Diablo 4 does not have a chance to compete....

poe is a better game, d3 is a better multiplayer game. d3 is the best couch coop game on console. d4 will be the best couch coop game. poe2 will be the best game. poe2 will struggle to attract a new user base and wont make a great deal of money due to not being an all new game and no need to buy stash tabs. diablo 4 will make a ton of cash and sell 15m+ copies in the first few years. my guess is there wont be a poe3 and there will be a diablo 6 so enjoy it while it lasts as evil corp will pull the plug when the numbers dont meet expectations.
FrodoFraggins wrote:
Wissle wrote:
Let us not forget that Lilith in the Diablo-verse is somewhat of the incarnation of desire and lust.
Maybe Diablo 4 will have some form of sexual content, that would be epic!

Considering how badly they butchered the Lord of Lies chapter, I wouldn't hold out any hope

In how far?
Did they plan more for Cydea? Maiden of Lust, wasn't she?
Shit. You know it's bad when people don't get the point of a KMQ smartaleck post. Some of you are so literal minded. My lord. For a bunch of galaxy brains playing one of the most complicated games in the world, you sure struggle to connect really simple dots.

As for this thread, I think it's adorable that any of you think this even vaguely matters where it counts. That there isn't more than enough room in the world for both PoE and ARPGs that aren't afraid to be fun at the risk of not convincing its addicted playerbase they're bonafide heniuses just for playing. Do you EVER tire of propping your insecurities about PoE up by pointlessly comparing it to other games? I suppose it's sort of hard when your Lord and Saviour Jesus Chris makes his own game about another game, and look how that turned out. Oops.

Who fucking cares what Diablo 4 might or might not be like when you have your beloved and ever-improving PoE here and now? Do you really have to see it through a lens of 'Diablo Killer!!' even now? Clearly...some of you do.

Surely that old debate is dead and buried and has been for years. But since this hasn't been moved to offtopic, I...guess...not.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Aynix wrote:
Same. "Old" players, when they pkayed Diablo 1 or Diablo 2 were calling it HnS. To me ARPG is something like Dark Souls. PoE is HnS.

We were calling Diablo an arpg back in the late 90s. Isometric arpg to be precise. The first "Diablo clone" was probably Darkstone but I don't think we started using the term until Titan Quest or Sacred rolled up.

Dark Souls is not even in the conversation. Anyone trying to pass that as an arpg in any meaningful discussion of the evolution of games just imposing their own definition for the sake of it. I certainly didnt play Kings Field or Demons Souls and go wow this is just like Diablo...mainly because King's Field predates it and is much closer to the style of Ultima Underworld...which then evolved into the much more dynamic Demons Souls...and Dark Souls is just more of the same, refined and redefined for subsequent platforms. It always had Action, and it was always a RolePlaying Game...but just because your dish has a few flavours doesn't mean that is what it IS.

Dark Souls an arpg. Haahahahaha yeah. No.

And calling PoE a hack and slash is even more laughable. This implies it has anything to do with games like Golden Axe, King of Dragons, Shadow over Mystara, or even the Musou titles. Hell, it implies you even do much Hacking or Slashing in what is essentially a shooting game now. Talk about wishful thinking. Fucking Soul Edge is more hack and slash than PoE...

I'm constantly reminded of just how easily people can lose meaningful perspective whenever I see an Exile leave their very narrow (but oh so deep) lane.

Beware the man of one game...
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Jan 10, 2021, 8:35:39 PM
im still gonna buy and play it
wont stop me from playing poe tho
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Foreverhappychan wrote:

Dark Souls is not even in the conversation. Anyone trying to pass that as an arpg in any meaningful discussion of the evolution of games just imposing their own definition for the sake of it. I certainly didnt play Kings Field or Demons Souls and go wow this is just like Diablo...mainly because King's Field predates it and is much closer to the style of Ultima Underworld...which then evolved into the much more dynamic Demons Souls...and Dark Souls is just more of the same, refined and redefined for subsequent platforms. It always had Action, and it was always a RolePlaying Game...but just because your dish has a few flavours doesn't mean that is what it IS.

