Can someone help me to understand, is youtube censoring discussion of females in comments?

Foreverhappychan wrote:
True. As much as I dislike the hivemind on reddit, I like the basic democratic function of the upvote/downvote system in most contexts.

I don't. Popularity is not equal to quality.
awesome999 wrote:
Foreverhappychan wrote:
True. As much as I dislike the hivemind on reddit, I like the basic democratic function of the upvote/downvote system in most contexts.

I don't. Popularity is not equal to quality.

Absolutely not, but in the absence of some sort of reliable vetting/moderation bent on highlighting 'quality', 'the cream rises to the top' generally works. When I've seen otherwise, I usually put it down to my idea of 'cream' being different to the community's, in which case I'm the odd one out. I can then take refuge in the quiet belief that said community is a fucking cesspool, but it doesn't change the fact that for whatever reason, that's what that community wants.

This is, of course, assuming no shenanigans like vote-bombing.

I mean, I am rather disliked on the PoE reddit. It is not in my best interest to defend the upvote/downvote system. I just appreciate its basic function.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Oct 16, 2020, 11:19:54 PM
Foreverhappychan wrote:
awesome999 wrote:
Foreverhappychan wrote:
True. As much as I dislike the hivemind on reddit, I like the basic democratic function of the upvote/downvote system in most contexts.

I don't. Popularity is not equal to quality.

Absolutely not, but in the absence of some sort of reliable vetting/moderation bent on highlighting 'quality', 'the cream rises to the top' generally works. When I've seen otherwise, I usually put it down to my idea of 'cream' being different to the community's, in which case I'm the odd one out. I can then take refuge in the quiet belief that said community is a fucking cesspool, but it doesn't change the fact that for whatever reason, that's what that community wants.

This is, of course, assuming no shenanigans like vote-bombing.

I mean, I am rather disliked on the PoE reddit. It is not in my best interest to defend the upvote/downvote system. I just appreciate its basic function.

Done as a matter of convenience for companies, something achieved without difficulty than striving for excellence. Glad you are content with the basic function which act more like a filter than is required of the good judge.
I'm a realist. And it's not like professional moderation ensures 'excellence'. I shouldn't have to finish that thought for you. :P
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Foreverhappychan wrote:
I'm a realist. And it's not like professional moderation ensures 'excellence'. I shouldn't have to finish that thought for you. :P

Have nothing to do wth moderation, youtube isn't a good environment to facilitate a higher-quality discussion. It does not serve this objective.
Agreed, which is why the lazy design upvote system works! ^_^

Well, this has been fun.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
LennyLen wrote:
Have you tried not saying things like "expected female behaviour" and "you are engineered that way?"

Claiming half the population of the planet are just homogenous drones is pretty offensive.

Guys i know i am not the easiest to understand.

But it's never surprises me how willing people are to assume the worst.

As for your information, she herself brought that up in her posts - in fact that was part of her reasoning that women are engineered to act that way for survival of the fittest, therefore men should accept anything and grow up. I merely used her own arguments against her, undermining the validity of her toxicity.

Ultimately, it is besides the point. It is both true, as well as it is within my rights to express it. And that is the crux of the problem. There is no hatespeak against anyone here, just pointing out issues - in short it's youtube censoring opinions.

You know, there's never going to be a realistic talk about anything if you can't handle the truth. I speak similarly of mens tendencies. But you all get in your feels coz everyone today is so tender when it comes to this topic - those women are divas and the men on their side are afraid what the women think of them. Both are pathetic. I respect honour, courage and truth. Not denial and manipulation. That's exactly the problem. In the midst of that, truth is surpressed. It's a female agenda, it serves only females that it's not okay to discuss any problematic aspects of their behaviour without coating it in sugar. Maybe that is part of why i think it is suitable to not give in to that, and to speak just as plainly about it as i would any other issue. Because i feel that is sorely needed.

You wanna see where this comes from?

I was reacting to a women giving a need jerk reaction and doing exactly what i said in the text, essentially telling him to stfu. And the thing was, it wasn't any bad post she was replying to, it was just a guy writing 2 lines essentially revealing he was hurt in a very non-offensive manner, and she replies just to make him stfu and telling him to grow up, which means what youre feeling isn't okay, surpressing it. That particular woman, she saw a guy being a bit emotional and saying one complaint about his place in life and her mind screams my god you are pathetic. How dare you be pathetic or be hurt - youre not a real man grow up.

And you wonder why it's only womens, and female-like(aka various self-defined sexual identities) problems being discussed and addressed in society. Women are pursuiing their agendas to the extreme, charging ahead always. But they are not thinking about the other side, nor considering their own behaviour. And society has come to accept this. All the focus is on the females to thrive - and all the men are so so busy trying to learn everything they are being told so they can do right with a women and men themselves are forgotten. This is exactly what women or just emotionally assertive people can do in relationships if the partner lets it happen.

More Rambling
Here is a harsh truth for you - A man is not a man if a woman's every emotion is his command. That is a truth men know throughout time to be true, but women can't tolerate hearing. The less offensive version sounds like this. Men are straightforward in communication, whereas women are subtle and indirect and you have to read between the lines often. That is why men always want women to speak more plainly with logic rather than describing their emotions, whereas women would want men to show their emotions more. The first is a derivative and advancement of what the second really means for a man, but it's not okay to speak on such things in the public where women can read it because wow - how dare men think so outrageously about women. What can you do? it's just a cold hard fact of life and for a man it's wisdom. In any relationship you have been in, have you ever done every litle thing a women asked, tried to please their every emotion and it turned out well? They lose respect, interest and move on. It's the way of life, and yet in open discussion you are considered vile if you speak the truth about how womens emotions needs to be handled.

