0.9.9 Information

darkjoy wrote:
tpapp157 wrote:
darkjoy wrote:
Will we see any real bug fixes in 9.9? Loading screen fix? Desync fix? These bugs have been around for quite some time and are still with us... when can we expect some bug fixes?

These aren't 'bugs'. They're issues that come with the server/client architecture that PoE uses. As such, they can never be 'fixed'. They can only be mitigated and smoothed out (hopefully to the point that the player no longer notices them).

These are game breaking problems that need to be fixed. Call it what you want son, it's a bug. It disrupts my gameplay, it does not make me want to play this broken game. You go to log out and relog in and you get stuck at the loading screen, this is basic stuff we're talking about.

Teleporting mobs, my character teleporting around the map, i don't care what you want to call it, it needs to be fixed! I won't play a game that is broken like this.

How about the bug where you go to pick up an item and it completely disappears? Oh yeah, that will go over well in a completely item driven game.

Don't make up excuses for these dev's, forum moderator. Things need to be fixed whether you want to call it a bug or not.

If these things can not be truly fixed, I'll go ahead and uninstall and forget about this game right now. There's plenty of other games to keep one occupied coming out very soon. Games that FIX bugs, not make excuses for them.
Best way to fix those problems is to get better internet, call up your isp and complain cause there is very little GGG or any online gaming company can do about it. I had a bad 3mbs dsl line and had many of these problems for years, then I switched to a 50mbs cable and haven't had a complaint in months
Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat Server Test, and Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat League Event!
Last edited by NotSorry#0178 on Apr 27, 2012, 10:53:49 PM
Syntastic wrote:
Also, as has been mentioned, aren't wipes really just a switch to legacy league? Meaning, those who really want to continue playing their existing characters can do so?

Indeed, some ppl are using the word "wipe" when in fact it would be the usual "legacy migration". That might be confusing others.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Let me guess, Are the two things you cant mention:
Totems/Traps and;
Weapon switching?
Metronomy wrote:
Let me guess, Are the two things you cant mention:
new character and;
Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat Server Test, and Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat League Event!
NotSorry wrote:
Metronomy wrote:
Let me guess, Are the two things you cant mention:
new character and;
No one is interested in those so it cant be that metronomy >_>
bilbobeastlybaggins wrote:
Well by removing AOF every melee dps build will be using critical multiplier and diamond flasks. Thats all we got left as of now. Heres hoping u give us melee users some viable options to keep up with the ice spear spammers.

I don't use any of those tactics with melee or ranged on my characters. They still do chaos quickly. None of those tactics are really viable on HC at all, (which is the only mode I play), until you completely outlevel the content.
"That's how you die properly, Sailor Boy.."
I just hope to god theres a better stash setup without the goddamn impossibly annoying dropdown menu.

Other than that, bring on 9.9
Beta Member Since 0.9.0 | Current Character : ExExCorpse
Creator of Prismatic Rings AND Unique Thief's Torment Prismatic Ring
The Guide to Loot Filters - Here
Playing a beta. Check.
Clearly states wipes can happen at any time in sticky
. Check.
Having fun playing a beta. Check.

Realize this is a game in heavy development. Check.

I dont' see the problem here unless someone is a total
fail at reading skills.

If a wipe is needed, not a problem. SHit happens.

If it helps make this the D3 D3 should have been, not a problem. Happy to see the wipe.

I already voted with my dollars so all is good.

Now, I don't spend countless hours farming for phat lewtz as that would be stupid, given the above mentioned scenarios. I do play up to the highest difficulty though.

I could see if some one forgot they were playing a beta and had become sexually involved with their virtual lewt and characters that a wipe could be traumatic.

The sooner these people are potty trained the better.

I can't thank you enough for the map change, but I still think the current map/minimap is pretty bad and needs to be completely overhauled before launch (preferably before Open Beta, but I'm not going to hold my breath for such an optimistic view). I'm pretty certain that Diablo-vision is bad for the eyes.
Um..Shouldnt you say that AFTER you try out 0.9.9?

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