Dark Souls an arpg. Haahahahaha yeah. No.

And calling PoE a hack and slash is even more laughable. This implies it has anything to do with games like Golden Axe, King of Dragons, Shadow over Mystara, or even the Musou titles. Hell, it implies you even do much Hacking or Slashing in what is essentially a shooting game now. Talk about wishful thinking. Fucking Soul Edge is more hack and slash than PoE...

I'm constantly reminded of just how easily people can lose meaningful perspective whenever I see an Exile leave their very narrow (but oh so deep) lane.

Beware the man of one game...

Ok boomer. Dark Souls is RPG game. It has action combat in it. A in ARPG stands for ARPG. To me Dark Souls is ARPG.
D3 was a disaster at launch. I struggled on for about a year, and just lost interest. Too bright, too cartoony, and the last Horodrim killed by a butterfly??? Meh... Then, I discovered POE and never looked back. Seemed to capture the spirit of D2/LOD that I was missing.

Fast forward a few years: POE has, ahem, "evolved" into a severely bloated, incoherent mess. Each new league adding content with little regard to how it impacts overall game balance (other than nerfing the living f*** out of what was broken in the previous league).

It's like adding a new story to a house every 3 months. Before long, those top floors are starting to make the entire edifice quite unstable.

As a perfect example: no character should EVER be one-shot from off-screen, EVER. To me, this demonstrates how broken balance is in POE. Each new strata of content exacerbates this problem.

Someone posted earlier that POE should take dedicate a league to rebalancing the whole thing (and maybe come up with a crafting system that makes sense instead of the plethora of digital flotsam and jetsam that currently clutters the game). Couldn't agree more. I'd rather have good content rather than new content.

And for the POE fanbois: no need to worry about D4. I also expect it to sell tens of millions of copies early on. One will probably be for me, but....

I won't repeat my D3/first hour adopter mistake. I'll wait a month or two before I make my final decision.

But, I'd also like to add: if POE could better balance end game somewhere between the casuals and the no-lifers, I'd probably never give D4 another look.
Last edited by Haverhill#3900 on Jan 11, 2021, 4:34:27 AM
Wissle wrote:
FrodoFraggins wrote:
Wissle wrote:
Let us not forget that Lilith in the Diablo-verse is somewhat of the incarnation of desire and lust.
Maybe Diablo 4 will have some form of sexual content, that would be epic!

Considering how badly they butchered the Lord of Lies chapter, I wouldn't hold out any hope

In how far?
Did they plan more for Cydea? Maiden of Lust, wasn't she?

Not sure I want to have a phase happy offscreen RNG deathfest like sirus but with big tiddies

"Players complained about how uninteractive much of the Sirus and Catarina fights were, so we gave you something to do between phases. Each time our newest endgame boss becomes invulnerable, a chorus line of naked anime catgirls scrolls across the arena for the duration. (this is a buff.) choose your downtime activity wisely!"
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
crunkatog wrote:

Wissle wrote:

FrodoFraggins wrote:

Let us not forget that Lilith in the Diablo-verse is somewhat of the incarnation of desire and lust.
Maybe Diablo 4 will have some form of sexual content, that would be epic!

Considering how badly they butchered the Lord of Lies chapter, I wouldn't hold out any hope

In how far?
Did they plan more for Cydea? Maiden of Lust, wasn't she?

Not sure I want to have a phase happy offscreen RNG deathfest like sirus but with big tiddies

"Players complained about how uninteractive much of the Sirus and Catarina fights were, so we gave you something to do between phases. Each time our newest endgame boss becomes invulnerable, a chorus line of naked anime catgirls scrolls across the arena for the duration. (this is a buff.) choose your downtime activity wisely!"

If they added it to him too, then there's FINALLY an incentive to do my own Siruses instead of selling them ;)
Comparing Diablo with PoE is like comparing Doom with CSGO, just cause both are FPS...

The games have a very distinct objective.

If you want to compare Blizzard with GGG, you should do WoW vs PoE (even with the different genre). Then you will see the difference beetween how the two companies approach their "MMO" games management.
Last edited by Antiform613#1052 on Jan 11, 2021, 7:10:34 AM

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