Chrome Extension to detect recipes in your inventory

My point isn't exactly that *I* have those questions, but that new players will. I (obviously) read the forums (quite a bit actually) and therefore know "stuff". But I can't help but realize how much "stuff" I know, from the forums, that I never would have known or even thought there was TO know, in game, had I not started with the forums first, THEN played the game.

And, the equation? Not very helpful. Unless there's a chart explaining how much accuracy each opposing monster has, by type or level.
FaceLicker wrote:
Yes, I'm running 0.10.

Here's all of my belts currently in my stash of which the extension recognizes none.
I've pushed 0.11, which puts word boundaries in the regexp between each item. This should stop it matching non-belt things as belts. I don't have any rare belts so I can't test that it is matching properly, but it ought to be. Please let me know if it's still broken and i'll try to figure out why.

Also, to the matter of automatically refreshing your inventory, I heard back from the devs. For the time being, they don't want me to put back in the polling, so I won't. That means that you guys will need to hassle them for an API and, when that is provided, adapt my code or write your own, because odds are I will not be in this community. I'll check back with this thread occasionally over the next two weeks to see if there are any more bug reports. After that, please make any requests you have on the github page so I will get an email.
Hum, it is not listing the belt in the recipe req.

in the first, is missing the belt, but flags the recipe for chaos orb as compelted and as not missing anything . . .

The first one also lists 2 helmets, not sure why, maybe it is seeing/identifying one helmet as belt?

in the second, it does not list the belt but rightly flags as missing it . . .

btw, it also groups identified rares with unidentified, it should not group them together, in my opinion, since you can get 2xChaos if you do a recipe with just unidentified rares . . .

Sorry if i am missing something here . . .
Yeah, the problem here is that the helmet is a "chain" helmet, and that's the same word I'm using to detect a "chain" belt. Sighage. I think it might work if I do things in the opposite order. For all items that are actually listed on the site, I do full-name matches. If I do that first, we should get a lot fewer conflicts.
doesn't seem to be working since the patch ...
Yeah, its not working for me either. Please help.
Hey guys, I'm pretty busy this weekend (party Friday, all-day/night LAN party Saturday, visiting an injured friend Sunday), so I will not get any time to work on this before D3 comes out, and god knows when I will do anything but play D3 after it comes out. The source code is available and anyone with a text editor can work on it, but odds are I will not be fixing whatever about it broke in the patch myself.

If you send me a pull request on github with a fix, I will definitely push it to all users supposing it works.
It seems to be working for me. I'm assuming someone either updated it for him and he pushed it out, or I am a special case, but all of the recipes (at a quick glance) seem to work just fine. I should specify, I'm using a default league player/stash.
How Fusings Work:

IGN: TheHammer
Yes, seems to be working again
It doesn't seem to be accurate and may be outdated?
Because it shows me these 4 items can make augmentation orb, when really only 2 of them works.

The 'Tiger Vision Vine Circlet' and 'Pandemonium Aegis Corroded Tower Shield', are the only ones working.

Sweeping Maid
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