So if you quit PoE...

Gescom wrote:
Cake, this caricature you're playing is highly amusing. What are your inspirations? Andy Kaufman?

This is what happens when unstoppable troll meets immovable veteran.

When OP can not be reasoned with, i can at least make it entertaining.
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
CAKE wrote:

I've applied for diablo 3 testing group in 2001 and it had version completely different compared to current one. So ofcourse we do not count pre-alpha prototypes. If we did d3 would be like 15 years older than poe.

So following your logic, we will count release date then Diablo 2 Refunded as 2021 -_- you say that early alpha is same thing as pre-release open beta are same things - cool, but don't try to make an argument skipping logic and contradicting your previous posts.

CAKE wrote:
If i did, you would still have no argument because this league had and has harvest untouched and that will be the case for next month.

CAKE wrote:
What i will say is that d3 is so godly that it does not even need crafting. Owning poe hard.

Sure... and I bet I will see you playing PoE next league.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
CAKE wrote:

I've applied for diablo 3 testing group in 2001 and it had version completely different compared to current one. So ofcourse we do not count pre-alpha prototypes. If we did d3 would be like 15 years older than poe.

So following your logic, we will count release date then Diablo 2 Refunded as 2021 -_- you say that early alpha is same thing as pre-release open beta are same things - cool, but don't try to make an argument skipping logic and contradicting your previous posts.

CAKE wrote:
If i did, you would still have no argument because this league had and has harvest untouched and that will be the case for next month.

CAKE wrote:
What i will say is that d3 is so godly that it does not even need crafting. Owning poe hard.

Sure... and I bet I will see you playing PoE next league.

That is all wrong, but what should i expect from someone waiting for diego 2 refunded

I bet you will never play next league, and that you never played any league ever in any game ever.
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
Since it was burried by a guy jumping from PoE to Diablo 3, does last Epoch have multiplayer and seasons, or it is a one run game like Grim Easy Dawn and when you've finished campaign then you're done, can delete the game? Or will it end like Wolcen that is barely played?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
This is a question to people who want to quit PoE because harvest nerfs - what ARPG will you pick, and what better crafting system does it have? I'm very curious about people wanting to quit PoE for Diablo 2 Refunded, how great crafting is there?

The mistake you ultimately make is you underestimate how easy it is to quit games these days. This isn't 2001-2009 where there's very few available options, there's more video games now than people have lifetimes to play them.

So, I ask, what makes you think people will just look for another ARPG and not just another genre entirely?

Factorio, Satisfactory, Risk of Rain 2, Heroes of the Storm, RDR2, heck a PS2 emulator lets me get into some old school couch co-op with my brother. Not even counting the new ones coming like Back 4 Blood and Chivalry 2 to fill the niches where Left 4 Dead 2 and Chivalry 1 filled my times from 2010-2014.

It's limited thinking that ARPG's are the end all be all of entertainment.

Nomancs wrote:
Since it was burried by a guy jumping from PoE to Diablo 3, does last Epoch have multiplayer and seasons, or it is a one run game like Grim Easy Dawn and when you've finished campaign then you're done, can delete the game? Or will it end like Wolcen that is barely played?

Grim easy dawn? As opposed to Path of Meta? And I'm actually picking up Last Epoch. Developers seem to have a track history of delivering on what they promised, and multiplayer is right on that list.

I think your horizons are quite limited here and your efforts are misplaced. Perhaps you think because you've grinded more here in this game that it makes you better than other people.

Or, perhaps life has been so hard on you that you're no longer able to recognize games that only aim to be a pleasant experience. That good times and fun can simply be given to you, that you do not have to be so starved as to ravenously take them or enjoin yourself to entertainment that require this of you.

Within the next few weeks, I quit the game and the forums for good, so I get to be a bit more of myself here.

PoE is a game that's inherently vain. There's no sense of completeness here. Even your very "achievements" in a temp league shall mean absolutely nothing in 3 months. And for this, your very utmost efforts are too vanity. There's not even a sense of art. Whereas in other games you may be able to say "I made this meaningful choice in the story", or "I was part of this guild and they were my friends", or "The game was able to elicit these thoughts/emotions", all of that is absent here.

All there is here is that vain grind. Indeed, GGG was very apt in naming the locations "The Absence of Value and Meaning" and "The Absence of Mercy and Empathy".

As time goes forward, we all end up in the same place the grandfather of our grandfathers lay. Which is why I've determined to stick only with the good parts.

