Why yes, Blizzard. I *do* have a phone, thanks for asking.

Morkonan wrote:
Foreverhappychan wrote:
Ran an Elder Rift last night. I assumed theyd be balanced for mp since it has a find party button before entering but I handled it okay. Rifts drop runes as set reward. Runes craft into legendary gems, which are where the shenanigans begin. Procs and whatnot.

It'd actually be smarter for them to pre-balance for single-player and then bump up the difficulty for multiplayer - That way, they don't end up content-locking their game.

"The Elder Scrolls:Online" "levels" content. It's a weird system, but everything in the game is leveled in difficulty from the players PoV. So, yeah, a level 5 guy whacking a raid mob with a stick is doing "their part" in an outdoor open multiplayer sort of encounter. (It's really a fascinating sort of system.)

There are dungeons (non-instanced) that are meant for groups, but most players can solo them once they've got their builds more-or-less put together. There are dungeons that are instanced and group-only, but a sufficiently advanced player can solo a good many of those. Top-Tier or purpose-built solo builds can likely solo most of them. Instanced "Raid" content is certainly not soloable by many, if at all.

The point of the comparison is that TESO pushes multiplayer, but only up to a point where it doesn't terribly lock out content for solo or small group/couples players. That's smart. It maximizes their work-hours and the tactic is a value-added one in that players get to experience more challenges no matter what style of play they adopt.

In D3, at least when I played, there wasn't really any content that was decidedly multiplayer. It also has a leveled sort of system in Rifts, though groups with dedicated multiplayer/buff characters could progress further.

Fair enough. I have been glad to answer where I can but I see I need to be a little more direct here. I view it as a casual game good for an hour or two. I am just not inclined to apply my extremely limited analysis skills to it. I think we have far more worthy targets for that. Not saying it can't be treated seriously, only that it is not by me.
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Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Dec 30, 2020, 8:01:06 PM
Foreverhappychan wrote:

You are an Exile. This was a given.

But I was once a trap assassin :c
innervation wrote:
Foreverhappychan wrote:

You are an Exile. This was a given.

But I was once a trap assassin :c

And with Diablo IV you may yet be again. I doubt it but ya never know.


In lieu of my beloved dodge roll, I rely on each class' movement skill a lot. Given the relative dearth of skill options, it seems natural to leave an active slot for the movement skill. Never really felt that way about real ARPGs that inundate you with skill options, which could be just yet one more way in which I found myself at odds with where Poe ended up.

I definitely gravitate towards games that have a dodge button or key as standard while not being the standard for those games' genres. Adds a layer of immediate engagement, I suppose. DI's lack of skills as you level seems a soft version of this. its hecka fiddly but not unentertaining for what it is.
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