Valheim is as wonderful as the reviews say
not seen yet
how good its? Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod! Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead |
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I like Terraria and this looks like a 3D version of it.
Could be similar fun in an exploring & cave digging way. It also seems to have boss fights but they are random skirmish open world encounters. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
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"Uhhh, yeah, it's really not like that at all. It's much more like a low-fi Rust, but with a much heavier emphasis on co-op PvE rather than PvP. Boss fights also aren't random. They're gated behind tributes that you have to collect to summon them, and they can be pretty brutal fights. The first one isn't too bad, but after that...research first and bring friends if possible. They seem to all be soloable with enough preparedness and tenacity, but having help makes a big difference. Trolls can be found in the wild, and they're kinda like mini-boss fights--and also brutal. If you're playing solo and have to flee from a boss or troll, and you're near your settlement, don't run to your settlement and let them follow you there. There's a good chance you can just kiss it goodbye. I learned that the hard way about an hour in on my first day heh. I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
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Sooo ... tried valheimm for a few hours now.
The game is cool, visually very enjoyable. Gameplay wise it's smooth enough for an EA, eventually need a rework of building part which is a bit clunky but still does the job correctly. When it comes to troll you mentioned above, I found a pretty efficient method to kill them early on, take a bit of time, but work just fine, unsure if the coins they drop will be very useful, haven't checked wiki and so on yet. Killed first boss and did a little dungeon too, it was pretty cool, few friends joined in the meantime, and we built a village, surrounded by water which is pretty useful so far. Now I must admit, after a PoE league killing Sirus, Maven, Uber elder, Uber atziri, Cortex, etc ... I was not really expecting to be killed by a damn tree deciding to fall in the wrong direction in valheim ... I somehow think I couldn't enjoy playing it for many hours alone, but it's a very good experience when playing with friends. Hf :)
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I watched CohhCarnage play it solo and with his mods, looks fun (for me)
~ Mostly an SSF player.
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"The visual aesthetics are a bit unusual. Mostly low-fi up close, with some very high quality effects mixed in (especially the environmental effects). Fog, as annoying as it can be at times, is a real standout if you catch it at the right time and place. Some people definitely rant about the graphics on forums and such, but I think it works really well and I'm fine with it. The design direction they took also helps the game keep a very small footprint, despite still being a 3D game with a lot of content already and much more to come. At 600mb and not hugely demanding, it's ripe for porting to every platform including mobile when it's done. And it's definitely more fun with friends. I play with a regular group that's mostly family and a couple people we know. When I do play solo, I usually pop from world to world looking for caves and crypts and such. It can be a challenge to find enough of the more obscure resources to go around when you focus on just one world. The building can be a bit clunky at first, especially when it comes to building anything much over head level. Constructing some ladders and platforms to climb onto as you build helps a lot. The indicators for structural integrity could use some work (especially for the colorblind, like my wife). They're just not obvious enough at times. The snapping can also just be a bit too fussy for anything more than simple walls. From what I understand, the first major update is supposed to mainly focus on crafting and building. More stuff for homes and structures, and hopefully some good tweaks to smooth out the process a bit. My first troll encounter was mostly just bad luck. My starting point was extremely close to one, and when I ran into him I was still poorly equipped. I tried to kite him with my bow but trained him to my home, which I didn't know at the time it could tear apart pretty easily. Trolls can be put to really good use though, especially if they spawn with a log rather than rocks to toss. I won't go into what use, as it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Oh, and coins are useful, though they have rather limited use at the moment. Definitely hold on to them. I like that you died to a falling tree lol. You can also take damage from them rolling into you after they've fallen. I haven't died that way, but I have died due to smoke in a poorly ventilated house. I had to AFK for an extended time while still in the process of building. It didn't end well heh. Fortunately, I have yet to encounter any of the disappearing gravestone bugs that some people have. I don't die often, but when I would suck to lose everything I carry now. I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
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Tried it for one 1h and refunded.
Building in this game ,in the current state, is too unprecise and clunky. Placing simple objects like workbenches is okay but building a 3D structure like a house still misses a lot of QoL functions to make it a smooth experience. Maybe in 6 months+ it will be a better experience. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore "A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Feb 21, 2021, 6:33:16 AM
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" I have the same opinion about building, it needs more than improvements at this point but in the meantime, it's a pretty solid basis. For now there is a mod improving it a lot, I can share the link here just need a moment to find it. " Noticed the smoke could deal damages too x) So I made a lot of progress since last day, we are now few regular playing on server and everything is going at light speed, already have a port, boats and so on, a giant city, Iron gears, portals etc ... We also found trader location this morning. As of today I think the game is making a very similar start than minecraft years ago. Of course Valheimm is much cleaner so far but the traction around it from players, modders, hosting services and so on is very similar. I wasn't expecting this game to be that promising to be honest, but I'm totally convinced now. Hf :) Last edited by Heli0nix#0378 on Feb 21, 2021, 8:22:37 AM
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lol who even plays this survival simulation garbage?
Already own DayZ and wouldn't touch this trash genre with a 10 foot pole [Removed by Support] Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Feb 21, 2021, 11:27:20 AM
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" Wow that's a huge recommendation. I'm a Terraria fan myself, must check this new game. |
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