So, here it is. You've been grinding to hear these words and now you'll see em, because surely GGG will never say it. You, Nomancs, are indeed amazing. Your 40/40 achievement indeed puts you in the rarefied atmosphere, the top of the top.

Indeed, Grim Dawn is too easy for thee and the current solo player experience of Last Epoch is no comparison to your discerning taste. You, for sure, are king of this empire of dust.
Tsokushin wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
This is a question to people who want to quit PoE because harvest nerfs - what ARPG will you pick, and what better crafting system does it have? I'm very curious about people wanting to quit PoE for Diablo 2 Refunded, how great crafting is there?

The mistake you ultimately make is you underestimate how easy it is to quit games these days. This isn't 2001-2009 where there's very few available options, there's more video games now than people have lifetimes to play them.

So, I ask, what makes you think people will just look for another ARPG and not just another genre entirely?

Factorio, Satisfactory, Risk of Rain 2, Heroes of the Storm, RDR2, heck a PS2 emulator lets me get into some old school couch co-op with my brother. Not even counting the new ones coming like Back 4 Blood and Chivalry 2 to fill the niches where Left 4 Dead 2 and Chivalry 1 filled my times from 2010-2014.

It's limited thinking that ARPG's are the end all be all of entertainment.

Nomancs wrote:
Since it was burried by a guy jumping from PoE to Diablo 3, does last Epoch have multiplayer and seasons, or it is a one run game like Grim Easy Dawn and when you've finished campaign then you're done, can delete the game? Or will it end like Wolcen that is barely played?

Grim easy dawn? As opposed to Path of Meta? And I'm actually picking up Last Epoch. Developers seem to have a track history of delivering on what they promised, and multiplayer is right on that list.

I think your horizons are quite limited here and your efforts are misplaced. Perhaps you think because you've grinded more here in this game that it makes you better than other people.

Or, perhaps life has been so hard on you that you're no longer able to recognize games that only aim to be a pleasant experience. That good times and fun can simply be given to you, that you do not have to be so starved as to ravenously take them or enjoin yourself to entertainment that require this of you.

Within the next few weeks, I quit the game and the forums for good, so I get to be a bit more of myself here.

PoE is a game that's inherently vain. There's no sense of completeness here. Even your very "achievements" in a temp league shall mean absolutely nothing in 3 months. And for this, your very utmost efforts are too vanity. There's not even a sense of art. Whereas in other games you may be able to say "I made this meaningful choice in the story", or "I was part of this guild and they were my friends", or "The game was able to elicit these thoughts/emotions", all of that is absent here.

All there is here is that vain grind. Indeed, GGG was very apt in naming the locations "The Absence of Value and Meaning" and "The Absence of Mercy and Empathy".

As time goes forward, we all end up in the same place the grandfather of our grandfathers lay. Which is why I've determined to stick only with the good parts.

So, here it is. You've been grinding to hear these words and now you'll see em, because surely GGG will never say it. You, Nomancs, are indeed amazing. Your 40/40 achievement indeed puts you in the rarefied atmosphere, the top of the top.

Indeed, Grim Dawn is too easy for thee and the current solo player experience of Last Epoch is no comparison to your discerning taste. You, for sure, are king of this empire of dust.

I've tried all the relevant isometric ARPGs out there, and Grim Dawn is the best by quite a margin. Second place is POE. Third place is Diablo 3.
Tsokushin wrote:

That good times and fun can simply be given to you, that you do not have to be so starved as to ravenously take them or enjoin yourself to entertainment that require this of you.

I'm sorry that Path of Exile wasn't easy for you and will give rewards for free after item editor nerf, But I'm sure you will find it somewhere.

Tsokushin wrote:
Within the next few weeks, I quit the game and the forums for good, so I get to be a bit more of myself here.

I am sure I will see you around next league or next expansion - people who really quit don't make posts about it.

Tsokushin wrote:
Your 40/40 achievement indeed puts you in the rarefied atmosphere, the top of the top.

Not even close :D

Thanks for all your insults covered with pseudo-psychoanalysis.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs#6176 on Mar 15, 2021, 4:37:43 AM
Nomancs wrote:
The best crafting system I've seen in an isometric arpg has to be Last Epoch's, and it's still work in progress.

What crafting does it have?

Get (white) item base + crafting mats.

Each item has 4 affixes you can add. 2 prefixes + 2 suffixes.
You can add any affix you want as long there are enough materials till it bricks.
In LE bricking means fracture which literally trashes the item like a Vaal Orb.

