One year of COVID, a reflection.

Hey everyone!

It's been a heck of a long time that I had posted in the off topic forums. For almost a year now that I've been dealing with COVID situation in my local hospital. I can say during the fall/winter season was the worst experience I remembered in my life, and witnessed far too many deaths.

Hopefully with more people being vaccinated and the cases being dramatically lowered (as of now). We can move on with our lives in a new reality. I'm glad to say there are 0 cases where i'm working for the meantime.

Back to harvest farming before it gets nerfed!

Best regards,


Last edited by Nav_GGG#0000 on Nov 8, 2021, 11:06:15 PM
Last bumped on Nov 8, 2021, 11:06:25 PM
before you put all your eggs into the vaccine basket you may want to double check what the manufacturers are saying about their own vaccine rather than the media.

for example, the vaccine is NOT supposed to stop you from getting covid - merely making your symptoms less severe if you get covid. so thats one huge misnomer i often come across.
second, is they state people with several common ailments shouldn't get the vaccine, like having any food allergies etc.

also, im not sure about your country, but mine has been stating for AWHILE now that even if everyone were vaccinated you will still have to socially distance, wear mask, etc. life is never going back to "normal", like it was, and every government official i've heard talk about covid19 has made that don't count on that either.

people just need to make sure to do their own reading and research and not just blindly follow the rhetoric, because the echo chamber is often wrong.
Thats too bleak. More severe diseases have been eradicated or at least made considerably weaker thanks to medicines and vaccines. So yes, normality will come back. Our world will be more digitalized and psychologists will make more money but thats going to be it.
Too early to say. Mutations seem to be becoming more infectious and aggressive, in addition to at least one strain from Africa already having circumvented vaccination to some degree.

Pre-Covid normal is unlikely to ever come back, nor does it seem like Covid is going away for at least another year or two. And if we get real unlucky with a vaccine-immune mutation, we're right back to early 2020.

xMustard wrote:
for example, the vaccine is NOT supposed to stop you from getting covid - merely making your symptoms less severe if you get covid. so thats one huge misnomer i often come across.

Blatant lies, intentionally spreading misinformation about the ongoing pandemic.

xMustard wrote:
second, is they state people with several common ailments shouldn't get the vaccine, like having any food allergies etc.

Blatant lies, intentionally spreading misinformation about the ongoing pandemic. The claim about 'food allergies etc.' was extensively researched and debunked more than a month or two ago. With minimal research effort it's pretty easy to find the current findings and research on allergies and health conditions that can relate to Covid vaccination -- which makes the following quite ironic:

xMustard wrote:
people just need to make sure to do their own reading and research and not just blindly follow the rhetoric, because the echo chamber is often wrong.

While what you say is true, ignorami should just listen to that echo chamber since they're unfortunately incapable of doing proper research on their own, which leads to the spreading falsehoods that have been debunked two months ago :)

(I'm pretty sure it was in January, anyway)
Last edited by Anonymous1749704#5648 on Mar 15, 2021, 2:23:46 PM
xMustard wrote:
before you put all your eggs into the vaccine basket you may want to double check what the manufacturers are saying about their own vaccine rather than the media.


people just need to make sure to do their own reading and research and not just blindly follow the rhetoric, because the echo chamber is often wrong.

Yes, I actually read the Pfizer research (which i took as a vaccine) and made an informed choice. Of course vaccine does not prevent the disease process. However, it does prevent likelihood death.
Last edited by Molochmane#0328 on Mar 15, 2021, 6:09:23 PM
Anonymous1749704 wrote:
Blatant lies, intentionally spreading misinformation about the ongoing pandemic.

sure buddy
Molochmane wrote:
Hey everyone!

It's been a heck of a long time that I had posted in the off topic forums. For almost a year now that I've been dealing with COVID situation in my local hospital. I can say during the fall/winter season was the worst experience I remembered in my life, and witnessed far too many deaths.

