[3.20] KissMeQuick's Slayer Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & Mad Strong in Sanctum — Starter

In this build Rampart node only works partially since we have 17 fortification or i'm missing something?
In this build Rampart node only works partially since we have 17 fortification or i'm missing something?

I think with banner placed the nodes should work, but not sure if its worth when they wont work while zooming.
Little question why you play now Earthshatter and not reave ? ^^ or is for leveling ?
Hi Thesorrow10,
yy Earthshatter is only for leveling.

Im trying this leveling guide right now and its very nice!
But, please when is ideal to swap to Reave?
What would you suggest as a good mana source before a thread of hope, since those aren't going to be cheap for weeks?
Would like some insight on when I can switch to Reave as well. I know 2H is the most efficient route to go but I wouldn't mind sacrificing some efficiency to get familiar with Reave and change it up a bit.
question if you were to replace reave with lacerate would this build still work? this lacerate istead of reave?
Last edited by ZodiacsWrath on Oct 23, 2021, 11:38:21 AM
You can switch to reave as soon as you find a 1h sword with nice enough damage to want to do it.

I switched at around 40, because I found a 1h with slightly higher phys dps than the 2h I had been carrying. It started crushing scourge mobs as soon as I linked multistrike, and allowed me to start taking all of the 1h/shield nodes that I had been avoiding.

The 2h leveling route will probably be faster, but if you want to play reave then go ahead and switch when you can.
why changed from Gladiator to Slayer?
Can I play as a Gladiator..? :0...
Last edited by kissxxsis on Oct 23, 2021, 2:55:02 PM

Edit: I see where the off nodes come from, the Jewel.. But what about Second Sight?

I am a little confused with the PoB.. The one he linked, "Second Sight" node is actually "Unwavering Stance" in game.. totally different.

I am already leveling this Build but now seeing these things I'm having reservations lol
Last edited by AltDream91 on Oct 23, 2021, 3:43:35 PM

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