[3.10]FrostBlades Starter/Budget Slayer that clears entire game.
Notes on the build 5 days into the league:
If you want to see my gear it is here - https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/TeL_/characters I got to tier 16s and the clear is very fast, even with delirium and juiced maps, although at tier there 16 are some bosses that are quite hard to kill if map mods are bad(Like Gravicious boss). All the Conquerers can be done deathless if you know their mechanics. Judging from what I have seen, Sirus should also easily be doable, although I read on reddit that he is more difficult than last league, so I am not sure. During Sirus you should use Lion's roar instead of the Armor flask that I am using during maps. The damage can still go quite a bit higher by getting Assassins mark ring, gloves with some damage on them, better swords and better belt/amulet/rings. Update Sirus was changed so that he won't teleport you into his skills anymore, this means that the build can now easily kill Sirus, if you know his mechanics. This build relies on dodging attacks, and if unless his "Die" laser first hit is cold that freezes you, you should be able to Survive the encounter. Path of Building
3.10 Changes: No gems were changed in 3.10 Added 50 and 82 point trees for leveling PoB - https://pastebin.com/S2SndEvs 3.10 information - It seems that mathil or some other big streamer decided to start with Ichimonjis, pushing their price to 20c on day one.You can switch them out for Scaevas or 3g Prismatic eclipses. They were never a build definer, I only chose them because they were 3c on day1 last league. Dual Scaeva will be around the same DPS, but Prismatic eclipse will be a lot weaker, but they are 1c each while Scaevas are 7c Also, the conqurers have been given "cannot be fully slowed" modifier. This means you can no longer freeze them, which makes the fights more difficult than they were last league. Videos General Maps - Tier12 Map Tier16 Map with Cassia Juiced Tier16 with beyond and cassia Conquerors - Baran A6 Shaper - Minotaur Showcase Shaper kill Elder - Tier 16 Purifier Elder fight This here is a build for anyone that is looking for a build that is good at both bossing and clearing. We use the skill "Frost Blades", which has a Strong melee hit and mob-seeking secondary projectiles that clear your entire screen. As said in title, the gear on this character is very basic stuff that you should be able to get as a league starter on day 2 or 3 for around 50 or so chaos. Gear upgrade example
Here is my current gear, and some explenations -
" 1 - What can you expect from this build?
The unbuffed DPS of this build is 2.1 million. During general mapping, this goes 3 million And when you have a chance to use all of your buffs - Vaal Ancestral Warchief, Adrenaline, Berserk - The damage is over 6 million. Generally the DPS that you can achieve in maps against white monsters doesn't matter, but in Delirium, the rewards scale with difficulty. This means that pumping up your mapping DPS actually does something, and with this very cheap gear, short burts of 6 million DPS should be enough to deal with delirium. 2 - Why use slayer???
You might be wondering, why should you use slayer instead of Raider for our frostblades build. Here are a couple of reasons -
Overwhelm - Ichimonji is a very good weapon, but with low crit chance. Overwhelm increases base crit by 2.5%, giving you around 20% more damage multiplier(22% in my PoB). Headsman - Just a 20% more multiplier, 30% if there are other monsters around a boss. This is almost as good as Aspect of Carnage from berserker, but with no downside. Bane of legends - This is a flat 25% more multiplier, that isn't even included in damage calculations. How?? Consider this - If an enemy has 100mil hp, you only need to do 80mil to kill him. So while you "appear" to be doing 80 mil damage, you ACTUALLY do 100mil. That is a 25% more multiplier. Impact - Another 15% more multiplier, as long as you stand in 15 range. This is doable most of the time - Because you freeze enemies, you don't really have to worry about them attacking you. So as you can see, literally every Slayer node is a large more multiplier, and in my opinion, the damage beats the speed of Raiders. 3 - Unique Item choices:
We use Ichimonji swords for reduced mana reservation and buff effect.
