[3.9 Flicker Jugg] Unreasonably Thicc Man Defies Laws of Physics and Becomes Anime on a 50c Budget
It's the best worst build in the universe, you should definitely (not) play it.
T14 clear, had to cut the video quite a bit due to massive slowdowns and crashes. https://youtu.be/oYhhOvIfd3Q I'll add more when I'll figure out how to use Relive without crashing the game every 2 minutes or find a better alternative. My Laptop is old so bear with me. Your average clearspeed will be more or less the same across all tiers (after getting all of the basic pieces of gear), the only bottleneck is Single Target damage, but it's not terrible as you can see (not the best boss to showcase it though) and there are ways to get it to a comfortable level T16 Clear https://youtu.be/esR9OqDYfTM T15 Boss/Meta Fights https://youtu.be/sbaFD2nR9rQ 44% more life map. Didn't get to showcase the second weapon set with ruthless since both fights had adds in them and cleaving setup made more sense, but in pure st situations it's actually quite a bit better.
Basic Concept I never played Flicker before and wanted to make something that actually vibes well with the current nonsensical one-shot environment. But I also wanted something that would take me all the way to the very end of the atlas on a budget as small as possible. So here we are. Pros and Cons Pros + It's Flicker Cons - It's Flicker Seriously though, if you never played one before it's gonna take a minute to adjust: - The clear speed is stupid fast (it's one of those Game Lags As Packs Explode type of experiences), you'll waste more time backtracking to pick things up than actually killing things. - The ST and bossing is the most hilarious and zen thing you'll ever do in PoE. It's literally 50/50, either you jump to the right side and dodge some mechanic or you don't, it's out of your hands now, just let the RNGesus guide your ride. - To be fair, layers of defenses (phase acro + blind + evasion) and mitigation (Jugg ascendancy, fortify and endurance charges) certainly help to "minimize" the risks. At this point I facetanked red tier Baran and (up to) T14 metamorphs fairly consistently. - Ele reflect is an instant death, so keep that in mind (99 to 100% of our damage is gonna be fire, depending on your gear, so yeah). - HC viability depends entirely on your life philosophy. All of the builds are destined to die on HC, the only question is when that happens. And with flicker - you never really know. ______________________________________ Gameplay Just pop them flasks, close your eyes and press the button. Vaal Haste/Ancestral Warchief helps with bossing though, so there are two additional button presses, but you don't really need those till Red Tier maps.
PoB https://pastebin.com/PKgEsDgd According to PoB with flasks my deeps is around a mil + some change, you can scale it further by adding Skitterbots to the setup (for shocks) + in the next 10 levels I'll get about 500k more through crit multiplier nods and an extra frenzy charge. This build really gets a lot of damage from the tree compared to some other things I played (armag chieftain namely). Tree Should be pretty intuitive since it doesn't really deviate from the path, the only convoluted thing about it is described in the gearing part of the guide below and revolves around picking up the Jewel Socket next to Golem's Blood under the Duelist's starting area. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEBAAHcBS0FtQYgBqIGxhGBEuEUIBR1Fr8X3BjbG8gfQR9MIWAiryP2JC4mlSoLLIUuUzBxMHwxsDY9Nug4UzpCPfw-z0CgR35LeE2SUUdVS1b6WGNYr1oaXaRd8l8_YeJirGOnZU1sjHBScgF0oHTtdPF253fXd-N4enloeu99O31zfyuE2YTvhmCHaonTjDaMz419jbmNv5MPlwiYU5smnMedqqLqqSepbqmUrQmxfLTFvTa95r6nwAHBBMLsw-bG2Msey_XSONNv1CPUUtrB3Izcvd1G3ajd1eWz5w_o1u8O9kj9bv5F?accountName=awesoweh&characterName=CULODELFUEGO Bandits Early it's better to take Alira, mana regen and resistances are great for leveling. Switch to +2 points in the late game. Ascendancy Undeniable -> Unflinching -> Unrelenting -> Unbreakable I got the last one just a few levels ago, it's not a deal breaker but it certainly helps. Pantheon Major - Solaris (Capture the Gorgon) Minor - Shakari (Capture Terror) Pantheon choices don't matter THAT much, but since we try to get as much survivability as we can, poison immune and ST damage reduction certainly help.
