Project Diablo 2 has me more interested than the next league, ouh man...

d2 super nice but now poe has more content than d2 so dunno what u mean
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I was the biggest fan of D2, but there is a saying:

I've seen that movie..

Sorry, but Poe will be better in any case, because it's new and every expansion is new.

The era of d2 is over.

It was SUPERB ,but it's over..

It's not on par with Poe.

It's like comparing mercedes 1998 vs 2020 model.

Absolutely the same..

Just cannot compete..
ilieff1 wrote:
I was the biggest fan of D2, but there is a saying:

I've seen that movie..

Sorry, but Poe will be better in any case, because it's new and every expansion is new.

The era of d2 is over.

It was SUPERB ,but it's over..

It's not on par with Poe.

It's like comparing mercedes 1998 vs 2020 model.

Absolutely the same..

Just cannot compete..

Too black and white. It totally depends on taste. Heroes 3 for example is still a very popular game despite there being like 5 sequels. For an even more popular example - Counter Strike. It got graphic updates but the core gameplay has reminded the same for decades. It is still extremely popular despite games like Valorant and Rainbow Six being around.
How is the build diversity? There's is trading? Replayability? Played Diablo 3, Grim Dawn, PoE, but never Diablo 1 & 2.

I'm bored of PoE and searching something to replace the same 'feeling' that PoE does, I love trading(buying/selling)/build diversity(main factor)/tons of loot & crafting.
It seems this thread has struck a nerve with someone at GGG; to banish this into the Off Topic section never to be seen again. (weird it appears in general discussion and off topic but w/e)


Anyways, I've been playing it now past few days, night and day constantly; to fully explore it and sadly I'm disappointed. Reason being is cause with the exception of the extended inventory and stash; none of the main features of this mod work in single player! Ugh! I did hella runs for a dozen maps to drop, scavenge like no end to rack up gold to buy the mapping orbs and hella runs for the Uber Keys to drop; just to find out none of it even works in single player!

I refuse to play it online, cause I'm already forced to play PoE on a online only basis so it's no sense for me to do the same when I have the option not to. Past few days I only have PoE up to be online for trade listings and to post in trade chat. Finally have something better to do than being bored to death sitting in my hideout waiting for trades.

Now I wouldn't go far as to say I wasted my time overall, cause of reason above ^ BUT I'm still very disappointed. To anyone curious about it and don't mind online play; go for it. Here's my issues on what's wrong

1) None of the important attract mod features work on single player! Even worse is even the extended inventory and stash don't work for classic D2; but for LOD expansion only.

2) Idk who thought this shit was a good idea, but the geniuses who made the mod also nerfed hella skills, items and runewords throughout. I guess trying to be on the same PoE nerf "balances" bullshit. (I think this is the difference between this mod and another called "Path of Diablo" that I never heard of until trying this out. Cause they look the exact same but I'm betting the skills aren't nerfed on PoD unlike PD2). Enigma on there doesn't outright have +1 teleport; but instead a few charges. Go figure.

3) The only way to even get close to fighting the Ubers in single player mode is to look at some mod called Plug-Y and that still doesn't have Uber Tristram so you can forget about that.

4) After burning through many many hours over the past few days and looking for solutions for that perfect feel while in single player mode, there isn't any just yet. Ended up having to do online research and the only possible way is to combine PoD / PD2 with Plug-Y and a few other mods all together. If someone is good at coding then it should definitely be possible.

5) Let's be dead ass honest, the only reason us diehard fans of D2 continue to show interest in it is due to the prospect of a graphics HD update and maybe new content on the mods combined with the original game intact. Lack of Uber Tristram mega fight, wandering Uber Diablo, Uber lesser bosses fights are a SERIOUS downside.

Blessed hammers- nerfed, Sanctuary- nerfed, Mana shield - nerfed, Frozen orb nerfed to hell. In fact, I tested the shit outta that when I suspected it. After the first 8 hours of playing on a legit pally from scratch; I decided to prove my theory by making a low level sorc but with all lv 99 skills. Spent hours playing and farming, got to lv 96. How in the F#%^@ do you have every skill and synergy beyond maxed possible and still only come up with 12k - 14k frozen orb damage. Mind blown.

Btw that same sorc I wanted to take a break from legit playing and leveling to go fight the Ubers and see what these maps are about. Pfft. I was so pissed at the nerfs that I didn't even bother to try the other classes to see what nerfs they endured. Oh, on a weird note they added a cool D1 style immolation skill to the sorc BUT you can only use it on the right skill set side instead of on both left and right. This and a stupid cooldown between that and frozen orb was just dumb.

So now I'm going to play Plug-Y version to see if I can fight even uber diablo at least to see him spawn. Then immediately going to playing classic D2 chars in that mod D2 Hell Unleashed. It looks promising and I hope it's not just for xpac only.

Foreverhappychan wrote:
LennyLen wrote:
WoT_Seanchan wrote:
After watching this video it peaked my interest, I'm looking more into it and will actually download it.

I've made it one of my missions in life to introduce people to the word piqued.

I peeked at this thread, my interest having sufficiently peaked upon being genuinely piqued by a 'Project Diablo 2' because it is a pitch quite piquant; I picture its potential puisance pissing on Path of Exile's precarious picaresque premise.

...No. Nostalgia is a noxious unction best left unindulged, a balm to be gently, gingerly massaged into the aching muscle of twitching memory rather than guzzled down like gutrot.

