3.11 - Stress-Free PoE! TRIGGER HAPPY: No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End!

I have been playing for a few months on Standard. 53 Tempest, 77 Marauder, 88 Tempest, and 93 Witch Summoner King thus far. I was frustrated because I wanted to reach end game content. I decided to try this build because the build is so open that it would help me learn more about the game while I experimented. I am still a novice but I have had much success in this endeavor.

I made some changes, not many, to your build and am currently lvl 89 with no end in sight. I have invested about 21 exalted so far. I feel (Hope with confidence) that this build can go the the endgame content, though I've never really been there as of yet.

The biggest change I've made is my main attack is now Shield Charge on a 6 link. I still use Bladestorm but on a 3 link with Culling Strike and Brutality. My damage is over 100k and that is only found out by using my mouse to hover over the Shield Charge icon in game that gives you the DPS. It was a beautiful accident that I discovered this experimenting with movement powers. I use Bladestorm while using Shield Charge, you can attack while standing place with Shield Charge.

With your permission I may wish to post more details about the changes I made and keep you all updated on my progress.

Also being disabled, Bipolar and ADHD, I was/am inspired by your openness and acceptance about your condition. Thank you!

Last edited by DeathofRome#3777 on Jul 1, 2020, 11:22:01 AM
Soul Taker Siege Axe and the The Surrender Ezomyte Tower Shield are what I am using. I love both. Soul Taker means never caring about Mana again. The Tower Shield is an amazing choice I have not regretted though I could not swear there isn't another one that is better. 250 life per block though!!!
Trying out this build.

I am running Intimidating Cry with Tempest Shield/Culling.
But whenever I used it while in big pack, I get oneshot even with flasking.

Is it low HP/low block rate due still leveling or I am supposed to use it only on bosses/single target? What am i missing here?
Do you have any videos of the build showing level clear speed? The gameplay video is pretty lacking (and reflects that in its like/dislike ratio)
dlvbrown1969 wrote:
What should we look for in Jewel stats?

I'm guessing

Increased physical damage %
Increased maximum life
Increased attack speed

Would be the big three?

Modified to needs of course ... like resists
Correct dlvbrown1969! And don't forget anything about blocking too.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
aleph_null_one wrote:
Soooo, total noob question--I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong (if anything), but I seem to be having a lot of problems with single-target boss damage using this, and find myself dying a lot (e.g. Abberath in Act 6.) I didn't see anyone else having the same issue, so maybe I'm just going through the passive tree wrong? Groups I seem to be doing just fine, and overall am having a lot of fun with my whirling stab! Any pointers that anyone using this could give would be greatly appreciated. :)
I'm glad you're having a good time aleph_null_one! This build does lots of global damage. The main skill itself isn't too strong. A lot of our perks come from getting Hit or Blocking. So in busy boss battles, our ascendancies are triggering big perks and our trigger skills are going off like crazy. Any boss battle that doesn't hit you often will go slower because our triggers aren't going off and our ascendancies won't be giving us as much damage. Also, just a reminder to keep looking for harder hitting weapons. That's a huge part of any melee build.

I hope that helps explain some battles for you.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
dlvbrown1969 wrote:
Just wanted to share humble brag on weapon I just upgrade crafted in Harvest. It was good before with average +plus Phy Dam and below average Incr Phy Dam ... at least by my standards at this point in the league. Anyhow, I was able "randomize physical modifiers" in the sacred garden. I expected trash. I hoped for an improvement. What I got was perfection. Seriously. Perfect rolls on both modifiers. If only they were higher tiers. Oh well, this should easily get me into yellow maps now.

That's a great Runic Axe dlvbrown1969! Awesome job! I think that's better than mine!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
HChristopher2671 wrote:
Great guide, thanks :) I just got to maps today and updated my gear for early/mid maps. I did add Leap Slam to my shield and put Intimidating Cry on a ring so I can have more movement. But that's the only change I'm making.

And for some cheap options for some of you looking for some decent early budget uniques, I'm having great success running Jack, The Axe Vaal Hatchet, Doryani's Invitation Heavy Belt (physical version), and the Death Rush Amethyst Ring. Those are all I really foresee getting and they've added some good oomph to my build with just a couple chaos.
Thanks HChristopher2671! That's very kind of you. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and easily made the build your own. Good job. Great unique suggestions too! Thanks for your kindness and post.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
SireAlligator wrote:
Hey Wrecker!

Thanks to your guide I was able to get to level 84 on SSF Hardcore, but I have no idea what do next. I've never been that late in the game, so I have no idea what I'm looking for. Could you check my character and see what needs to be upgraded asap?

Right now I'm struggling to optimize the build.
Hey SireAlligator! Awesome job on HC you crazy animal ;)! I checked out your character list but couldn't find the character you were referring to. Was it GoldenSire? Are you still playing it? (I see it's not in HC anymore). If so, your shield could get a higher life roll. Steel Rings would help too. Other than that, things look pretty good. That character is now at the stage where sure, normal drops can still be improvements but, some influenced items are going to be the big improvements to the build.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
spideySWAG wrote:
Hello! I wanted to ask you what other skills could replace bladestorm and don't get me wrong I like bladestorm but right now bladestorm's sand stance is bugged on PS4 for some reason and the sand bladestorms aren't moving which makes it really annoying so i would like to use another skill till it's fixed.
Thanks for the awesome build btw it's the second time i'm running with it :)
Hey spideySWAG! Any 100% physical melee skill will work with this build. You can use a melee skill that converts physical damage too, but you'd have to remove Brutality from the main link and change your auras. But it could seriously be any skill. I played with Ice Crash the other day for fun. Hatred and Frostbite (Blasphemy) come to mind for that. Lots of people like to use Cyclone too (but keep in mind the mana leech may be annoying there).

Does that help?
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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