Content Update 3.11.0 -- Path of Exile: Harvest

dachoppa wrote:
the sirus fight will still be garbage in 3.11. very unfortunate.

When a mob hits you what is calculated first? Evasion or Armor. Evasion since it checks if u even got hit. Seems in line. But once hit does it check Elemental Damage or Physical Damage first? Well theres new node that converts Elemental Resistance into Armor Resistance. Does it Check Fire/Cold/Lightning and in what order?


Dude where the fuck did you even come from, your account got created fcking today, and you are already balling in the forum..lul
Nice 2h melee fells so much better now without the flat phys will be an amazing shit league **** *** *** ,garbage.

made you click the spoiler!
IceKingLP wrote:


Dude where the fuck did you even come from, your account got created fcking today, and you are already balling in the forum..lul

I have 23 lv100s on my alt account over past 7 years. The delay in loading a character makes me play on a new account now cuz ggg cant manage a fucking database. What is point in buying 90$ MTX if i have to swap accounts because I'm a real player?
Nerfing HH through curses? 2 years ago that was the best way to play. What are they watching cutedog stream to understand how this game works? Can someone wake mark out of his comma? This is blade vortex all over again. So dumb.
Gonna miss the original functionality of the Saviour, as well as dual-wielding dmg buffs and cyclone stun-immunity, but most of these seem like really reasonable and well-needed balances, and I am OUT OF MY MIND excited for the crafting and new mechanics this league.

Thank y'all so much for this, especially with the world being as crazy and dangerous as it is.

(PS pre-emptive RIP to antivenom lmao, given the Shakari re-balance I'm decently sure I know why it made that list. XD)

I have 23 lv100s on my alt account over past 7 years. The delay in loading a character makes me play on a new account now cuz ggg cant manage a fucking database. What is point in buying 90$ MTX if i have to swap accounts because I'm a real player?

AYE, AYE, Captain
Thank you for making things more challenging GGG. Don't hold anything against these crying kids. They expect everything handed to them.

No Pet to pick up lower currency? Chris is really going to RSI us to death before releasing a loot pet so he can just swim in black lotuses in his hottub

Removing stun immunity from cyclone after 7 years? Saying de-sync is finally removed now? Are you kidding me. Guess its fucking goat hide boots + cyclone all league. Why does Chris hate us?
TheChekko wrote:
hype hype hype

Another league of unveiling 2,000 items just to get a single craft. Yeah real great gameplay. Thanks Mark for the bright ideas.
Let me RSI this Farmvile league while also RSI Betrayal. Oh and RSI 300 splinters for deliriums and another 500 splinters for a 5 slot on map device. And another 500 splinters for breach bosses. ALL SO I CAN DO THAT CONTENT ONE TIME. FIX THIS GGG. MY HANDS.


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