The best part is after you quit Path of Exile, this applies to that too! Truly, I have not thought so fondly of GGG's long-lost masterpiece in years...when I do.

Which I rarely do.

Oh yes, Chappo mate - * Jack Sparrow voice

grepman wrote:
Aynix wrote:
Rinzlow wrote:
Literally a 20-year old game has me more interested than the best ARPG in the world.

Go play official Diablo 2 w/o any changes that are not made by Blizzard and tell me how fun it is.

D2, and especially classic D2 (pre-LoD) is great.

D2 classic >>>> LoD. Change my mind.


I could not agree with that sentiment any more classic D2 is miles better than LoD. Only because it's not convoluted with random bullshit like runes and charms and it has way more char diversity due to depending on rares. Uniques are crap so that's out. In LoD everyone wore the same runewords and looked the exact f%^#$%^ same; just random grey chars running around.

At least in classic, you had people taking pride in their chars and worked hard to color coordinate from your wand / sword, to your helm and armor , down to your boots. I had all yellow chars, all purple, black, red and even blue. It was much harder than people will ever realize getting gear colored gear that's endgame viable.

In both classic and LoD, it's not worth playing the official releases these days cause the stash is way too small, most skills are pretty much kittens compared to a few (damn kinda like PoE metas vs custom non cookie cutter chars). In classic, bow zons have seriously low damage, java zons were only good for PvP, necros were only good for bone spear and teeth endgame and for iron maiden in pvp teams lol.

Damn.......amazing what memories always stick with you and come back after spending many summers playing it lol.

EDIT - Dude my dream mod that I'd love to play would be a mix / mash up of Hellfire and D2. Like all the areas of D1 - Hellfire & D2, but with D2 combat style and with D1 style books / spells, shrines and atmosphere. Such a mod would be sooooooooooo sickkkkkkk!!! Not gonna lie I'd have to throw $100 to buy and play such a mod.
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters!
Last edited by WoT_Seanchan#1214 on Nov 11, 2020, 7:45:41 PM
poe has it issues, but group play is super lucrative if you know how to set
it up.
league start i was pushing with a group running for top 10 on xp ladder -> got places 4-6.

after league start me and one friend went for 100 deli map. we invested in aura stacking carry and curse support -> printing currency.

once my friend was done I joined with some1 on discord for deep delving. started with him when he was 1k deep and we are now pushing at 3k and again -> printing money.

if your group is more than 2 people, it even easier, as support char in poe bring immense benefit (aura support/curse support/shcok bot/mf culler/dedicated trader etc.), and overall, since as a group you can poll your resource together, you can get and do high tier content way faster than solo, increasing your rewards over time.
p0miki wrote:
poe has it issues, but group play is super lucrative if you know how to set
it up.
league start i was pushing with a group running for top 10 on xp ladder -> got places 4-6.

after league start me and one friend went for 100 deli map. we invested in aura stacking carry and curse support -> printing currency.

once my friend was done I joined with some1 on discord for deep delving. started with him when he was 1k deep and we are now pushing at 3k and again -> printing money.

if your group is more than 2 people, it even easier, as support char in poe bring immense benefit (aura support/curse support/shcok bot/mf culler/dedicated trader etc.), and overall, since as a group you can poll your resource together, you can get and do high tier content way faster than solo, increasing your rewards over time.

This is the same problem that faced D3 players who either couldn't get a full group or, as in my case, it was just myself and a friend - Group Farmers Win Everything.

For instance, in the competitive Ladders for each Season, the top-ranked Class players are almost always going to be the same ones in the top Group. Because they're better? No. Because they can farm mats absurdly fast and get max gear basically on a whim... Where the top player in a Class isn't also ranked in the top 4-Player group? They're cheating/exploiting... Well, pretty darn often enough, at least.

I understand a developer's desire to incentivize group play. More money... But, in games where groups can have a huge advantage in terms of resource gain, it's very disheartening for other players.

MMOs have the same issue with "Raid Guild" members dominating large portions of the game.

In PoE, groups can be set up to farm absurd amounts of drops... It's a level a singeplayer can never hope to see and gained with less effort.

I used to enjoy the whole "hardcore progression guild pvp win everything" sort of gameplay. These days, I enjoy more relaxed play, but still don't like the fact that those who have easy access to currency end up influencing "my" marketplace to the point where I can't afford to buy what I need. :) (Console) For adults, many without "Real Life" commitments, farming stuff with friends isn't very easy to set up.
Just played project d2 and had to come back here again and say ty for sharing info about it.

It got really good, all good feedback till now. They really made melee viable. improved build diversity, and end game content.

WoT_Seanchan wrote:

I could not agree with that sentiment any more classic D2 is miles better than LoD. Only because it's not convoluted with random bullshit like runes and charms and it has way more char diversity due to depending on rares. Uniques are crap so that's out. In LoD everyone wore the same runewords and looked the exact f%^#$%^ same; just random grey chars running around.

Some of us liked to play variant builds :P I happened to be quite fond of my Fendazon that ran around wearing Tal Rasha's armour and a M'avina circlet, and wielding an upgraded Lycander's Flank.
There Is No God But Kuduku And Le Toucan Is His Messenger. O Blessed St. Harambe Who Sitteth On The Right Hand Of Our Lord, Pray For Us Scrubs Now And At The Hour Of Our Shaped Maps, Amen.

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