Leveling (acts) In this particular version of the flicker we only get to use it when Oro's becomes available (level 67), so you'll have to go through acts with whatever you feel the most comfortable with (I just cycloned all the way through). If you already have some currency and this not your first char in the league than you'll know what to do (just get your basic leveling uniques that are dirt cheap and upgrade your weapons every 10 levels or so) If you use this as a starter than grab frost blades by any means necessary and blast your way to cyclone (unless you enjoy blades more) upgrading your gear accordingly (life, resistances and better weapons). The only item worth mentioning is Belly of the Beast, since it'll serve you till the very late game. Get one with the best possible life and resistance rolls, it'll cost you anywhere between 4c and infinity depending on your luck (afaik I got this one for about 10c) ____________________________ Midgame (T1-10 Maps) This is where the fun begins. By the time you reach maps you'll likely be lvl 67 or close to it, once you get to that number waste no time and get that bad boy asap, even 6-linked it's dirt cheap and is in 15-20c range. // Just to clarify some mechanics - Flicker has an innate cd of about 2 seconds, in order to bypass it we need Frenzy Charges, Oro (with combustion support and Primeval Force cluster on passive tree) generates them for us on every hit basically, so we never run out. // Impresence is the second key unique we need to enable this build as it allows us to run Flammability with Blasphemy support without reserving our mana. !!IMPORTANT!! - This is also a good time to use oils on your amulet to allocate Essence Sap, this will cost you about 8c (teal, violet and black oils) to never care about mana again. If you are really down on your luck and have no currency - don't fret, the Essence Sap cluster is right along our way on the passive tree, so just grab one point (and just refund it later) in it as you climb towards Acrobatics. Starkonja is a nice balanced option that boosts our damage and defenses quite nicely, it's also dirt cheap (1-2c range). Look for the highest life roll. Since you are (at least) level 67 at this point and are likely switching off from Terminus or something similar (with phys damage on it) it's time to grab that Jewel Socket next to Golem's Blood under the Duelist starting area on our tree and get a Fireborn jewel in it. Like most other components of this build it's dirt cheap (1c). We should be still within budget, so grab these two flasks: Look for the highest % roll of Gain X% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage Look for the highest % roll of Damage Penetrates X% Resistance of each Element for which your Uncapped Elemental Resistance is highest Fill out the rest of your slots with rares prioritizing hp and resistances (till cap or close to it, since we are running a bunch of endurance charges AND wise oak you can sacrifice some of the resists and stay under cap unbuffed at your own risk), make sure your Fire Res is a little bit higher than the others (even beyond the cap) Keep in mind that 20 lvl Combustion support requires 111 int, so be on lookout for some + int on the rings and such, since we don't get much of it from the tree. ________________________________________ Endgame If you are still around and enjoying the build, there's no reason not to invest a little bit into it. The first obvious upgrade should be a Cinderswallow flask, as it gives you Onslaught and 10% more deeps on ignited targets (they are always gonna be ignited) Start looking for gloves with added fire damage against burning enemies it's really a huge boon to this build, sort of like having a second (slightly weaker) Anger. And just try to get as much flat fire damage/increased fire or elemental damage/increased elemental damage with attacks on the rest of your rares (rings, belt, idk if boots can roll something like that with new guardian modifiers or not, haven't delved into PoEDB recently) I'm kind of 50/50 on Kaom's honestly, since we lose a bunch of sockets that we can't really spare. And while 50% fire damage and extra life are nice and all it doesn't make that big of a difference really. Same with the Taming ring, it's a good dps boost for sure and it gives a lot of + all ele resistances, but you will lose some life and for that price (1.5-2 ex atm) you are likely better off finding or crafting an Opal Ring for the stats and increases you actually need. It's worth considering (for some quality of life on single target fights) grabbing another 6 link Oro's for the second weapon set with the best possible DPS stats on it and putting Ruthless in it instead of cleave support. Flasks This is the least flexible part of the build, since we need 4 flasks slots devoted to dps to push our single target damage. Life flask is a must for no leech maps + it can save your ass on some dodgy fights and we need a non-unique one anyway to get either Freeze or Curse immunity on it. The rest is pretty self-explanatory, 3 uniques mentioned above and a Diamond Flask for that extra push (that scales with crit multiplier nicely and is responsible for about a 20% dps increase at higher levels as we get to put our talents in Heartseeker and Dismembering clusters).
Flicker Strike Setup In case you feel like you need a bit of extra dps on bosses, keep a Ruthless Support handy and switch it with melee cleave before the encounter. Defensive Setup Bloodrage is there to benefit from inc. duration, but you'll have to use it manually since it's quite overleveled and doesn't trigger from CWDT. Totem/Leap Setup Unavailable Aura Setup You don't necessarily need it all on one item, the only relevant links are blasphemy and flammability, the rest can be socketed wherever. You will need the sand stance for blinding enemies close to you and Vaal Haste as a dps cooldown on bosses and such.
Other builds: Got only one so far, Armageddon Brand Chieftain on a super low budget - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2650946 Last edited by awesoweh#0439 on Jan 5, 2020, 1:50:16 AM Last bumped on Feb 2, 2020, 1:57:13 PM
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Added a T16 Clear video to the OP. Cut out the boss and metamorph fights since they turned out quite long - Those totems are fat as it is (and you have to manually dodge some mechanics quite often), but with 45% more Life and 60% less recovery it's just a torture. The map took me 2 minutes clear and the bosses (including meta) - twice as long.
