[3.20] KissMeQuick's Slayer Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & Mad Strong in Sanctum — Starter

In case of "attack damage is lucky" it means that your base flat phys damage is rolled from 2 with best outcome. It has a great synergy with Ryslatha since we have a wider range min to max.

UPD: if my calculations are correct it can be roughly considered as 25% more base damage in this particular case.
Last edited by insteadofme on Oct 20, 2021, 8:57:05 AM
Hey guys!

Please help :)

(noob question alert)

If I understood correct - I have to lvling through the acts according the guide in "levelling section", by using ground slam skill and so on. Alright, at what point I need to respec into Gladiator with "Reave" skill gem and become... lets say "main version"? :)

Last edited by goncharov92 on Oct 20, 2021, 8:43:09 AM
Okay found another thread where Kiss_Me_Quick stated that even crit will be lucky with Violent Retalation.
Trying to deciede between this build and the BLOCKMAN by Poisom.
Are there any major differences other than the used mainskill?
I guess the similar pathing/items allows testing of both playstyles...
I have one question we use the fortify mastery that we get fortify on hit but for -3 fotification stacks. We have now a max stack from 17 and didnt get the 40% more dmg when we have 20 stacks from the note
hobsa wrote:
Trying to deciede between this build and the BLOCKMAN by Poisom.
Are there any major differences other than the used mainskill?
I guess the similar pathing/items allows testing of both playstyles...

blockmans, as the name suggests has much more spell block so will be significantly tankier in that regard, it also has less dmg because its using Cyclone.

Cyclone on the other hand feels thousands of times better to use than stationary melee skills that do 0 dmg unless you're actually micro-dashing/tapping reave.

Its down to personal preference, both builds basically the same in terms of gearing, you just swap in infused channeling+cyclone for multistrike+reave or something (and a praxis for the mana cost).

remember, PoB dps doesnt represent "realistic" dps at all times. If you're running around avoiding sirus lasers or boss aoe, you are doing 0 dps, compared to a minion build that has 10 skeletons hitting the boss during that time.
How does the build generate frenzy charges in 3.16? I don't see it on gear or the tree anywhere. I also see mana leech but it also doesn't show on any gear or nodes.
also how are you dealing with ailments, and how are you getting frenzys that are ticked in pob
Last edited by bskgrg2 on Oct 20, 2021, 2:39:49 PM
bskgrg2 wrote:
also how are you dealing with ailments, and how are you getting frenzys that are ticked in pob

Not sure how he's getting frenzy charges, but ailments is from purity of elements.
oh I see you have frenzys ticked without your frenzy chest on then you lose 2m if you swap the chest.

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