ERROR Could not overwrite executable.

Kane_GGG wrote:
Can you please double check that there is a file named PathOfExile.tmp within your Path of Exile folder? If that file is there, please remove the PathOfExile.exe file and rename Client.tmp to be Client.exe. If that file isn't there, please let us know.

I used this in 2024 and it works :D
i removed pathofexile.exe and renamed pathofexile.tmp to pathofexile.exe
it worked but anyone care to explain why? and more important do i need to keep the original pathofexile.exe just in case or can i safely delete it?
have same problem, not seeing a tamp file.
"Could not overwrite executable with new patched executable. Please make sure that PathOfExile.tmp or PathOfExile.tmp are not running. If necessary, you may need to reboot your computer."

I tried doing the removal of the files you said and it didn't change anything. After that I uninstalled the game and tried to reinstall but it didn't change anything.

Please assist.
could not overwrite esecutable. with new patched executable please please make sure that pathpfeile.exe or pathofeeile.tmp are not still running.lf necessary you may need to reboot your computer

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