Anyone here from /b/ or 4chan?
I noticed a lot of you guys act like the bad kids at my middle school. They all go on a website called 4chan and I was wondering if anyone is from there?
"Did the earth move for you, baby? Probably, you hit the ground quite hard." |
" Oh no, its not the kid trying to be bad. Its the guy trying to act mature. So mature he needs to make a thread to call attention to it. Winning. |
You mean people can actually be born and grow up there? *shivers*
that's weird. I remember when it was a huge faux pas to even mention it. Not like it was a secret, it was just tasteless.
Now there are bronies everywhere, straight public discussion is acceptable, (in b4 LOL METAHUMOR BRO) and blah blah blah. fucking internet, man. Sage.
" Or rules 1 and 2... |
this post really rustled my jimmies
i post in /poeg/ once in a while
I'm just wondering, but what are you hoping to accomplish in this thread?
Thread reported for violation of rule #1 & #2.
" *clap* way to go dude. Reporting and necroing a year old thread. Thanks for the laugh. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! My beloved pets.... |