[3.25] <MIRROR> SEA / OCEANIC guild - recruiting now for SETTLERS OF KALGUUR!

Hi, SEA server looking for a guild, played like 3-4 years ago during expedition, came back for sanctum. TY
Last edited by hurtmebby420 on Dec 12, 2022, 9:43:06 AM
add me pls
Hello id like to join, is my 4th league, ign: Huvec
welcome! we still have slots!
Hi, would like to join.

IGN: AusJugg
Discord: Foucault#2519
addd me please
HBdza80 wrote:
addd me please


join our discord channel too
Hi, still got available space for one more?
Player from Singapore~

IGN: WhosMyBabies

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