Before we launch Echoes of the Atlas tomorrow

If only there were GGG employees ingame
We could sacrifice them to GGG
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Thanks GGG for new season and wonderful content.
It is good to have new dev principles... But as you needed an extra month of polish and with the scope of the expansion being as big as it is, i'm a bit concern that you did not mention anything about changing from a 3 month cycle to a 4 month cycle unless next leagues are in the scope of pre bestiary leagues...

Being question of polish, i hope that the extra month was enough to have less bugs than all previous leagues since betrayal that for some were not properly functionnal 2 weeks in the league...

Also, even if i liked your reveal of Echoes of the Atlas and Ritual League, i really hope that you will be more transparent with next reveals and that we don't discover after that you butchered one aspect of some builds / ascendancies / mechanics of the game... In the future, i want to see more details about nerfs / ups and that those don't feel rushed out(Yes, i'm really annoyed that the build i planned for 3.13 lost more than half of its DPS from 3.12 after ascendancy changes...)
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Thanks GGG for all you've achieved with this game.
I've shown the trailer of the new league to my friend, and he wants to try the game now. A hell of an effective trailer !
Quality development takes some time. But this sounds more like a preemtive excuse for a buggy league or a buggy league start to get some one your side by waving a pitty sign about how hard the last year was.

GGG did a shitty job the last year with its leagues and new mechanics. Part of ut was because of the pandemic. Part of it was due to the release cycles and the bad qulitytesting. This didnt just start last year since the release of conquerers of the atlas in december 2019 was a hugh mess.

Pls proof me wrong and show me how you have changed. That will earn you sympathy. But stop with that pr bullshit excuses that are harder to believe league by league.
Still missing 40 gems buff...
Chris wrote:
Before we launch Echoes of the Atlas tomorrow

Hey everyone,

As you know, tomorrow we will release the Echoes of the Atlas expansion. At the moment we're putting the finishing touches on our preparations for the launch.

As you know, 2020 was a difficult year for our team and for the world at large. Echoes of the Atlas is the first expansion we've developed under our new development principles. Our team has worked really hard in an effort to make this expansion one of our best yet.

It has been very helpful to have the extra month for polish, as it has given us time to find problems that normally might slip out in the released version. Just yesterday we added a bunch of new rewards for the pinnacle fights based on our internal feedback that they needed to be more rewarding, for example.

I can't wait until tomorrow when we get to see how players react to the new content. Watching developers playtest the multi-boss fights has been a lot of fun, so I'm really looking forward to having some streams going tomorrow (as the team handles so much of the launch stuff so I hopefully get to sit back and relax, right?) and then getting to play some of it myself.

When I was writing this post, Bex asked me "What are you genuinely feeling right now about this launch?" The first thought that came to mind was "We finally came up with a league that deserves the awesome Ritual name." It's true, though. We have come up with so many league ideas that tried to be Ritual in the past, but it was only when we found this one that we knew it was worth that prestigious name. For how simple the league is conceptually, it's a total blast to play.

I just wanted to say a special thank you to you for being here with us - for your continued excitement, feedback and support. And thanks for your patience over the last month. 2021 is going to be a great year, and it starts tomorrow.

Thank you,

Chris, you say too much text, dnt sell the product, let others just by curiosity and doubt, test it, they (we all) will score you in about days of consuming product. Its like a promise, never promise to someone about something that has to happen yet or not neither, who knows. But by the title text we will exam it if, has its full word meaning and objective/goal at all, or not xDD. Ty for this year with more efforts with the pandemic around the world with other maybe other more personal issues to afford us more stuff.
@execreth - @eledhyr - @arthasspaw - @edherisctf - @douchebagontheway_hd

@the_pest - @ioneshotbosses_eightkai
Dear Chris,

It is always a pleasure to play with PoE and I am sure, that this expansion as well all the others are great and well made.

Thank you very much for your honest words.

I am looking forward to play as soon as possible and see you in the beach.

I wish you a great year for you and GGG as well,

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