So kids are now calling people "boomer" who're 30 and over?

I_NO wrote:
ur a walrus

"shut the fuck up Donny"

Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen#1295 on Jul 23, 2020, 5:49:37 PM
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Real cute. Anyone heard the term "boomer" thrown around like this? A boomer is like a 70 year old person. But now, it's anyone 30 and over.

"8 year olds dude..."
ok boomer
Aim_Deep wrote:
All this division and fear makes me think USA doesnt have much future.

If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to China. - Jim Rodgers legendary investor.

moving from america to china just seems like moving your human rights violations from one continent to another
Moving to a new country is a bit like re-rolling a character. You are going to see an outcome... good or bad, only this time it is your life rather than a game.
Aim_Deep wrote:
All this division and fear makes me think USA doesnt have much future.

If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to China. - Jim Rodgers legendary investor.

How are there legendary investors? No investor in history has shown that they can perform better or worse than average over the long run.
crunkatog wrote:
A boomer is someone who came of age in a tiny window of unparalleled prosperity and liberty, and never questioned how it came to be so;

Did you interview a bunch of these boomers to determine this, or did you just assume it without ever questioning how an assumption came to be?

I'll answer the question for you - you assumed it.
There is nothing in history suggesting what you say is remotely true. The boomers do have the distinction of being the largest population "boom" for any generation, which is how they got their name. That's it
The boomers were no more ignorant or knowledgable about what had happened in the past, including economic causes and effects, than any other generation is or has been.

crunkatog wrote:

A boomer took for granted all the basic human rights and protections his parents and grandparents marched and rotted in jail and sometimes died for;

Another assumption, with nothing to back it up but your own prejudice of prior generations. In 50 years, the current "enlightened" generation will be seen as archaic, bigoted and barbaric.

crunkatog wrote:

A boomer left the work force before the knowledge economy would have obsoleted him, and has no clue just how different the core competencies are;

Things change all the time. The details vary, but the amount of change comes in big jumps depending on economic and technical advances. The boomers experienced a lot of those changes and economic upheavals, and they adapted to them. Read some history and learn about it for yourself, instead of just accepting what people around you are saying.

crunkatog wrote:

A boomer is someone who believes people are generally benign and deep down, all want the same basic things, and projects this belief onto everyone else. And they are caught like deer in the headlights when faced with the truth.

You speak as if all boomers think the same way, and as if people younger than them suddenly realized people can be evil as well as good. If you studied history, you would know that the world has been debating whether people are inherently good or inherently evil since at least Mencius and Xunzi did 2,300 years ago. Your personal view of whether people are benign or self-serving is no more enlightened or accurate than another person's view. Even scientists haven't been able to conclusively determine that. The best they can do is a study that hints in one direction for a few years before a study that refutes it or points in the other direction.

crunkatog wrote:

A boomer is someone who fails to connect the dots between the attitudes and institutions they set in motion, and the consequences for their children and grandchildren.

Most people (from any generation) "set in motion" institutions about as much as any particular player determines what GGG's next game expansion will be. In fact, even less than that. Destroying or ruining institutions - now that is much simpler. It only takes a few bad apples to spoil things for everyone else. That's true of any generation - if you followed your own thinking
crunkatog wrote:

A boomer is someone who believes people are generally benign and deep down, all want the same basic things, and projects this belief onto everyone else. And they are caught like deer in the headlights when faced with the truth.
you would already know this, but like a deer in the headlight, reality caught you by surprise.

crunkatog wrote:

Anyone of any age can be a boomer. All they have to do is be extremely, unbelievably lucky.

It has little to do with luck, and more with hard work, sustained effort and making fiscally wise decisions. Is Grinding Gear Games successful because Chris Wilson is just a lucky "boomer"? Or is it because, GGG put in long hours, worked under frugal conditions and kept pursuing their dream?

Did you choose a fancy new graphic card or to invest in your educational future? Did you choose avocado toast every morning, or paying off your car loan an extra $50 each month? Did you pick up a second job to help with things, or did you get 40/40 challenges?

crunkatog wrote:

That said, we should also try to understand how a worldwide economic depression,

You can start by looking at what happened in the past and why. Look back to the economic changes made when families went from single earner to dual earner and whether that was a long time blessing for families or a curse.

crunkatog wrote:

two world wars, and an ongoing race to the bottom with another superpower could possibly alter the course of human history for an entire generation such that people actually DID see, in their formative years, all of the great strides we made in the 20th century. Such that people actually DID share a belief, a dominant belief, that people are generally smart, honest, and more like us overall. More so than in any other time period in human history, and perhaps more so than we shall see again.

Nothing of what ascribe as a cause brought about the changes in the world that you dislike and ascribe to boomers.

Optimism is the key. Without hope, people tend to become discouraged and achieve much less than they could. That optimism isn't dependent on someone else. You can choose to embrace it, run with it and succeed.

There is more potential for wealth and success in the next hundred years than at any time in the past. Psyche 16, for instance, is likely worth over a hundred thousand times the annual world economy. Whoever claims that will be worth a billion times what Bezos, the richest person in the world is worth.

The boomers were stuck on their planet. The boomers didn't have cell phones, computers or the internet. They didn't have drones. They didn't have nanotechnology. The current generation has far more potential.

Choose to live up to your potential, and stop worrying about others' success. If you measure success purely on financial measures, you should probably reexamine that as well.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 10, 2020, 3:14:38 AM
I Have been called boomer. Do not mind. But it is you peoples fault that have used "kid" as a slur for years. Typically whoever starts the name calling is the one that already lost the argument. It is just the kids getting revenge for years of abuse.
A boomer is character using a shield boomerang build and historically focuses on high AGI CDR/ACD and status effects such as coma
biyte wrote:
A boomer is character using a shield boomerang build and historically focuses on high AGI CDR/ACD and status effects such as coma

Technically speaking, a "boomer" is also a nuclear missile capable submarine

such as the Ohio Class:

the Typhoon Class:

the Jin Class:

Vanguard Class:

Triomphant Clas:

Arihant Class:

Or the Sinpo Class:

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 14, 2020, 8:14:36 AM

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