[3.11] Hollow Palm Cyclone Glad–4M DPS 5.5k Life Max Block–up to 9M DPS

i see thx.thats why they so expensive...
I have to say: this Build is Dope!

I'd levelled it yesterday to Lvl 72 and today I am Lvl 83 with my endgame Gear. Lvl was sooo easy and fun.
And now I am surprised how smooth and tanky this build performs already in T16 Maps with full stacks of Delirium, Conquerors and Sextants applied. NICE!


For Defence I switched the CWDT Set out and manually use High Level Steelskin with Second Wind Support. Works nicely. And I have a Socket free for Portal :D
Last edited by StorgutBorsit on Apr 4, 2020, 9:26:08 AM
Thank you Arcayn for your in depth response to my previous post. This is one of the best builds I have ever played in PoE. I've made some changes and now Im thinking what can I do next to push dmg further because survivability is great. I can comfortably farm 4 delirium orbs and simulacrum 20 waves.

Variant with split personality jewels by Echo604 looks good but I wonder which path should I take now?
- Maybe watcher's eye with impale mod?
- Or invest into split personalities?
- Awakened gems? Different ascendancy?
- Body armour with additional curse and ring with vulnerability?

What would be the best option?
Im playing SC and right now sitting on 40 exalts.

Also im trying to craft a good helm but to no avail yet :D
Last edited by TerroR75 on Apr 4, 2020, 1:02:37 PM
I would definitely focus on getting a better chest the dex roll on that guy can be much higher and the opportunity for resists or % life should be a big help as well.
TerroR75 wrote:
Thank you Arcayn for your in depth response to my previous post. This is one of the best builds I have ever played in PoE. I've made some changes and now Im thinking what can I do next to push dmg further because survivability is great. I can comfortably farm 4 delirium orbs and simulacrum 20 waves.

Variant with split personality jewels by Echo604 looks good but I wonder which path should I take now?
- Maybe watcher's eye with impale mod?
- Or invest into split personalities?
- Awakened gems? Different ascendancy?
- Body armour with additional curse and ring with vulnerability?

What would be the best option?
Im playing SC and right now sitting on 40 exalts.

Also im trying to craft a good helm but to no avail yet :D

The Split personalities tree is more of a final upgrade for if you already have insane gear with capped res. Your res is only capped right now because you spent a bunch on tree for it. Try to get a chest with high life and some res similar to this one:

It costed me around 15 ex but you may be able to get something good for 7-8 ex. If you just get a high life Astral plate with no dex and some %life it will be a good upgrade, and will let you fill out your res with no res on the tree. You would need roughly 85 total res on it to cap, with 40 being fire and 20ish on lightning and cold each. Not too hard.

Here's updated trees: https://pastebin.com/rMVwp5c8

There's a more damage and more life variant. Your life is kinda low, so I'd recommend the more life one, but if you want damage and are SC go for it. One big change is that since you're running vaal pact you don't actually need a mana flask any more. Drop it for a Silver flask of Acceleration. With the more damage tree you have roughly 5 mil dps. With your remaining money I'd recommend either getting a extra impale hits PRide watcher's eye (30 exalts) or upgrade to Awakened brutality and melee phys, with 21/23 gems for the rest. I'm not sure which is a larger damage gain, so I'd recommend trying each on in PoB and figure out which gives more damage. They would roughly be the same price, and I'm leaning towards upgrading gems as being a larger damage boost, especially since you already have 6 hits with impale, and additional hits are worth less the more you already have.

Edit: There's an astral plate with 140 total res, and 160 flat life on the market for 7 ex right now. I'd suggest something like that. It would let you invest in a vuln on hit ring that wouldn't be super expensive since you wouldn't need res on it.
Last edited by Arcayn13 on Apr 4, 2020, 2:11:08 PM
I have about 35ex sitting around. How does this build handle A8 bosses, siruculum, and blight maps? I am ok with decent clear speed.
First off wanted to say thanks for the build guide I've kinda been piecing my own version along since I saw Mathil highlight how busted the Own Jewel was. Your tips and takes have been very helpful and I was curious about Vaal Pact and mainly curious if you think it completely negates the need for -15 chest or reduced Mana rings? I have like a 20ex chest but it doesn't have have any resists on it and I could flip it for some other options if you haven't had any issues with Mana.
i003 wrote:
I have about 35ex sitting around. How does this build handle A8 bosses, siruculum, and blight maps? I am ok with decent clear speed.

A8 bosses, including Sirus himself are a cakewalk. Can you still die if you don't dodge anything? Yes. But if you don't try to facetank Sirus meteor or Elder slam, this build can handle bosses very easily. Simulacrum is very easy other than Kosis. If kosis spawns you have to focus on him and dodging his stuff. Blight maps are easy on just about anything. Clear speed is actually really good on this build, better than expected. It just doesn't clear 3 screens at once.
durzothorne wrote:
First off wanted to say thanks for the build guide I've kinda been piecing my own version along since I saw Mathil highlight how busted the Own Jewel was. Your tips and takes have been very helpful and I was curious about Vaal Pact and mainly curious if you think it completely negates the need for -15 chest or reduced Mana rings? I have like a 20ex chest but it doesn't have have any resists on it and I could flip it for some other options if you haven't had any issues with Mana.

If you run vaal pact, your leech rate is higher than the rate at which you spend mana. As long as you don't spin in mid air hitting nothing then you don't even need a mana flask. I'd highly recommend getting vaal pact (fixes mana problems AND let's you get up to 3k leech per sec quite easily), and selling the -mana cost chest to pick up a high life and res chest. For example this one cost me 15 ex:
and it has insane life with decent res and dex. It's cheaper and way better overall for the build to get a chest like this and just take vaal pact.
Gotcha, thanks for the quick reply and being so helpful in general very few builds get this amount of attention from their creators. If I can snag a good chest for 10-15ex I'm thinking about trying to do the split personalities op tree do you think dex and str ones are superior to dex and life? Also do you prefer Starkonjas or a well rolled rare helm?

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