Daryl davis vs Joe rogan, must watch?
" @IIPheXII You presume too much, when you should be practicing your reading skill. When you don't practice your reading skill, it's only natural for your comprehension ability to be lacking (to say the least). Ἀρχή Σοφίας ἡ τῶν ὀνομάτων ἐπίσκεψις -Ἀντισθένης ἁπλοκύων
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Ppl fear the unKNOWN. When we face something that is "alien" to us we have a choice - either we allow fear to take over and then we will buy any lie that will be given to us or we try to learn to KNOW and understand what we facing.
So yes all fear comes from nescience/ignorance. There is a difference - nescience is when You dont know something but You don have sources to learn (like lets say most of ppl in middle ages didnt read and had no books available to them - nescient society). Ignorance is when You dont know and there are sources available but You disregard them just because anything. We in our times are IGNORANT, not nescient (modern dictionaries show nescience and ignorance as synonims but that is not true - if You are interested in it seeks original meaning of those words and compare from what words in latin they are come from). Simple, not easy. |
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"Bullshit. As I said earlier, it's not that people fear the unknown but that emotion makes people fill their "knowledge" with confirmation bias. Proof? Death. You KNOW that death is the end of your consciousness, forever. Yet you fear it... and the more you fear it, the more alluring afterlife theories become. You want to turn what you know into a 99.99% certainty and obsess about that 0.01% with what you know is bullshit. It's okay. We all do it. Death is fucking scary. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" Not to me. I tried suicide, didnt work (yeah i dont know why, also my med firnds also dont know why; also i cannot try again and probably You wont believe/understand why). I experienced my Self and i know that i am more than body. Being here is just temporary and death... Is not something to fear. It is just a passage to something different. When seed changes to plant it dies as seed but it lives as plant. Human beings are seed. Understand it, experience it and death is something that is not to be feard. Death is part of this plain of existence. Ppl fear death because they DONT KNOW themselves. Last edited by de99ial#0161 on Feb 10, 2020, 1:56:39 PM
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