i hate this

so i made the mistake of rage quitting (in another video game) and put my pc in my bedroom where there arent any plugs i can use. now the table my pc was on is full of random stuff and i dont have the patience of reorganizing anything to put my pc where it was. however every single day i'm not playing poe i'm getting more and more anxious (including the fact i may get kicked out of my guild) and if i tell my father about it he is going to blame my addiction again. and unfortunately it looks like i wont have my plugs repaired for another year.
Last bumped on Oct 6, 2020, 2:08:44 PM
okay.../dear diary
Buy an extension cord and a power strip.
superbomb1967 wrote:
Buy an extension cord and a power strip.

As an electrician. This.

Though there really shouldn't be any a reason for your receptacles to not be working in the first place.
I'm going to need an update how this all works out.

Also, maybe a new clan if you can't take a vacation from the game without getting booted?

Edit: I'd also like to know what game caused this epic rage quit.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Aug 10, 2020, 8:56:40 AM
DarthSki44 wrote:
I'm going to need an update how this all works out.

Also, maybe a new clan if you can't take a vacation from the game without getting booted?

Edit: I'd also like to know what game caused this epic rage quit.

i just realised i wasnt accurate enough when making this thread. first of all there was some sort of a leak within my walls 5 years ago which caused my plugs to malfunction (idk why i didnt convince my dad to to repair them like right when the malfunction happened) and, as to regarding why i rage quit, the phone rang right when i needed to fully focus on a game called 'smite' and due to me saying someone else should pick it up i was criticized by my big brother which made me rage quit and cry. idk why i cried form something like that and to make matters worse there is this damned tv near me (my pc was in the living room) which is usually a bit too loud.
Buy some hiking boots and enjoy some time outside.
LennyLen wrote:
Buy some hiking boots and enjoy some time outside.


Stay away from other people, go outside, somewhere, anywhere, and just people-watch. Or not. Make some quality vitamin D, cut through a ravine or two, leave your phone in your pocket and observe the town around you. Bring a small lunch or snack and picnic up in a tree or sitting on a pier or on the greenway in front of some bigwig office building, a good vantage point to see what's up around you. Lockdown or no, you can still walk around the neighbourhood and notice things.

Life is short and shitty. Know who you are, and where you're at. That's more than most folks accomplish in four score years. Perspective will help you avoid being too anxious because you'll learn when something is a minor inconvenience, and when you can't ignore it.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
I really hope you're like Elementary or mayyybe Jr High age or something. If not, this is just baffling lol.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
aggromagnet wrote:
I really hope you're like Elementary or mayyybe Jr High age or something. If not, this is just baffling lol.

Not really, addiction problems can easily persist throughout a persons life if nothing is done to take care of the root cause, in fact most adult humans suffer from addictions & anxiety issues in varying degrees due to never paying attention/observing the root cause within themselves. They then think ''medicine'' will fix them, how naive.


As with all addictions(gaming no different) the solution is not to have ''more of it'' as this will only be a temporal relief, trust me it won't solve anything for you long term, on the contrary.

Take this opportunity of ''anxiety '' to realize something more important with yourself. It is desperate for your attention.

If entertainment(a video game or wathever) is making you suffer(anxiety is suffering) it is about time you took a deeper look at your life , i realize you might just be a kid but still, the sooner the better.

Some tips from an ''old guy'', go outside and take an adequate amounts of essential sunlight(you can't replace this with vitamin pills etc, there is no substitution for daylight & being outside exposed to day/sunlight).

Exercise the body daily(at least take a long walk in nature), the human system/ body was designed for movement, trust me all those pale/unheatlhy looking streaming people are severely abusing their health and creating a breeding ground for future disease in their systems, as well as mental problems of all kinds(including addictions).

In fact, a sedentary lifestyle that is typical for many ''gamers'' or modern city lifestyle is equal to poisoning your system/body/mind on a daily basis(computer, tv, sleeping too much etc, take note of the amount of sedentary hours each day, you might be shocked - write them down) I.e a healthy body & healthy mind, be responsible for your own health or suffer the consequences.

Learn how to meditate, seriously i can't stress this enough, there a few investments in life that will give as many benefits and quality of life improvements as meditation does provide.

I.e If meditation was taught on a wider scale to the world today(especially the young generation that suffers from short attention span unfortunately) many of our human problems and tensions in society would go away(such as crimes, authority abuse, anxiety in general etc). Because their root- cause are disharmonious humans that then act nasty to themselves and others, meditation takes care of that to a larger extent than most would believe.

There is a reason why ancient wisdom-cultures were based on meditation and the profound insights about themselves gained from it. In fact you'll quckly discover how stuff like ''gaming'' etc has little meaning to the overall quality of your life if you take a deeper look within.

A simple mindfullness teqnique is easy to learn and many courses(even to children) are available online. One only has to have a little discipline and some persaverence and the positive side effects will soon start to reveal themselves.

Last edited by wierdzodi#7807 on Aug 13, 2020, 5:20:45 AM

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