Corona virus

Woohoo, I have it!
I thought I just had the flu but nope it's corona according to bloodwork.
For me at least it's much milder than seasonal flu which I had last year. Time to stay home and play Delirium and maybe infect others when I go to the grocery store in between maps!
man all that time spending playing video games staying inside. I was born ready.
husyk wrote:
Woohoo, I have it!
I thought I just had the flu but nope it's corona according to bloodwork.
For me at least it's much milder than seasonal flu which I had last year. Time to stay home and play Delirium and maybe infect others when I go to the grocery store in between maps!

Just stay the fuck away from your grandparents lul
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
husyk wrote:
Woohoo, I have it!
I thought I just had the flu but nope it's corona according to bloodwork.
For me at least it's much milder than seasonal flu which I had last year. Time to stay home and play Delirium and maybe infect others when I go to the grocery store in between maps!

Just stay the fuck away from your grandparents lul

Look ma, people who don't know how a virus spreads.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Today my residence country (slovenia) declared stat of emergency. Everything closed. Doctor are requisitioned and cannot take holidays.

I went shopping without knowing and when I entered the supermarket there was NOTHING. EVERYTHING WAS TAKEN and some people were physically fighting for bananas.

Thankfully I listen to Doc campbell and tim pool so I made already 2 weeks ago supply of pasta/bean/can of fruits.

Still With 2 very young kids at home 1-4 years HAving 2 weeks of canned food will be a pain...

100 infected there but we are 2 millions people that s per million A LOT .

Hum toilet paper was everywhere tho...
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Mar 12, 2020, 3:56:41 PM
I am quietly envious of the 'healthy'/low risk people catching it who have the means to isolate. You get some time off to game/watch stuff, have some flu-like symptoms, and don't have much to fear. Just take care to observe the self-quarantine (assuming it's not compulsory where you are), know that you are infected and therefore a danger to others, and be smart about it.

...Who am I kidding?


Thank you again, lolozori, for putting me onto the good doctor. He's my daily dose of hope and happiness for the human race right now.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Mar 12, 2020, 5:22:04 PM
Boem wrote:

Look ma, people who don't know how a virus spreads.



u wot


GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
Boem wrote:

Look ma, people who don't know how a virus spreads.



u wot



Running around town shopping isn't how a self-quarantine looks like.

If you don't understand how exponential increases work in regards to a virus spread even when its riding on people perfectly capable of surviving the infection then you don't really understand the position we are in.

As long as we don't have a vacine i think not following self-quarantine protocol is stupid and irresponsible.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Not a single free and liberal society started tackling the issue before people died because they obviously don't have the means to do so without infringing on free or liberal value's.
Taiwan would like to have a word with you.

SARS hit Taiwan pretty hard, and the government learned from it and took a lot of steps to prepare for the next "big one". Thus far, all those preparations have worked extremely well. Unfortunately, many of our neighbors weren't nearly as prepared and weren't nearly as proactive when that big one finally arrived.

Our government was already starting to mobilize its response in mid-late December, when the virus was still just a "rumor" that most places outside our region hadn't really caught wind of yet. They were ready to go on Dec 31 when China officially notified the WHO they had a problem.

Even though the mainland downplayed the situation as being controllable and not very serious for nearly another month, no one here believed that even the slightest bit. We've been down that road before with SARS.

There wasn't much wait and see before reacting and taking it seriously this time around. We've had only 49 total known cases with 1 death (28 cases currently ongoing). That's pretty amazing, considering just how many people normally travel back and forth between Taiwan and the mainland.

And Taiwan is about as free and liberal as anywhere can be, with none of that really being infringed upon as part of the response to the situation.

Schools got an extended lunar new year break, but there haven't been any mass lockdowns or mass quarantines or forced closures of this or that. People don't get disappeared for sharing information (whether factual or "rumor"), don't get physically locked into their homes with no escape, don't get paraded through the streets for not wearing masks, and don't get dragged away in the back of some unmarked vehicle to quarantine because reasons.

Daily life has pretty much carried on normally. People are more cautious but calm and mostly business as usual.

It really helps a lot that information has been free-flowing from the top down since the beginning. The CDC website here gives daily updates on known and suspected cases, and there are apps that give even more detailed breakdowns on those cases. Things like which buses, taxis, Ubers, and trains those cases have taken, and businesses or other locations they're known to have visited.

People can and absolutely do notify health officials if they may have come into contact with an infected person or just been where they were, and they get tested quickly and then get followup tests. All for free.

I'm a few days in on a home quarantine myself after going to Hong Kong for 6 days and coming back. I can spend up to NT$600 per day (that's easily enough for 3 square meals) to order food from UberEats or Foodpanda on the government's dime, and I was offered a free subscription to Netflix but I already have one. Health officials can show up unannounced at any time, and yesterday afternoon was the first time. I was tested on arrival in Taiwan, and when I got tested again yesterday they also tested my 2 cats lol.

This jail-but-not-really-jail situation isn't half bad. And I don't feel like I'm being infringed upon simply because I can't leave my home for two weeks. I'm just here gaming and harassing/being harassed by my cats and doing my part.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
^No offense, but you just explained yourself why taiwan did react fast so i don't see much point in defending my argument.

Most country's that had a virus spread in the last 20 years reacted better then country's that did not, no big surprise there they have countermeasures developed from those events and probably had people go over them to make them more efficient in the future in a post-mortem analysis.

Try doing the same thing in country's that have been at peace for a good 60 years that haven't had a hint of unanounnced discomfort and see the amount of people questioning it and then compare it the amount of disbelief after a few people died.

I was being hyperbolic if thats your main disagreement, but not by a large margin.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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