0.10.4 Patch Notes, 0.10.5 Content Update and Season One Rewards

I cant believe that there's actually people COMPLAINING about the frequency of patches and bug fixes. I for one APPRECIATE that they're actually listening to the players and making changes accordingly. Isnt this the way a game is supposed to be ran? Thanks for all the hard work GGG.

Chris, take my money for a PoE hoodie! =)
"We're already pulled over! We can't pull over any further"
Why no preview of the new support gems?
[quote="Path of Exile forums"]Draft out of sync.[/quote]
For the discussion of changes: I'm not sure about players in a party having to be *THAT* close to get loot, as it's not always possible for players to be within half a screen of each other. At least a screen and a half or 2 screens should be good, right?

As for the timer changes, BRAVO!!! Very good indeed.

The only downside is that we no longer see if something is allocated to *us*. Yeah, we see the item, but we don't necessarily think "Oh, I'd better get that quick, before someone else does." But that may be a necessary downside because the upsides are so great.

Longer timers FTW! Finally we can see the shit before the timer runs out. :)

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
As long as the updates come on a weekly/daily basis I will financially support this game. Don't ever stop, its the reason why a lot of people continue to rave about this game, the updates.

Be different from all the other shitty companies, care about your gamers. Be the first to achieve it indefinitely.

As for my suggestions (not sure if this is the correct thread)

Skill effects to older gems would be nice.
New zombie skin? Turning spectre's dark instead of white? Have them with a glowing aura?
Effects for more then headgear
Sound effects microtransactions
Extra gore. body parts being thrown around the map when killed

As for non microtransactions.

Not having to rebuff auras in pvp. Allow summoners to carry their minions into arena. Right now its a huge disadvantage to summoners to have to summon during pvp, bad choice in balance.

Allow for zooming a tiny bit more. It will stop offscreen charge deaths, which I think isn't fair, especially in hardcore (I don't play hardcore for that and many other reasons).

Fix minion pathing, its awful atm. Spectre quality gem is pointless since movement speed is capped there is no reason to bring quality to 20%

Thank you for another exciting update! The races have been tons of fun! My friends and I are happy to support you guys with all the hard work you are doing to keep the game fresh and interesting.

I hope you have more teasers soon about he new support gems soon.
FerociousFeAr wrote:
As long as the updates come on a weekly/daily basis I will financially support this game. Don't ever stop, its the reason why a lot of people continue to rave about this game, the updates.

Be different from all the other shitty companies, care about your gamers. Be the first to achieve it indefinitely.

"different from all the other shitty companies"

Since OB GGG has been acting exactly like 99% of other F2P companies. You may want to do some research on how things actually work before you make ridiculous claims.

Ushela wrote:
How many times do all you "desynch noobs" need to be told that it IS being worked on. You guys think its something that can be fixed in 7 days....christ..if it was do you think it would still exist?

You must be new here. According to Chris, it was expected to be noticeably improved when OB came. It actually got worse. Theres a reason people are getting really tired of it.
Last edited by Magnicon#6598 on Mar 21, 2013, 2:04:38 AM
I know it's kind of an odd thing to like, but I really love the design on the log-in screen for the sale. Normally would be tacky but the stylization is awesome!

I need a Mac version (or someone point me to a wine that works well with current patches) and I'll be all about buying. Until then the game is too unstable, patches fix and break things each time. Used to have near instant load times now they are 30sec-1min.

Other than that the game is great and so are these amazingly fast patches.

Thanks GGG, Chris e.s.p.ecially.
The new patch makes cyclone a little bit more interesting.

But there is a huge problem with the mana cost now which comes up with the new patch.

By reducing the min. travel distance by 2/3 you decrease the mana cost effectiveness by 2/3 and worsen the mana cost/time ratio by 2/3. It was even prepatch hard to maintain cyclone, especially with a lower number of mobs in effective cyclone reach.

Noones manaleech will be enough to maintain that mana cost now so you end up using bloodmagic to maintain it.
IGN: NautyJugg
Last edited by tayfun369#1369 on Mar 21, 2013, 3:29:14 AM
I can actually provide a sneak peek of one of the new support gems from alfa**

This is an absolutely amazing support gem and brings the game back into its own.

Min Level: 12
Keywords: Melee, Less Frustrating
Mana Cost Multiplier: 110%

Activated ability forces monsters on your screen to appear in their actual location, increasing the likelihood that you will be able to successfully attack their correct location.

per % quality: 5% more sync

**=actually lying fake ability
IGN: Annassassin
god damn it, you had me going for a little while with the gem... sneak peak plox , Chris, Pneuma, anyone ^_^
IGN Asdfninja

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