The build works with all gear level imo. My gear is mediocre so i picked one nullification node (7.2k es with chayula) and i still have 24k dps single target (phys dmg + shock is crazy in single target) and 7k listed dps AoE with LMP and Chain. Only problem i see is very mana dependent with chain. Also you need high phys dmg for this to work, with lmp and chain you can shit your build if you doing low phys dmg because in that scenario elemental damage could be more powerful if your phys dmg is not enough to "Bypass" most of armours enemies has

Last edited by sanleon#0371 on Mar 26, 2013, 7:39:47 AM

Id say your gear is above average, gimmie that Morbid heart and ill triple exalt it :P
Retired closed Beta rank #1 Butthole
Retired Anarchy rank #3 DatDrank
1st level 100 Domination Discharge
Is it possible to get a build progression for this (e.g., @ level 20/40/60 etc)? And a brief description of the theory behind the build and general strategy? Any leveling tips--did you take health nodes and then respec out of them? I've been wanting to get a wander going but don't really know enough to compare the various builds (for example, this vs the elemental wander on exilepro--aside from the obvious difference that this build goes for phys damage).
dessloc wrote:
Is it possible to get a build progression for this (e.g., @ level 20/40/60 etc)? And a brief description of the theory behind the build and general strategy? Any leveling tips--did you take health nodes and then respec out of them? I've been wanting to get a wander going but don't really know enough to compare the various builds (for example, this vs the elemental wander on exilepro--aside from the obvious difference that this build goes for phys damage).

Will make a full progression progress build(s) very soon mate!
Thanks for this.
Retired closed Beta rank #1 Butthole
Retired Anarchy rank #3 DatDrank
1st level 100 Domination Discharge
can u add some video?
janmariaawaria wrote:
can u add some video?

Yeah thats my next step to my guide, Can I get some suggestions on where to shoot the video (Any map that is more open.. I hate closed ones :P )

Just fully updated step by step build with S/s of my current stats.
Retired closed Beta rank #1 Butthole
Retired Anarchy rank #3 DatDrank
1st level 100 Domination Discharge
anything, anywhere:)

if u prefer outdoors map - no problem, just show us your "imba" build:)
Well, amazing build, really amazing.Looking forward to see a gameplay video.BTW wanna to ask something, can I use Power Siphon with dual wand ? Let's say I will wear same spec wand as on your main hand, on my offhand too, how will be my DPS ? And maybe take some dual wielding passives.Can I reach +30 K dps ? I know I am going to lose a lot of survivability because not wearing a shield, but just theorycrafting.Thank you for answering and amazing build...
You can use Power Siphon an dual wand, I used to dual wand but then reflect started hurting REALLY bad so i need the extra es from a shield..also the block/evs helps a ton too.
I wouldn't recommend dual wielding unless you are either heavily geared or don't mind kiting and dying to reflect.

Working on videos now as I type this :P
Retired closed Beta rank #1 Butthole
Retired Anarchy rank #3 DatDrank
1st level 100 Domination Discharge
Last edited by Tonyg87#7187 on Mar 27, 2013, 5:41:09 PM
Added first video!!
I apologize if it isn't the best quality and lacks music and fancy editing.
Im really new at making videos, so please bare with me as I learn, feel free to give tips suggestions, and of course comment/Like :)
ty guys, more feedback is always appreciated!
Retired closed Beta rank #1 Butthole
Retired Anarchy rank #3 DatDrank
1st level 100 Domination Discharge

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