Keep in mind that my character is far from being decked out and is still lvl 87, lots of damage to be had from the tree and a second weapon set (another 6 linked oro's with ruthless instead of cleave for comfortable bossing). Clearspeed will likely be the same across all tiers at this point, but there are still a lot of room for improvement as far as single target damage is concerned. Last edited by awesoweh#0439 on Dec 31, 2019, 2:02:24 AM
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Been having some fun with this! Will be interesting to see how the build progresses. Thanks for posting it.
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hey dude,
I like the idea but your tree is trash tbh. you have only 130% life,.. you picked phase acro,... with juggernaut? the armour ascendancy.... Here is another take on your POB, 190% Life, more defence and same DMG level. (6,5k HP!) https://pastebin.com/HX2cBRZp it could be better to Take the crit multi near juggernaut and path different. But I like the idea with the phys to fire conversion, Be careful with your builds. you took a mighty Juggernaut and gave him a weak Ranger/shadow tree,.. not good. Last edited by Alienbutter#5323 on Jan 4, 2020, 11:39:36 PM
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" Well you can do 99.9% of the game with 5-5.5k hp easily, but that 0.01% will body you regardless of your hp pool unless you are running 11k ES with CI, so 1k extra life won't matter. 40/30 Dodge on other hand might save you a couple of times in those situations (+ the build runs a bit more layers and depending on context math can stack up in its favor rather quickly). Last edited by awesoweh#0439 on Jan 5, 2020, 12:52:09 AM
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" ok, you fail to see the point here. With Kaoms heart, you can reach 7k HP very easy. You choose Juggernaut, who gains defense when he gets hit. your acrobatics will destroys your defence. It is very easy to build around a good defense. You choose to get a lil bit of everything. Well when you cant get more exp and die too often try my tree and see how it feels. Basic rule of thump; aim for 200% life from tree for every build, check whats reachable and then decide. |
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" Dude, I'm level 90 and If I die, I die only to stuff mentioned above, not anything else. Having less armor because of acro is absolutely fine since we don't run that much armor in the first place, besides armor becomes less effective the bigger the hit is, read up on its mechanics. Endurance charges and -5% from Unbreakable ascendancy are not affected by acro, so we only trade 2k armor in favor of 40/30 dodge. And despite having multiple RNG layers you'll still get hit, I don't think I ever ran out of end charges during mapping and metas/most bosses have adds. Every pure single target fight is about mechanics, so 1k extra hp won't help you (end charges or not). _____ On a side note - added bossing/meta video from a T15 44% more life map. Last edited by awesoweh#0439 on Jan 10, 2020, 1:10:17 AM
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Thanks for the build. I started with GS Jugg but it was too clunky for my playstyle and switched to Oro Flicker out of fun. If endgame gets too rough I might just change to the Nagamahu cyclone or something like that.
Out of curiosity I went chieftain instead of jugg, which is fine for now, just a little less dps. I do have to generate my Endurance Charges with Enduring Cry though. With the proper currency in the bank the biggest upgrade for me would be an almost mirror tier Warlord Influence Stygian Vise and ofc an anger/precision Watcher's. It is performing fine for Flicker at currently lvl 81 but I do see Alienbutter's point for the very late game. If I start dying while mapping I will change to jugg with his life build - Metamorphs are a gamble anyways and the random death count to them is a little higher anyways.... Cheers. |
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" I was contemplating going chieftain at first, but due to end charges generation and having a little bit less of everything (damage and defenses and QoL in form of free accuracy) I switched to jugg last minute, no regrets. Concerning gear in reasonable price range, at this point I feel like crafting or buying an ele reflect immune chest with good hp and res rolls. The rest of the upgrades are double to tripple digits exalts territory and feel like an overkill anyway. As far as survivability in late game is concerned you can check out them videos. T16 feels fine, bosses feel fine as well, I did all of the red conquerors deathless at this point, tanked most metas (still have to be cautious though for reasons you mentioned) etc. The only part of the game left untested is Uber stuff basically (shaper, elder, awakener, uber atziri), but all of them are about mechanics anyway, if you get hit by any of the big telegraphs you are going down regardless of your hp pool and defenses (barring a few broken builds). The biggest threats are - missing a timing window due to flickering around, influenced white mobs with 10k off-screen beams, juicy metas, some legion rares on maps with a lot of monster damage rolls (due to their off-screen capabilities) and that's about it. So, like everyone else you are vulnerable to the stuff that fits snuggly into a [Bullshit] category. Last edited by awesoweh#0439 on Jan 5, 2020, 2:31:35 AM
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