Oskarm for assassins mark. Lion's roar/Atziri's promise for damage Rest of the gear is rares, which makes getting resistances very easy. 4 - Pros/Cons
Pros: Leap slam - Unlike claw FrostBlades builds, with swords you can use leap slam. This is a huge QoL in certain maps where jumping over stuff increases map completion time by a large factor. Fairly cheap - The only cost is dual Ichimonji, and Oskarm with crit implicit, if you decide to buy it, but it isn't mandatory(around 5% damage increase) Easy to get resistances - Many rares, so you only need around 40-50 res on them. Very fast clear - The clearspeed of this build is very high, and it destroys deliriums and delirius maps High boss damage - The boss damage is very high for this level of investment. 100% Cold conversion - Can do physial reflect(Well since it is a slayer it could do it anyway) Freeze - With no buffs up, average hit damage is 330k - This is enough to freeze all map bosses, with buffs up you can even freeze conqurers Potential for higher damage with some investment Cons: Not the most defensive build - Evasion/Dodge based so can get unlucky Skill based gameplay - This builds doesn't facetank bosses, which means you need to know boss mechanics to play it deathless 4 - Ascendancy
Bane of legends Overwhelm Impact 5 - Skill gems
There are some considerations to make about some skill gems General Mapping - Multistrike is the highest damage support, but I don't like running it, because most of the time during mapping you don't use all 3 attacks. If you like using multistrike, then switch out fortify Update - At high tier red maps I now reccommend moving fortify to leap slam, and putting Multistrike in its place. Frost blades - Hypothermia - Rage - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Fortify - Ancestral call Big bosses - For bosses that have their own arena, and therefore you cannot build up rage before fighting then, I suggest this setup Frost blades - Hypothermia - Ruthless - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Fortify - Multistrike Gem swap - During map boss encounters, swap out Ancestral call for Multistrike Auras - The auras you use can also change depending on what you are doing. For big bosses I reccomend skitterbots for the shock Summon Skitterbots - War banner - Hatred But during general mapping, I reccomend using Herald of Ice instead for the clear. 6 - Defensive layers
Since we run fortify on main skill, you will always have it up.
In addition to that, we take both Acrobatics and Phase acrobatics. We keep up Endurance charges with "Endurance charge on melee stun" linked to leap slam CWDT setup with Steelskin No required uniques - Allows you to get a lot of life on every rare piece of gear - With 189% increased from tree, if you get decent life/strength rolls on gear, 6.5k life should be doable. But since we are using frostblades our biggest defensive layer is killing trash before it can hit us, and freezing bosses that do damage Last edited by TeL__#1795 on Apr 7, 2020, 5:24:16 AM Last bumped on Apr 15, 2020, 8:59:14 AM
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Looks pretty alright, personally I don't like the banner and skitterbots and would always go for herald of ice for clear.
If I may suggest some tree changes, namely I would go for the "Heart of the warrior" life nodes with "born to fight" instead of those in the ranger start area. You lose some attack speed, but you get a free jewel slot at the same level and a lil bit of life and melee dmg. Once you get a decent abyssus I would get an onslaught on kill abyss jewel and swap the onslaught flask with a taste of hate to mitigate all that additional phys damage you are getting, maybe get that jewel in some tombfists after getting an assassin mark ring, getting intimidate buff alongside it. Looks pretty decent, maybe will try out when I'm bored of my miner enough, good luck. |
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" Yeah I checked it out and going to Heart of the warrior gives the same life/damage for 1 less point - Even though you get 5% less from tree, flat life from strength makes up for it. In addition to that It helps with the degen from blood rage - For some reason in PoB fork, blood rage has a 5% per sec degen so it shows a net degen, even though the actual life regen is higher than the degen, not sure how it is in the vanilla PoB. Also, HoI is better for mapping yes, but I think that a 24% more multiplier is definitely the way to go for bosses. Since we have an open gem socket until we get a lv4 Enlighten, we can easily just swap HoI and Skitterbots auras depending on the situation. I think that banner should definitely be used though - It helps give you a nice damage boosts on map bosses/conqurers, and more importantly, the increased fortify effect gives nice defensive bonuses for freeze immune bosses(metamorphs) or if you don't have high enough damage to freeze(If you do high level conqurers and are too lazy to gemswap Ancestral call) Last edited by TeL__#1795 on Feb 18, 2020, 2:21:05 AM
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Hi, i'm interested in your build. Do you have any tips for leveling? Can you add ascendancy and skilltrees level progression, please. And any suggestions about pantheon?
Thanks :D |
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" I added Ascendancy order into the build. I also added some guidelines to the skilltree, but it isn't set in stone, for example if you start with axes, you can go for axe nodes instead and later respec. But the order that I wrote out should be fairly optimized for using swords. |
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Would be nice to see that in action
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Hello... How you take bladedancer node????
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" You annoint it with Cassia. I chose that because it is the cheapest, but ideally you would want to annoint Assassination Last edited by TeL__#1795 on Mar 14, 2020, 2:06:34 PM
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Do you plan on using any of the unique cluster jewels? Like Secrets of Suffering?
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" No, I think that they cost too much points, and we have plenty of good stuff to take on the tree. |
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