[3.12] Aziire's Earthshatter Juggernaut - Screenwide Slamming! | League Starter

Chcaceres1 wrote:
GreyLensman wrote:
i like very much this build but i'm dying sow much, someone can help,

Took a quick look at your PoB. You are 86 with 4k life. Looks like 72% phys mit WITH e-charges and flasks up, plus Abyssus, so you are taking massively more physical damage than you need to be against a low life pool.

What Can i do?

You are using PoB. Look at your sources of physical mitigation and compare to the guide PoB as well as the PoBs of some other posters here who seem to know what they are talking about. You'll see what some of the differences are and that should point you to potential changes.

One simple improvement would be to replace the Abyssus until you find a more permanent solution.
Hi all,

Playing this build. Very fun so far.

Do you think Craiceann's Carapace is a good tanky option?

Just got one and wondering to use it untill can afford a influenced astral with good rolls

Barooky wrote:
Zerkgoespoe wrote:
Barooky wrote:
@Zerkgoespoe: You can skill out of Destroyer wheel (below Master of the Arena) and use those 4 points for the Harvester of Foes wheel right next to it. According to my PoE calculation, that's 10M vs 10.5M damage for essentially free.

Is it correct that Unstoppable also prevents Freeze? I have enough damage now and I've noticed that you don't have anti-freeze boots.

hm, harvester of foes doesnt look too attractive to me. I got 100% hit & impale chance already, and attckspeed is not something i aim for with high priority.
But i might see if i can remove the destroyer pts and put them somewhere else.

I tried playing with pulverize today, but it felt kinda slow/clunky.

and yes, you are freeze imune with unstoppable.

I've started crafting my boots now and changed to Unstoppable. It's easier than I thought to get the mods, even if the initinal investment isn't cheap.

As for nodes, Kinetic Impacts' wheel is also pretty close in terms of DPS gain (although the double damage is useless when Intimidating Cry is exerted, as the chance is already 100% to deal double damage).

Edit: What was your exact approach for crafting your weapon?

just spamm a fleshripper with the phys rerolls in the garden until you hit a good phys mod (t2+ % or maybe t1 hybrid, and randomize it till almost max roll) then you can either try your luck with prefix fracture (33% chance) or with fracturing 1 of 5 mods (20% chance) - I got lucky with 1/5. Once you got the fractured base, crafting gets much easier. Basically you can craft with deafening essence of contempt (gives t2 flat), and just slam the hybrid mod (the ods to hit t5+ are pretty decent). Then you can clean off suffixes and do attack rerolls until you eiter hit t2+ crit chance or t2+ attackspeed. After that just slam the crit multi, and pray again for t2+ :D as final stage just craft cc/q or attackspeed/q. 1000 dps fleshripper done!

Its a bit more difficult to craft a weapon compared to all other gear, but in this way, its still very doable. Thats just what i figured for me, not sure if its the best way to do it.
Last edited by Zerkgoespoe on Jul 22, 2020, 9:15:42 AM
Ivanche986 wrote:
Any way to counter bleeding except using flask? It is very anoying.

warcry! ez
specc admonisher, u remove all corr blood with 1 cry
Last edited by Zerkgoespoe on Jul 22, 2020, 9:22:35 AM
Its a bit more difficult to craft a weapon compared to all other gear, but in this way, its still very doable. Thats just what i figured for me, not sure if its the best way to do it.

I'm curious when you crafted relative to timing of latest patches. With the odds of reforge way up, and remove, augment, and remove/add way down, it's become a lot more difficult to do more sophisticated crafting. At least that's been my experience.
Hi! Noticed that you're using Atziri's Promise with Brutality - from what I understand about Brutality, Atziri's will actually contribute no damage.

You can check it in your POB, if you deactivate the flask there is no change in damage for the Earthshatter hit or overall DPS.

I was running it myself until I realized this - does it bring something else to the table aside from the Chaos resist that I'm missing?
Just a quick update - I've mostly switched to a Flicker Strike build, however this guy is still pulled out for every conq/big boss/guardian. I killed A7 Sirus yesterday with a single death, and it was because I wasn't paying attention and couldn't find the exit in the meteor maze in time. I'm still wearing the same ~5ex worth of gear that I had at the beginning of the league, and still demolishing any bosses thrown at me. Clearing maps in ~60-90 secs is fun with a geared Flicker build, but nothing compares to how this build bullies the hell out of bosses.

Edit: Also on that Sirus kill, after I came back in, I forgot to activate ALL of my auras and still stomped the shit out of him. That's the power of this build, it's just downright silly.
Last edited by Pyrok on Jul 22, 2020, 2:42:55 PM
I am following this build and it looks pretty good until i got Marohi Erqi which it really boosted my dps but attacks are really slow with 0.94 - 1.04 attack speed which is kind of problem with fast clearing maps, i am looking for attack speed from jewels but it doesnt look like it will fix the problem, should i start looking attack speed on jewels?
Hey guys,

I just bought this amulet, and i was wondering if i ould get some tips on crafting it:

Rarity: Rare
Ghoul Braid
Onyx Amulet
Level: 64
Item Level: 84
+16 to all Attributes (implicit)
Adds 13 to 24 Physical Damage to Attacks
+88 to maximum Life
Determination has 25% reduced Mana Reservation
1% increased Damage per 15 Strength
Warlord Item

Any generic criticism of my build will also be greatly appreciated :)
I accidently went into Awakener 8 today, and got my first kill (including an Awakener's Orb). Was surprised how smooth it went (aside from one stupid death towards the end from an off-screen laser).

Zerkgoespoe wrote:
just spamm a fleshripper with the phys rerolls in the garden until you hit a good phys mod (t2+ % or maybe t1 hybrid, and randomize it till almost max roll) then you can either try your luck with prefix fracture (33% chance) or with fracturing 1 of 5 mods (20% chance) - I got lucky with 1/5. Once you got the fractured base, crafting gets much easier. Basically you can craft with deafening essence of contempt (gives t2 flat), and just slam the hybrid mod (the ods to hit t5+ are pretty decent). Then you can clean off suffixes and do attack rerolls until you eiter hit t2+ crit chance or t2+ attackspeed. After that just slam the crit multi, and pray again for t2+ :D as final stage just craft cc/q or attackspeed/q. 1000 dps fleshripper done!

Its a bit more difficult to craft a weapon compared to all other gear, but in this way, its still very doable. Thats just what i figured for me, not sure if its the best way to do it.

Thanks for the guide. I reached the stage where my boots are almost finished (just need to get a Life Annul to get rid of life regen, but knowing my luck, I'll delete the T1 life mod). At the very least, they're useable now.

I'm probaby trying my luck with the gloves next since I need Culling Strike. I assume I have to roll for Culling Strike first and then try to get the rest via seed crafting? Because looking at the attack mods, this seems terrible.

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