[3.16 UPDATED] - Bergerbrush's Impale Cyclone Champion - League Starter & Beginner Friendly!
just as another comment on this, i'm level 91 with this build. i'm a little light on health (4850 or so), but for the most part as long as you are hitting, you are leeching and you live.
you do have to not be stupid though, like avoid slams in lab and closing the gap to mobs can get hairy (especially from the abyssus debuff). I did get an antivenom small cluster to help with chaos resist which i feel helps and i suggest. i also don't have vulnerability on my ring due to cost, but have it tied to cwdt (so its not procing as much as it could be). my gear isn't spectacular and i'm a filthy casual, but i can fairly easily clear maps (including bosses t16, conquerors, guardians, etc). I haven't beat sirus yet but believe that is due to me not knowing the fight very well (have seen him twice so far this league and got him down to around 40% - i didnt fight him at all in previous leagues). all in all feel like this is a great build. DPS is great. i die more than i should but i'm killing bosses so i'm happy. i assume if i drop the helm and get something else, my survivability will increase dramatically but i'm addicted to the deeps |
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I just wanted to swing by and say best.league.starter.ever.
On 8C day one in unique weapons and a 25C "corrupted - just get the right colors" 6L day 2 - this build took me into 150 quant red maps and didn't quit. It DOES have limitations - I couldn't really get over 5500 life, and about 2.5 million dps without sacrificing survivability - but that's enough for most content. Especially if you are not a potato (which I am). I ran devotos for the chaos resistance and speed, because I was taking too many one-shots using abyssus. But make no mistake, if you can mitigate your damage/survival abyssus was close to 5 million dps for me and you can feel the difference in clearspeed. Bosses that phase, or ground degens were really tough for me to handle because I am a bad player mechanically. But the build is legit AF. A couple of basics folks have not mentioned - before the -15 chest I used an enduring hybrid (or mana)flask - you have like 50 mana not reserved, so the perpetual mana flow from an enduring flask really helps with mana issues when you are just spinning and not hitting things. I was able to get pride working with 2 x enlighten 2's and "champion of the cause". I left that until I got the -15 chest and enlighten 3's to make a little more space (for L1 vitality and precision) I ditched herald of purity someone else might make the space and justify leaving it up - it also helped in heists where the sentinels drew fire. Last insight - I respecced into dual wield swords, with a 180pdps DD paradoxica and saviour. I grabbed a vitality life gain on hit watchers eye to try to offset some leech I lost. I am doing 3.5x the damage (7 mill vs 2) BUT the leech of seeker is sorely missed and I am dying more often with 3.5x the damage and the same HP pool. I spent about 14 EX on respeccing to test it, and TBH the 8c claws day 1 is a better overall experience. Fun build, fantastic guide, and really overall satisfying gameplay. Highly recommend for league starting. Thanks for the guide! |
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The build is really great and cheap (for me the poor man)
But i have made some changes to the build, getting more damage sacrificing some of the survivality by 300hp (4800), instead of my standard 5100HP using claws https://pastebin.com/irCw3hAL The idea is really basic, change the claws for the standard damage combo, saviour and paradoxica, my actual damage (i think) is almost 15M but way to squishy, any recomendation ? |
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" i think the power with the bloodseeker is that the instaleech counteracts the incremental damage the abyssus gives us. you no longer have the instaleech so that extra phys will kill you. maybe try starkonja's or something else for the helm and see how that feels from a survivability standpoint? |
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" lol so your suggestion is a 1000 exalt build IGN: DabrixRN
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I find myself getting stunned a lot, which interrupts my cyclone, and then I die almost instantly due to having no leech when stunned.
Is this an issue anyone else has experienced? Not sure how to solve it. |
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Last edited by Crunch_c0#1406 on Nov 25, 2020, 9:20:17 AM
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Some advice would be appreciated here, pastebin below. I have a few exalt left, started the league only a couple of weeks ago, but I want to push this build further. What are the biggest gaps? My POB damage is nowhere near what BergerBrush has posted. My thoughts below.
1 - I need Assasins mark on a ring. However the rings I see available would replace my Amethyst ring and I don't really want to give up the chaos res. 2 - 400 pdps claw. 3 - The Stygian vice, should I be focused on that to replace what I have? Caveats: Casual gamer, understand the basics of crafting, first-time melee build. https://pastebin.com/3aaHH8Dn Edit pastebin for PoB fixed. I just learned quite a bit about how PoB works. Last edited by Crunch_c0#1406 on Nov 30, 2020, 2:35:36 PM
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Hi All, how good would this build be for the 1-week Mayhem and 1-Week Endless Delve?
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots. "You want my sockets?" |
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would perfect agony on gloves reduce the damage you deal or would that be fine
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