Music you listen when playing Poe?

Johny_Snow wrote:

Haha totally have forgotten this song xD
aggromagnet wrote:
I often play some Tibetan monk/throat singing album I somehow ended up with years and years ago. It actually works fairly well with PoE going, but I mainly play it because my wife finds it extremely unnerving and stressful to listen to lol. It's a great way to get her to not bother me too much...

xjjanie wrote:
I listen to Kamil's PoE Soundtrack of course :)

FinYuna wrote:
solwitch wrote:
There’s nothing quite appropriate than classical music ^.^

Any certain song u prefer most? ^^

So many, however recently watched Cloud Atlas... "Letter to Sixsmith," hit me very hard...

My Dearest Sixsmith,

Its done. Finished in a frenzy that reminded me of our last night in Cambridge.

Watched my final sunrise, enjoyed my last cigarette. Didn’t think that you could be any more perfect until I saw the beat up trilby. Honestly Sixsmith, as ridiculous as that thing makes you look, I don’t think I have seen anything more beautiful. Watched you for as long as I dared. I don’t believe it was a fluke that I saw you first.

I believe there is another world waiting for us, Sixsmith, a better world, and I’ll be waiting for you there. I believe we do not stay dead long. Find me beneath the course of the stars where we first kissed.

Yours eternally, R.F.

Some of the music is fantastic in this movie... I could name lots of classics, but my favorite moonlight sonata. My first piece, music teacher taught me. Bias, cliche... humbug...

"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
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"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
FinYuna wrote:
Heli0nix wrote:
Depend of builds, lately I've been listening this one for my whole leveling:

Else I listen mostly some piano songs soo that's really a big change x)

First time i heard that song and had to listen it like 3 times a row, was so good :D. Did add to playlist too, thanks.

Glad you like it!
Here is another one, this is my league start song (Clip is pretty representative of what happens with userbase when server are going live lol):

Hf :)
I almost never hear any kind of extern music. But sometimes i'm in the need for smth like this.
Just do it! And keep it simple -
Things will become complicated by itself.
Only when I am farming.
Boris Brejcha
~ There are spectacular moments.
solwitch wrote:
FinYuna wrote:
solwitch wrote:
There’s nothing quite appropriate than classical music ^.^

Any certain song u prefer most? ^^

So many, however recently watched Cloud Atlas... "Letter to Sixsmith," hit me very hard...

My Dearest Sixsmith,

Its done. Finished in a frenzy that reminded me of our last night in Cambridge.

Watched my final sunrise, enjoyed my last cigarette. Didn’t think that you could be any more perfect until I saw the beat up trilby. Honestly Sixsmith, as ridiculous as that thing makes you look, I don’t think I have seen anything more beautiful. Watched you for as long as I dared. I don’t believe it was a fluke that I saw you first.

I believe there is another world waiting for us, Sixsmith, a better world, and I’ll be waiting for you there. I believe we do not stay dead long. Find me beneath the course of the stars where we first kissed.

Yours eternally, R.F.

Some of the music is fantastic in this movie... I could name lots of classics, but my favorite moonlight sonata. My first piece, music teacher taught me. Bias, cliche... humbug...

Very comforting song as what I listened.
Glad you like it!
Here is another one, this is my league start song (Clip is pretty representative of what happens with userbase when server are going live lol):

Didn't hit me like first song what u linked but long time since ive heard that song too haha :D
Last edited by FinYuna#1105 on May 12, 2020, 1:34:24 AM
DoubleU wrote:
Only when I am farming.
Boris Brejcha

Interesting songs, never heard this artist but music style would be good to be added to playlist. Will deff listen more of this.

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