🎄Friendly and Active🎄 <Maven's Realm> recruits for the new season! (1000+ players, Discord✅)

Responded in Disc
I am on discord and would like to join your guild on Poie.

Sentinel League

Account Name: Incan1
Char name: oOJeskaOo
nemo911 wrote:
I am on discord and would like to join your guild on Poie.

Sentinel League

Account Name: Incan1
Char name: oOJeskaOo

answered through dm
responded in discord
Would like to join I need help learning the game I play on xbox gt-RuNNeR90s
Good day to you. If I can log into discord, but may only listen or type would that be ok? I have family issues that for most of the time I cannot talk or have my mic enabled.



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