irrational fear doesn't sound too stupid to me. but hey the world has a real weird definition of "smart" or "informed" now-a-days too! and that also has a history. like when it was smart to spray your kids directly in the face with DDT and many many other examples. you do what you want to your body. nobody is telling you otherwise. its people like you that are yelling at others that they must do to their body what you believe or else you're in danger, lol. that is a very strict example of stupidity and probably some type of paranoia. |
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Hey guys,
This thread can stay open as long as posts stay on topic. Remember that personal attacks and inflammatory comments are not allowed on the forums. I've already removed a few comments in breach of these rules. Any more and this thread will need to be closed. | |
" Here in Philippines, we had tons of "Anti-Vaxxers" for Covid Vaccine but with a reason. We had our recorded of actual deaths in Children due to Dengvaxia Vaccine. Their innards went inflamed and the supposedly inactivated virus eat their guts. And the span of these event prior the Covid event is quite short (memories are still fresh within the public). This is why we understand why some people do not want vaccines. Either ways, you need only 70% of the population needed to be immune in order to stop the spread of the disease. Let them be the 30%. |
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even if you buy into the marketing of vaccines and the narrative of todays "health"care, fact is, zero of these vaccines are currently approved. keep in mind that YOU are the guinea pig. you are the test subject. if something goes wrong, don't be surprised and don't point the finger to anyone but yourself. understand what you're signing up for. don't take it so casually. take responsibility.
injecting anything into your blood should not be taken so lightly, let alone foreign biologicals. even people who are all for vaccines are refusing to take the covid ones because of this. don't be so hateful and label anyone that isn't willing to do what you believe as some ANTI anything. thats disgusting. |
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oh, hey look at this....
so i hear that Merriam-Webster changed the definition of anti-vaxxer from "to " so i throw in a search bar, "merriam webster anti-vaxxer" and i get the top 3 links. first one is not a link, but the auto-generated response from "Dictionary" which says " i'll come back to the second link. the third link is a fact-check from snopes, who say that its false the definition was not changed. the second link (directly above the snopes fact-check) is Merriam-Webster's website and definition of anti-vaxxer, which reads " lol its just too funny. too funny. so your little word play of anti-vaxxer rhetoric now can be turned on you if you don't believe that vaccines should be mandated for all or disagree that laws should be made to force you to inject solutions into your body! pro-choice? not in this instance, or else you're an anti-vaxxer!! as one famously quoted " |
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" Yeah it was pretty brief. AZ is no longer offered here to anyone under 50 due to incredibly rare clotting (1 in 250k rare) but pfizer's about if one is willing to trek an hour to the city's only mass vac site. Now I am obv pro vax but we really did keep a lid on covid here in Australia. Statistically, due to virtually no known community transmission, that 1 in 250k chance of developing dangerous clots from the AZ jab is still higher than catching covid itself! So I am personally fine w non vulnerable people here choosing to wait for a safer option, although I still think 1 in 250k are very long odds compared to plenty of other daily risks. My second jab is in early July, and I can't wait. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
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" ya here in canada it initially wasn't being offered to anyone under 55. then they changed it to anyone 40+ could get the AZ shot. and now AZ is no longer being distributed at all. they officially state its because of 8 cases of the blood clotting issue. i personally find that hard to believe that they would stop distribution of an entire vaccine throughout a whole country due to 8 cases of blood clotting, but to each their own what info they trust. in any case, there are also questions whether its safe and just as effective to mix and match separate vaccines. like if you got the AZ for your first dose is it okay to get pfizer for the 2nd, type of example. |
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They 100% will not mix doses like that. Because it's one vaccine over time, spread out for maximum efficacy. A friend of mine in the early Moderna trial did get multiple vaccines for testing but they were very spread out and very carefully monitored.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
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praise Jesus!
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. ~Sun Tzu Last edited by KoolaidMinistries#4824 on Jul 2, 2021, 3:18:59 PM
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Covid mutates and defies existing vaccination attempts.
We still lock the front door even though burglars might break a window to get in. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
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