One year of COVID, a reflection.

I'm very thankful that I am fully vaccinated and my family as well. But I feel sad for those people (especially those relatives of the people I personally know) who died of covid before the vaccines were publicly available.

Things I learned and I believe:

1.) the vaccine is working but it will not give you immunity only give your body more fighting chance. This is very important.

2.) COVID IS REAL but covid business is more real.

3.) sars-cov-2 virus will always be with us now and will stay for a very long time
Chadwixx wrote:
This is incorrect, the vaccine does nothing to prevent you from getting it. They lied about the mask and the vaccine initially.

Who is this "they" who lied about it? I ask because many of the conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxers in my town keep claiming constantly that we were lied to about that, but I have never heard anyone official actually claim that the vaccine will stop you catching or spreading the virus.

When I ask them who told them that, they just ignore the question.

It's also worth noting that for any vaccine to do its job, you actually have to first catch the disease it's protecting you from. It's a basic principle.
Last edited by LennyLen#7361 on Nov 4, 2021, 6:39:23 AM
elemental_oasis wrote:
I'm very thankful that I am fully vaccinated and my family as well. But I feel sad for those people (especially those relatives of the people I personally know) who died of covid before the vaccines were publicly available.

Things I learned and I believe:

1.) the vaccine is working but it will not give you immunity only give your body more fighting chance. This is very important.

2.) COVID IS REAL but covid business is more real.

3.) sars-cov-2 virus will always be with us now and will stay for a very long time

you're fully maybe not tomorrow.
did you sign up to get a booster shot every 6 months?
"no no no these shots are just a two dose thing and then you're good! ya wanky conspiracy theorist!"
NEWS: this just in! more supporting evidence for booster shots. schedule yours today!

im thankful that you're thankful with your medical decisions.

just keep in mind that if this medical treatment doesn't stop you from getting covid or spreading it, that there is no way to tell if its "working" for you.
covid has a wild range of people just getting the sniffles for a couple days, people dying, or people not even having symptoms AT ALL. so to say that getting the multiple vaccines and upcoming boosters gives your body a better fighting chance can only be measured if you knew how your body would react if you got covid to begin with. which you don't know and can't measure.
so you have no comparison point. thus you will never be able to determine if the shot is working for you.
you can believe it all you want, but that doesn't necessarily make it reality.

LennyLen wrote:
Chadwixx wrote:
This is incorrect, the vaccine does nothing to prevent you from getting it. They lied about the mask and the vaccine initially.

Who is this "they" who lied about it? I ask because many of the conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxers in my town keep claiming constantly that we were lied to about that, but I have never heard anyone official actually claim that the vaccine will stop you catching or spreading the virus.

When I ask them who told them that, they just ignore the question.

It's also worth noting that for any vaccine to do its job, you actually have to first catch the disease it's protecting you from. It's a basic principle.

first of all, the "they" are anyone that is pushing the vaccine. health officials, the manufacturers and more than anyone else the media were pushing all of the vaccine marketing points which turn out to all be wrong.
so "they" (everyone in favour of you getting the vaccine) told you a bunch of marketing bullshit about this vaccine, promising all kinds of things over and over in order to convince you to get it. then when allegedly 80% of the worlds population gets it, hey guess what! the new science and statistics have come in, and turns out all those initial promises and figures were all wrong.

this doesn't necessarily mean it was a lie, as he said that implies intent and that "they" actually knew what they were saying was wrong. so not necessarily a lie, but they were wrong.
the thing is, those "conspiracy theorists" and "anti-vaxxers" all told you those things were those people were actually right and are being proven right time and time again as time goes on.

but I have never heard anyone official actually claim that the vaccine will stop you catching or spreading the virus.

are you for real? man i wish i had the ability to put a huge collage of media clips, articles, promises, etc. it would probably be 40 minutes long of people promising this very thing over and over
for you to say you haven't heard anyone official actually claim the vaccine will stop you catching or spreading the virus, makes me think you're lying or you just live so much in the moment that you can't remember 15 minutes ago. because that claim is insane.
maybe you just don't pay any attention to things.