And wow, did he just say handled. Yes i did say that. Youre welcome to study the depths of psychology and figure out this is actually exactly what happens in a relationship that a man has a manage and stay on top of the emotions of his women else it will go bad. But it's easier to condemn me as someone who's thinking extremely lowly of women. But women, ffs, this is essential wisdom for a man in life. Neutral. Essential for a healthy relationship, essential to understand that when a womens emotions are flaring you gotta stand your ground and be the rock. Even it will relieve a lot of stress for you to understand that this is a normal and expected dymanic between man and women. But today, everyone is too busy pleasing women instead of realizing that each integral part of an action is based either on a logic or a emotional response and you need to take some things with a grain of salt.

Things like equality of oppertunity should always be strived for, and society should be changed such that women are safe and not need to hide for their own protection. But that's probably about it, much of what is going on today is something quite different coz no one ever told these feminists no and their emotions are ruling them, not logic.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Oct 17, 2020, 10:01:15 PM
I'm not sure about anything that could cause that with youtube, but as it is kinda relevant if we are talking about bad words and offensive languages, whatever that could be censored, know that steam for example doesn't always does the difference between English and others languages (I assume that it's uncommon but I catched a few ones with my main language).

As an example "tard" commonly used these days in English will be censored by hearts in any steam comments (because it's mainly used as an insult).
Now if you use tard in any other languages (as far as I know) it will also censor it even if it doesn't have the same sense, or is just part of another word at all.

As far as I read censoring algorythms for large sized companies are not so different from one to another, but I'm very concerned that they are allowed to even exist if they are that unefficient.

If comments got removed under a second and this repeatedly there are little to no chances that this was caused by any human behavior, I would mostly accuse a similar issue than the one I mentioned above.

Else those comments are eventually removed because they don't fit with youtube term of uses (I'm not here to claim or judge if they are or not just trying to help), got reported by others users and then removed, or video author decided to delete them.

I think this pretty much cover all possible cases, correct me if I'm wrong, youtube is not really in my daily routine so I might have missed few things.

Hf :)
Last edited by Heli0nix#0378 on Oct 17, 2020, 10:04:57 PM
Heli0nix wrote:
I'm not sure about anything that could cause that with youtube, but as it is kinda relevant if we are talking about bad words and offensive languages censoring, know that steam for example doesn't always does the difference between english to others languages (I assume that it's uncommon but I catched a few ones with my main language).

As an example "tard" commmonly used these days in Englishwill be censored by hearts in any steam comments (because it's mainly used as an insult).
Now if you use tard in any other languages (as far as I know) it will also censor it even if it doesn't have the same sense, or is just part of another word at all.

As far as I read censoring algorythms for large sized companies are not so different from one to another, but I'm very concerned that they are allowed to even exist if they are that unefficient.

If comments got removed under a second and this repeatedly there are little to no chances that this was caused by any human behavior, I would mostly accuse a similar issue than the one I mentioned above.

Else those comments are eventually removed because they don't fit with youtube term of uses (I'm not here to claim or judge if they are or not just trying to help), got reported by others users and then removed, or video author decided to delete them.

I think this pretty much cover all possible cases, correct me if I'm wrong, youtube is not really in my daily routine so I might have missed few things.

I agree with your assessment. Currently i am wondering if it's phrase-based or some type of deep-learning algorithm that tries to understand the meaning of what i said - and/or it could possibly be certain phrases or elements in close conjunction that mods have removed elsewhere before(from others) and have now somehow gotten automated - sort of like expanding their blacklist.

I find it so extremely fishy that it's this so sensitive topic that it is happening with. What i was really hoping to find was that it was some combination of bads words i had used that had nothing to do with the topic whatever that caused it. Essentially i would be at ease if it was obviously my own fault
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Oct 17, 2020, 10:05:15 PM
Crackmonster wrote:
Heli0nix wrote:
I'm not sure about anything that could cause that with youtube, but as it is kinda relevant if we are talking about bad words and offensive languages censoring, know that steam for example doesn't always does the difference between english to others languages (I assume that it's uncommon but I catched a few ones with my main language).

As an example "tard" commmonly used these days in Englishwill be censored by hearts in any steam comments (because it's mainly used as an insult).
Now if you use tard in any other languages (as far as I know) it will also censor it even if it doesn't have the same sense, or is just part of another word at all.

As far as I read censoring algorythms for large sized companies are not so different from one to another, but I'm very concerned that they are allowed to even exist if they are that unefficient.

If comments got removed under a second and this repeatedly there are little to no chances that this was caused by any human behavior, I would mostly accuse a similar issue than the one I mentioned above.

Else those comments are eventually removed because they don't fit with youtube term of uses (I'm not here to claim or judge if they are or not just trying to help), got reported by others users and then removed, or video author decided to delete them.

I think this pretty much cover all possible cases, correct me if I'm wrong, youtube is not really in my daily routine so I might have missed few things.

I agree with your assessment. Currently i am wondering if it's phrase-based or some type of deep-learning algorithm that tries to understand the meaning of what i said - and/or it could possibly be certain phrases or elements in close conjunction that mods have removed elsewhere before(from others) and have now somehow gotten automated - sort of like expanding their blacklist.

I find it so extremely fishy that it's this so sensitive topic that it is happening with. What i was really hoping to find was that it was some combination of bads words i had used that had nothing to do with the topic whatever that caused it. Essentially i would be at ease if it was obviously my own fault

I do not know in details, some folks might be in better position to answer this on PoE forum if it's in their knowledge field, else I would recommend to ask on some dedicated forums, or simply to a computer science teacher/researcher. They do not always answer and eventually are a lot solicited but if you want to dig more that's probably where you will get more accurate infos.
Hf :)
Last edited by Heli0nix#0378 on Oct 17, 2020, 10:15:29 PM

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