Question for every native english speaker


Irregular verbs ( Unfortunately these just have to be memorized since there are no rules. )

Prepositions ( As a native speaker I even have trouble with some prepositions. )

Noun verb agreement


Orca_Orcinus wrote:
Native English speakers almost never use the active voice, it's a quick and dirty way to get you squelched and tuned out by native speakers.

I agree with the others. This is just wrong. Active voice is by far the most common for native English speakers. If used excessively, passive voice is considered bad form even if it's grammatically correct. That's especially true in formal writing. It becomes tedious to listen to or read. Plus, the passive voice is usually more wordy.

Active: I threw the ball.
Passive: The ball was thrown by me.
there vs they're

I forgot a lot of all that grammar edumacation but it boggles the mind how often I see that wrong on-line in general.
Yep, totally over league play.
The thing that's been bothering me lately with native English speakers (I'm pretty forgiving of foreigners screwing up our language, as I'd do the same with their language) is using "aloud" when the correct word is "allowed."
ReyLee wrote:
What is the most common mistake you can see in other people messages while reading chat or taking on discord etc.?

Someone mistaking another person's command, or lack thereof, of the English language as an indicator of their intellect.
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