It's also worth noting that for any vaccine to do its job, you actually have to first catch the disease it's protecting you from. It's a basic principle.

this is also ridiculously wrong.
but again people can believe whatever they want.
Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Nov 4, 2021, 8:34:16 AM
LennyLen wrote:

It's also worth noting that for any vaccine to do its job, you actually have to first catch the disease it's protecting you from. It's a basic principle.

Lol what?
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Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
xMustard wrote:
elemental_oasis wrote:
I'm very thankful that I am fully vaccinated and my family as well. But I feel sad for those people (especially those relatives of the people I personally know) who died of covid before the vaccines were publicly available.

Things I learned and I believe:

1.) the vaccine is working but it will not give you immunity only give your body more fighting chance. This is very important.

2.) COVID IS REAL but covid business is more real.

3.) sars-cov-2 virus will always be with us now and will stay for a very long time

you're fully maybe not tomorrow.
did you sign up to get a booster shot every 6 months?
"no no no these shots are just a two dose thing and then you're good! ya wanky conspiracy theorist!"
NEWS: this just in! more supporting evidence for booster shots. schedule yours today!

im thankful that you're thankful with your medical decisions.

just keep in mind that if this medical treatment doesn't stop you from getting covid or spreading it, that there is no way to tell if its "working" for you.
covid has a wild range of people just getting the sniffles for a couple days, people dying, or people not even having symptoms AT ALL. so to say that getting the multiple vaccines and upcoming boosters gives your body a better fighting chance can only be measured if you knew how your body would react if you got covid to begin with. which you don't know and can't measure.
so you have no comparison point. thus you will never be able to determine if the shot is working for you.
you can believe it all you want, but that doesn't necessarily make it reality.

I will still get the virus if I'm exposed to (because that's the nature of the virus to enter the body then into our cells) despite that I'm fully vaccinated but there's a big chance that I will become asymtomatic and will not get pneumonia (lung inflammation). My antibodies will still be having war with the virus until the virus will be fully neutralize by the antibodies. The difference now is that my body will always be ready. Pneuomnia is the scariest part of the covid and that's what the vaccines are claiming preventing hospitilzation because of the severe disease (pneumonia).

I'm not interested in the booster shot atm because there are still a lot of people that are needing the shot more than me. Getting the booster shot after fully vaccinated looks like selfishness to me.
elemental_oasis wrote:
I will still get the virus if I'm exposed to (because that's the nature of the virus to enter the body then into our cells) despite that I'm fully vaccinated but there's a big chance that I will become asymtomatic and will not get pneumonia (lung inflammation). My antibodies will still be having war with the virus until the virus will be fully neutralize by the antibodies. The difference now is that my body will always be ready. Pneuomnia is the scariest part of the covid and that's what the vaccines are claiming preventing hospitilzation because of the severe disease (pneumonia).

I'm not interested in the booster shot atm because there are still a lot of people that are needing the shot more than me. Getting the booster shot after fully vaccinated looks like selfishness to me.

hey fair enough. BTW you don't need to justify yourself to anyone. its your health, your responsibility. your choice how you choose to take care of it...or not.

just keep in mind that the definition of being "fully vaccinated" is 2 weeks after your second dose.
annnnnd once boosters are a thing world wide, that will be included as well. so 2 weeks after your 3rd dose. or, as is in some places in the world, after your 4th dose.
so i understand that you may not be interested in a booster shot until many others get their initial vaccines, but your vaccine passport will need to be updated with you getting a booster as soon as the government or whoever deems it so.

its a pretty risky business to be complacent with allowing the government to dictate what you have to inject into your body, and how often.
but im sure it'll all be okay in the long run.
xMustard wrote:

its a pretty risky business to be complacent with allowing the government to dictate what you have to inject into your body, and how often.

