[3.16 UPDATED] - Bergerbrush's Impale Cyclone Champion - League Starter & Beginner Friendly!

DrRats wrote:
Looking at around 8 mil dps and 5.5k health in pob. Still randomly dying in maps... Usually when I stop moving lol. Anyone willing to look at my character and guide me on some updates changes to my character? Would like to do semi juiced red tiers..

Don't stop moving? Lol
600 ex investment and I don't know what else to improve on lol.

600 ex investment and I don't know what else to improve on lol.

DeltaKaiser wrote:
600 ex investment and I don't know what else to improve on lol.


just my ideas if you really wanna improve more:

- switch to the mirrored foil

and ofc the saviour or even better paradoxica (im too lazy to explain the mechanics of paradoxica but claws (even godlike ones like yours) cant compete with this combo)

also search for an amulet with

- t1 added phys (deafening essence of contempt like you are using now)
- t1 crit multi
- t1 crit chance
- t1 max life

(does this even exist lol ?)

- stygian vise with delve mod %global phys dmg

or the hunter mod like the belt im using (enemies have - total pphys reduction)

gloves enchant "commandment of reflection" (creates a clone of you) does a lot of dps too!

we are reaching POB-level of items here though : )
Last edited by Malbini on Apr 12, 2020, 4:18:06 PM
So much damage for sirus. Too bad I couldn't do it... He teleports too much in phase 3 and I get disoriented and die from dot/beam
He recommends me to go for the multimoding in this?

what can i do to improve my dps?
Last edited by KEKUS_HUEKUS on Apr 12, 2020, 11:07:10 PM
WHat is the purpose of using Vaal cyclone?
I'm following the guide as best I can with some modifications for my playstyle. My large cluster jewels are just there until I can afford ideal ones. Same for the body armour.

The thing I'm trying to figure out though is how my attack rate is so low compared to his. I'm not seeing where all his attack speed is coming from.

My build: https://pastebin.com/SrpLM0Lk

Hey thanks for the build - really enjoying it :)

I'm trying to get my DPS up as bit as feel it's probably my biggest issue at the moment, and was wondering if you'd have a suggestion (my profile is open)? Probably need upgrade my rings and jewel clusters, but any suggestions would be great.

Also, just was lucky enough to get a Skyforth to drop. Would you ever work it into the build as we don't require life regen, and the reduced reserved mana is nice.

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