Content Update 3.11.0 -- Path of Exile: Harvest

When will the patch be available for download?
Love This game.
Love u Cris
Love all exiles.

I was excited for the hype they were building up about brands, but looks to me like they're just nerfed..? Hope it's not so, was going to try brands out for the first time.
orma wrote:
Wissle wrote:
haniii1 wrote:
Why do you guys need to nerf chaos damage that much? it doesnt make any sense since chaos dot damage is already weak compared to other builds

I didn't catch that, what happens/happened to chaos damage?

Does anyone know what the new "to the goddess" items do? Is there another lab now? Or better rewards? Or...

Pretty sure the chaos damage thing was sarcasm, as they didn't touch it at all and it is very safe to play.

The new Goddess items change lab rewards. Just an incentive to run lab more.

I see, thanks!
Can I ask why did you nerf Static Strike?
lunaticwoda wrote:
GGG: were gonna buff melee and 2 handers
Also GGG: Nerf the better 2 hander weps and cyclone for reasons....
Also GGG: ....Remember last league we increased phys res on monsters.....

GGG get your shit together hundreds of skills and you continue to shrink the viable builds more and more and more

it is rumored that lacerate is quasi playable up till yellow maps :) Since they ban me and mute me religiously, I will say only this: RORY IS A GREAT LAWD :D
Anyone knows why and when they removed the charge mechanic from skeletons, was it granted by feeding frenzy or the skeleton gem itself?
It was one of the greatest ideas and visual improvements the skill has ever seen, I just don't get it.
So exciting! My personal thank yous are for removing those @#^#$^%^%@ unholy relics after Elreon dies etc. (so annoying to run back and forth triggering them with their tiny detection radii, or dying when you forget due to too many beers).

And for putting the NAMES of the oils on the passive tree! No more googling for that in-game! Some colors are way too close IMO and I can't differentiate.
i love you guy !
But so many nerf why ??? so many unique dye !

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