Hopefully with more people being vaccinated and the cases being dramatically lowered (as of now). We can move on with our lives in a new reality. I'm glad to say there are 0 cases where i'm working for the meantime.

Back to harvest farming before it gets nerfed!

Best regards,


I've already thanked you in for your service in my own way, but it's always good to get updates from someone who was for a while there quite at risk. I actually read your update as I was waiting in the car to go in to see my GP. Was there for minor things like scripts and skin issues, but of course we discussed the vaccine. Here in Australia where we have it largely in hand, the roll-out is fairly lax. I'm in what they're calling the 1b group: elderly, non-essential care workers and immunosuppressed. There are roughly 2 million people in this category, and each small clinic is getting 50 AstraZeneca doses a week. I suspect I'll be going to a larger facility but eh, I live quite secluded so I don't consider myself as high a priority as others. I suspect it'll be by July, but it could be as early as late April.

I'm just constantly thankful I live where I live, where healthcare is largely subsidised and manageable. The public in general downplay it but the authorities choose to be overly cautious at the merest sign of transmission. I'm grateful for that, even if it does have the flipside of living in what some call a nanny state. When it comes to public health during a pandemic, nanny state trumps personal liberty ten times out of ten. Most people have shown overwhelming proof they suck at taking care of themselves even at the best of times. I'm sure you've seen your share of human folly in that regard...

Do take care, and I'm glad your workplace is case-free. May it remain so.


xMustard wrote:
before you put all your eggs into the vaccine basket you may want to double check what the manufacturers are saying about their own vaccine rather than the media.

for example, the vaccine is NOT supposed to stop you from getting covid - merely making your symptoms less severe if you get covid. so thats one huge misnomer i often come across.
second, is they state people with several common ailments shouldn't get the vaccine, like having any food allergies etc.

people just need to make sure to do their own reading and research and not just blindly follow the rhetoric, because the echo chamber is often wrong.

It's a good thing no one here takes your stance on Covid-19 seriously. I mean, it's a fucking off-topic forum for a game designed to make people extremely wary of each other so chances of your 'medical' input actually affecting someone in a damaging way are pretty much zero. Small comfort, knowing you're probably espousing the same dangerous views elsewhere, but that's your business. You speak of echo chambers, but seem to fail to realise the irony that what you're saying is so untenable it would ONLY be accepted without question in an echo chamber.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Mar 15, 2021, 9:05:33 PM
Foreverhappychan wrote:
xMustard wrote:
before you put all your eggs into the vaccine basket you may want to double check what the manufacturers are saying about their own vaccine rather than the media.

for example, the vaccine is NOT supposed to stop you from getting covid - merely making your symptoms less severe if you get covid. so thats one huge misnomer i often come across.
second, is they state people with several common ailments shouldn't get the vaccine, like having any food allergies etc.

people just need to make sure to do their own reading and research and not just blindly follow the rhetoric, because the echo chamber is often wrong.

It's a good thing no one here takes your stance on Covid-19 seriously. I mean, it's a fucking off-topic forum for a game designed to make people extremely wary of each other so chances of your 'medical' input actually affecting someone in a damaging way are pretty much zero. Small comfort, knowing you're probably espousing the same dangerous views elsewhere, but that's your business. You speak of echo chambers, but seem to fail to realise the irony that what you're saying is so untenable it would ONLY be accepted without question in an echo chamber.

and here you just completely proved my point. same with the other guy, but this one more so
speak about irony

During the Corona period, you often read how you can strengthen your own immune system and perhaps protect yourself against the virus. Complete protection is not given by a strengthened immune system but still recommended! Especially in the cold months with little sun, supplements are useful. Vitamin D can also help!

The article: also provides additional information on vitamin D and discusses the effect on the immune system.

Best regards
Auch der Mond ist ein Weltwunder.
Hey Moloch if you're ever inclined to visit standard 820 i'll set aside a free lucky suffix for you. You've more than earned it.


one Allied Health Professional to another.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game

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