(3.11) Tectonic Slamtain
Hey guys, i just want to share my ideas about my starter Build for this league. Im not stressing a high endgame build or even a fast build. My main goal is to use the cool new slam and warcry abilitys.
So what is this build idea? I want to use Tectonic Slams, Infernal Warcry as Chieftain and go for vry slow and heavy Slams. It will use as max end charges as possible, full fire conversion, prob bloodmagic (no interesting auras found) and high investment in Warcrys, so i can even use Enduring cry and Seismic Cry, which both fits vry good with Slamtain. I haven't played for a long time so i need to check out lot of the new mechanics. I was really interested in this Shockwave Support, but its not triggered by triggered (Tawhoa) or exerted (Combust) stuff at all. So no use for it. But lets get more specific, here comes my Tree: Slamtain https://poeplanner.com/ABUAAP0AFTEAAHvG2FhjPfzEWPZIXz8UIO8OUEfkUcEEeWipbnfj8KI8W8aqAdyE2cS41fhuab6nwBp4DbXyNZLYvf4K8kU64f6PTeOmV_0wagRqpVivNugaVWEh9jONaIidhO-i6hLh2sF07QUteu9AoN6z_81_sv1y_Eu8nzpSGJHS4yliehkOPN-_20_gwyS7mv4LjdVlFHH46-oYUeZ3Uzs7nsUA4DaxBRzilPcycqmsqlnznz4t0gGROtgw-IKbrv-f3-98ogDwH2jyfNlju02swmyGYCKvOFN25zGeu-2RzvPdaGV2rM9-LhC5QgbDuX59-QPWE6Un_u-rOpQAAAAAAA== My idea was to try to use full effect of Infernal Cry so i aim to get two 6links: Tectonic Slam links: mPhys, EleAttacks, Pulverize, ECoMS + Fist of War/added Fire/Shockwave/Ruthless Infernal Cry links: mPhys, EleAttacks, Pulverize, ECoMS + added Fire I really like to focus more on Fist of War but it has a huge downside: Its not triggered by Tawhoa(the Chieftain Slam Mirage). But prob it huge dmg boost dont gives me any chance to not pick it on a 6link. About the rest of the build i have not many ideas. Since Leapslam is first slow and second a slam i cant use it for movement (it would waste exerted attacks and Tawhoa). So i use Dash with this Second Wind thing? Here are my ideas for the remaining links: Helm: herald of ash, burning dmg, swift affliction, Intimidating Cry Gloves: dash, second wind, seismic cry, enduring cry Boots: cast when dmg taken, increased duration, Steelskin/Molten Shell/Immortal Call + Golem What is best Defensiv skill for this build? I have higher Armor, 7-9 End Charge and high lifereg. Maybe i try Immortal call if i can sustain the EC-consuming, but Ele DMG still scares me. Don't be confused by the HoA links. Because of Mortalconviction i don't care about mana reservation and this helps me a bit to afterburn some creeps. Gear: I don't have any idea. I want to go 2h Maces or Axes and prob Marohi Erqi or Tidebreaker will be my first Weapon choice. Both are 7 links and Tidebreaker has some Endurance Charge Buff. But in the end this is a craft league and i do not focus on any uniques. Now my Questions: is there a bigger mistake in my Link choices? And are slam attacks accuracy based? Its no problem for me to pick RT since i don't crit anyway. Last edited by oedipat#1495 on Jun 21, 2020, 5:16:59 AM Last bumped on Jun 26, 2020, 10:45:07 AM
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i would recomend going for more jewel sockets, they can be very powerful
another idea is not going for blood magic and going for auras like anger with herald of ash. and u could run with tidebreaker for a while and then craft a two handed weapon with elder influence with socketed gems are suported with endurance charge on melee strike. OR run a warlord's mark on hit ring, for the leech and endurance charges. you also may need to invest on mana lech on rings or passive tree if u dont run blood magic in the end. but the inicial idea u have is pretty good, i'm just throwing some thoughts for you and me. |
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You are overconverting to fire damage by a lot with the ascendancy and the nodes above unwavering stance.
I also heard that the chieftain node that summons a dude to use your attack doesnt work with ruthless or fist of war, so youll have to use more conventional damage supports for that. |
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" Overconversion is not a problem, the nodes are just good to have regardless. Last edited by X3n_#5275 on Jun 22, 2020, 3:59:31 AM
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Dosnt Tectonic slam convert 60% aswell? Or how does that work?
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Tectonic slam does convert 60% as well. So with just the ascendancy you would be overcapped on conversion by 10%.
Picking the rest up is somewhat needless. Either choose the ascendancy or the tree stuff, going for both is a waste of potential and the craft is unnecessary. Going north in the tree doesn't seem all that efficient to me. Soul of Steel seems like a better idea for defense and grabbing some of the other two handed nodes that you're already close to. (wrecking ball/ executioner) If you have a Kongor's then it seems fine but otherwise grab resolute technique since I don't see a lot of accuracy in the tree. I currently use flame dash for movement and it's fine. However I do suggest Enduring cry with second wind, it gives permanent up time and I love it. However this clashes somewhat with Call to arms since with that you don't get the second charge. |
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Thx for your points. The "overconversion" was because of the good firedmg nodes there, not because of the conversion. I changed the tree due some pathing issues and now i think this fire nodes are good for leveling and respec later.
I watched ziggys stream and im not really sure about my ascendancy choices. My plan was to Ngamahu and Hinekora. The cover in ash will be delivered by Infernal Cry so Hinekora just gives Leech and Strength. I think leech and slow attacks are not too great so maybe Tasalio will be much better. The 50% life recovery looks awesome. Ngamahu and Ramaku is also a hard decision. I think in the end the 100% extra dmg is better than 15% pen. My other thoughts are about how to use the Infernal Cry Combust in the best way. My first plan was to use it as second dmg Source and 6 link it with best dmg Supports. But as it is not exerted on its own, it doesnt give me lot for bossfights. So maybe i use it as utility skill: Infernal Cry + Combustion (fire pen for main attack) + CoH + Flammability + Second wind + fortify The Combustion Pen and the Flammability Pen should add a better dmg outcome in compare to a pure dmg infernal cry. |
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" Maybe im missing something but i just tried this on my char and it seems heralds wont work like this, cause they have a duration tag. edit: or maybe because they simply arent auras. so any thoughts on what to do with the aura setup? Last edited by bolli#5804 on Jun 23, 2020, 3:46:20 PM
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From my experience with my tecslam chief infernal cry isn't particularly useful. With enough AOE from Seismic Cry and First of War along with lots of endurance charges your Slam will already cover the entire screen and beyond even. So clearspeed really isn't the issue here, no need for corpse explosion sheningans.
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