So in a sense its similar like benchcrafting, with the exception you could edit any white item base from the get go to have all stats you need, in a true item editor way.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Mar 15, 2021, 12:14:44 PM
Nomancs wrote:

I'm sorry that Path of Exile wasn't easy for you and will give rewards for free after item editor nerf, But I'm sure you will find it somewhere.

You misunderstand. Ease has nothing to do with it. Rather, it was enjoyable for a time with Harvest. Because, more often than not, I play ARPG's like I would a simple RPG, in that I approach it with a particular theme.

But it also highlights a troubling aspect here for you, man. To you, the item is the reward and not the means to the end of having fun.


I am sure I will see you around next league or next expansion - people who really quit don't make posts about it.

You misunderstand again. Take the people who threatened to leave a game like WoW after unpopular changes took place. They actually did leave, and then Blizzard had to scramble to implement changes people actually wanted. The entire "you think you do but you don't" situation. You can even search my post history, there's entire periods of silence where I wasn't playing. In fact, the only reason I came back for this game in Harvest was because a friend asked me to.

Again, people underestimate how easy it is to quit a game. Furthermore, I understand this one truth. There's plenty of hard things to strive for in real life, but those things actually have meaning. I don't have a need to strive for anything here, in recreation.

Thanks for all your insults covered with pseudo-psychoanalysis.

Once again, you misunderstand. I meant every compliment. It's just a shame that GGG has designed this game to be of utmost vanity. And it's a shame that this is the game you've chosen to cling to.
gandhar0 wrote:

Get (white) item base + crafting mats.

Each item has 4 affixes you can add. 2 prefixes + 2 suffixes.
You can add any affix you want as long there are enough materials till it bricks.
In LE bricking means fracture which literally trashes the item like a Vaal Orb.

So in a sense its similar like benchcrafting, with the exception you could edit any white item base from the get go to have all stats you need, in a true item editor way.

It seems like it is quite easy to hit BiS gear. Maybe I will consider it for a chillout weekend if there will be discount. Important question - is there any endgame? I don't want to pay its full price if it will be just a weekend game.

Tsokushin wrote:

You misunderstand. Ease has nothing to do with it. Rather, it was enjoyable for a time with Harvest. Because, more often than not, I play ARPG's like I would a simple RPG, in that I approach it with a particular theme.

But it also highlights a troubling aspect here for you, man. To you, the item is the reward and not the means to the end of having fun.

It is very weird approach to play RPG for rewards, and not because of the story. PoE is fun for me despite if I get OP item or not - as you wrote, it is a reward and it doesn't change if I have fun in game or not. My "fun" is not build around getting OP items, but around killing (hopefully hard) stuff (and I don't need item editor for that). OP items are making game too easy at some point, so I get bored faster - this is medium problem for me, and big problem for GGG, because people will finish what they wanted to do way faster, get bored, quit -> less money to develop the game.

Tsokushin wrote:

I am sure I will see you around next league or next expansion - people who really quit don't make posts about it.

You misunderstand again. Take the people who threatened to leave a game like WoW after unpopular changes took place. They actually did leave, and then Blizzard had to scramble to implement changes people actually wanted. The entire "you think you do but you don't" situation. You can even search my post history, there's entire periods of silence where I wasn't playing. In fact, the only reason I came back for this game in Harvest was because a friend asked me to.

Isn't blackmailing a really low thing to do? It is like treatening someone with suicide if other person will not love you the way you want. If you really want to quit, you don't make big annoucements and threats, you just quit and forget (this is a computer game, not real life, nothing to regreat here, you had fun and you move to other entertaining thing/hobby). I quit WoW in Legion because I didn't liked the way they casualized the game, so I just started playing something else - no big thing, no wall of text, not even a single post on forum - because I why would I bother about hobby that isn't fun anymore?

Tsokushin wrote:
Again, people underestimate how easy it is to quit a game. Furthermore, I understand this one truth. There's plenty of hard things to strive for in real life, but those things actually have meaning. I don't have a need to strive for anything here, in recreation.

Indeed, it is a recreation, no need for wall of text full of tears because item editor was removed. But it seems for people it is way harder to quit a game than you think.

Tsokushin wrote:
Thanks for all your insults covered with pseudo-psychoanalysis.

Once again, you misunderstand. I meant every compliment. It's just a shame that GGG has designed this game to be of utmost vanity. And it's a shame that this is the game you've chosen to cling to.

We both know that there are people, a lot of them, that can do what I do 10x faster and better in PoE, so spare me "compliments" like that.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs#6176 on Mar 15, 2021, 4:23:02 PM

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