Meh I wouldn't look at it that way. Comes across as paranoid & defiant for reasons that are not really supported by anything in reality, or history generally speaking. (I mean like is every doctor across the world involved in a mass conspiracy? C'mon)

Personally, I think its way more relevant to the significance of what the vaccination is for. Most people are just fine preventing Polio or Smallpox with a vaccine for example. In the case of COVID, it can be dangerous to those with comorbidities, but much less so to otherwise healthy people. Thus helping do your part to prevent unnecessary deaths of vulnerable folks, might be a consideration you view from a moral standpoint.

If a virus had a R0 in the 4-6 range with a 25% mortality rate, I think there would be a lot less people on their high horse about personal choice, freedom, or some other sign of your individual value system.

Getting the vaccine is small ask imo, so you are not inadvertently spreading a disease that is more than capable of killing someone less fortunate than yourself.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Nov 4, 2021, 3:13:56 PM
DarthSki44 wrote:
xMustard wrote:

its a pretty risky business to be complacent with allowing the government to dictate what you have to inject into your body, and how often.

Meh I wouldn't look at it that way. Comes across as paranoid & defiant for reasons that are not really supported by anything in reality, or history generally speaking. (I mean like is every doctor across the world involved in a mass conspiracy? C'mon)

Personally, I think its way more relevant to the significance of what the vaccination is for. Most people are just fine preventing Polio or Smallpox with a vaccine for example. In the case of COVID, it can be dangerous to those with comorbidities, but much less so to otherwise healthy people. Thus helping do your part to prevent unnecessary deaths of vulnerable folks, might be a consideration you view from a moral standpoint.

If a virus had a R0 in the 4-6 range with a 25% mortality rate, I think there would be a lot less people on their high horse about personal choice, freedom, or some other sign of your individual value system.

Getting the vaccine is small ask imo, so you are not inadvertently spreading a disease that is more than capable of killing someone less fortunate than yourself.

you should look at it that way.
what other medical procedures, or any other procedures are you going to be complacent with the government forcing upon the populace? its a slippery slope for sure.

you're not just talking about personal freedoms and choices, you're talking about INJECTING SUBSTANCES INTO YOUR PERSON. you can't get any more "up in your business" than that.
to "mandate" that you HAVE to do so, or else, is ridiculous and has nothing to do with health.

im sorry but the "justification" that its for other peoples well being goes right out the fucking window when you realize we just acknowledged (and finally so did the rest of the world) that the vaccine does NOT prevent you from getting covid OR spreading covid.
so your ending sentiment there,
so you are not inadvertently spreading a disease that is more than capable of killing someone less fortunate than yourself.

holds no water, since this can still happen even if you're fully vaccinated, and even if the other person is fully vaccinated.

the entire 20 months of this two week pandemic, or whatever we're up to now, has always been about politics and make-shift morals. why? because it clearly isn't about health. never has been, never will be. you can think otherwise all you want. more power to ya.

Comes across as paranoid & defiant for reasons that are not really supported by anything in reality, or history generally speaking.

i could go off on who really is the paranoid ones in this scenario. and not supported by history?
name me one time in history that government has taken power/control by way of laws and such....then rescinded them.
the entire LIE that this will be temporary should be sinking in for many by now. i called it out since the very beginning, in march 2020 that this would never be temporary, so you'd better be careful what you're willing to give up and comply with.
^ I mean ok. You do you.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
xMustard wrote:
It's also worth noting that for any vaccine to do its job, you actually have to first catch the disease it's protecting you from. It's a basic principle.

this is also ridiculously wrong.
but again people can believe whatever they want.

Here's the basic rundown of how a vaccine works:

get the vaccine
learn how to produce the correct antibodies
catch the disease
produce the correct antibodies
stop it before it infects you

How is your body going to fight the disease if you don't catch it first, even for a short period?

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