We The North - guild for mature players


I'm looking for some casual new friends to play with. Playing solo is just not as fun.

So ill gladly take an invite.

Hi there,

I'm back in POE after a few leagues. My previous guild is no longer so I'm looking to join a new group, since is nicer to have people around to talk to and interact!

My in-game is ShhNow, so send an invite if there are spots!


Played POE a few months after launch and stopped - started playing POE again right before Ultimatum. I've leveled my current char to 86 on my own and I miss the social interactions I had during my WoW days. I'm really looking forward to interacting with people while I play again. Play primarily during nights as I work during the day and have a 1 year old at home. With remote work, I may occasionally log on during the day if I have a few spare moments :-)

My in-game is Oskuros - I'd love an invite.
Hey guys!
I'm from Toronto, and I've been playing POE for about 3 leagues now, so a relatively new player. I joined a guild last league, but unfortunately, it has been closed down, so I've been looking for another guild to join. It really is much more fun playing with other people, and I enjoyed my experience in my previous guild.
If there's a spot available, I'd love to join. My in-game name is MaxSteeling.
DarkinGod, Lounatic, Fnnargen and Moshfist invite has been sent.


Hi my name is Ryan I’m 26 from Vermont and have really enjoyed Poe but I’m looking for a good guild to help with goals and also have some good players! My in game name is Magnus_Wrath_Born and my Xbox gt is PYRO NINJA95
I'm from Vienna (that one in Austria) and I'm playing since 2013. Playing alone is ok, but playing together makes a lot more fun so I'm Looking for a guild to do exactly that.

My highest char is "only" 82 but I started nearly every season a new (and delete one of the old ones) so I'm quite familiar with all the nuances of the game.

IGN is Sontorian
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada here. Mid 40's. Over 1150 hours on Steam. Best character level 90. I'm really interested in finding some people to play with and try and take advantage of the extra drops. I grind so much and get so little.
I'm play most evenings from 9-2 depending on the night, sometimes start later, sometimes end earlier. Usually available on the weekends - morning and evenings.

Account Name: Preserver17
Current characters: Saladin_WE_Ult
Hi, my friend (DarkinGod) recently got me into this game and I am hooked. Still have a lot to learn, and I hope to do so in your guild.

Things about me:
-3rd year at Western
-Currently trying to figure out how mapping works

Hey guys, i'm looking for a chill & mature group of people to play with.

I started playing PoE in 3.11 (loved Harvest league) and took a break for Ritual, but i'm back.

Also, I recently moved back to Ontario and have plenty of time for games (outside of work) thanks to the lockdown :)

Would appreciate an invite - ign: Lebelle

Last edited by WizKG#1990 on Jun 13, 2021, 1:57:05 AM

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