3.10 Bladestorm Impale Champion [All Endgame Content Viable] 3.7M Unbuffed Shaper DPS

Mate can you help?
this is my character i am use your build, i am new to this game.
Sirus kill me with 1 hit and a lot of bosses too, what i need to change? I dont understand) thanks!
maybe i need to change flasks? or what?
cyberfoxuk wrote:
Mate can you help?
this is my character i am use your build, i am new to this game.
Sirus kill me with 1 hit and a lot of bosses too, what i need to change? I dont understand) thanks!

Yo. First I would change your life flasks, check out the OPs, keep your mana flask though i had to use one for a while until i could spec into mana leech and regen. Then upgrade gloves, belt and that paua ring. and probably boots, then save up some currency for the +1 bladestorm enchant. While you do that grind out another 3 levels at least. It can be a rippy build sometimes, there's some big one shot delirium mechanics, as for sirus you just have to learn how the fight works and you should be able to get him.
Good luck, there's a couple of different variants going on in this thread, check Xirri, Playerdrm, mine even, for ideas to balance around suitability.
Last edited by SilchasRuin#3909 on Apr 9, 2020, 10:58:49 AM
Thanks, il try to find how to do this, because i dont know a lot of thing about this game
I'm at work right now, but I see y'all posts. I'll be back later today and will get responses out to everyone.

I just didn't want to leave you hanging.
Champion Bladestorm Super Tank - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785401
Last edited by GonzoHarratec#5923 on Apr 9, 2020, 3:56:39 PM
Falconabc wrote:
Fun build, thanks GonzoHarratec I have really enjoyed playing it so far. Do you have any thoughts on what would be a good priority for upgrading my gear? I have 6 exalted orbs so far but wanted to spend them as effectively as possible.

In order of importance:

1. Swap out Enlighten for a real sixth link.

2. More chaos res on gear. You want at minimum 25% chaos res to really feel strong.

3. A strong Rare amulet. (Life resists etc) (could probably get more chaos res on that too)

4. A higher PDPS sword. (Doesn't have to be a paradoxica.)

5. Amulet with Curse assassins mark on hit.

6. Get mana leech on the gloves and drop it from the tree.

SilchasRuin wrote:
Edit: so swapped to crab chest from loreweave, made a few changes around the place. Turns out just using the chest and not having the crab aura active is fine because I get up to 90% phys reduction in battle anyway, so the crab barriers don't help as much as if i need that extra phys reduc. took multistrike out for pulverise and fixed mana issue with spirit void anoint instead of weathered hunter. down to 96% chance to hit from 98%. and is slightly noticable. but over all much improve survivability.

Thanks for the advice.. So one question about the Auras we run.
Which Aura is going to be the best one to replace with the crab aura if we go Craiceann's Carapace as having them all doesn't work with Enlighten lvl 3 for me. Cheers

Honestly I think the Crab chest is plenty strong without dropping an existing Aura. The No bleed is huge since PHYS dots are our biggest weakness. I personally don't think the barriers are really worth it as is, because you lost them when hit, so they are only so reliable.

With mana problems, do you have mana leech? You basically need mana leech for the build to work with all auras. You can get it on the gloves (expensive) or get it on a jewel for cheaper.

cyberfoxuk wrote:
Mate can you help?
this is my character i am use your build, i am new to this game.
Sirus kill me with 1 hit and a lot of bosses too, what i need to change? I dont understand) thanks!

I can do a more in depth critique with a POB link, but just looking at your gear things I see in no particular order:

- No Life on rings
- Loreweave is only 76% instead of 78%
- Abyssus isn't well rolled for Phys. You want no more than 42% inc phys damage taken
- Not enough Chaos Res (You want at least +25%, from what I see you maybe -30%)

Because we are a mitigation build, every single piece is important. We can survive with 5.5K health because we mitigate damage, with armor, with increased resists, with soul of steel and Crystal skin and with 50% block. Every single piece is important to keep us alive and it won't feel smooth without them.

If you are hurting for cash, I would recommend just dropping the curse on hit ring. It is a quality of life move for higher DPS when you have everything else sorted. Get 2 well rolled Rare Rings. (LIFE+RESISTS&CHAOS RES) Run Assassins Mark w/ Blasphemy support. Drop Pride for Herald of Purity. (Once you have better gear, you can get a good curse on hit ring with life and stuff, then bring pride back)

That alone should help get you more life. The next move is really to get a better Loreweave. 76%->78% doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a huge help.
Champion Bladestorm Super Tank - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785401
Last edited by GonzoHarratec#5923 on Apr 9, 2020, 8:00:36 PM
Ok thanks. seems this game is very hard for me, i think i leave it...^_^
Thanks for your thoughts, I finally got some luck with chromatic orbs and have the armor sorted.

Also one shot Sirus first time seeing the fight so thanks again for the build!
So, paradoxica is the best for the build?
coringus wrote:
So, paradoxica is the best for the build?

It's the game I used up to Endgame. In reality, best is just the highest PDPS sword you can buy. Paradoxica was the nicest one I afforded last league, and it completed all content for me.

If you get a well rolled rare, it would probably be better.

But basically its:

figure out sword budget. Open Trade site. Search for highest PDPS sword you can afford and buy.
Champion Bladestorm Super Tank - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785401

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