3.9.1 Hotfix 2

pls fix memory leak!!
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One thing I cant understand is WHY release a such bugged "expansion" and league just before christmas. They knew they woudn't have tive to fix stuff. It could be better if they just realeased a legacy league or meta without the atlas/other changes.

Now they have a lot to fix, a lot of angry players old and new ones that need to wait till they come back from holidays.

Memory leak, bugged league, balance problems, bugged atlas, again performance problems (even streamers I saw having a lot of problems on boss fights). What else? Ah yeah we have useless new skills, half nerfed minions that still king, trash melee that u know still trash, confusing convulated atlas with more sockets for us to play and all of this having to restart the client each 15 mins yeeee. So good expansion. Im wondering the state of the game when they so "hyped" 4.0 or 2.0 arrives. If this lil content brings so many bugs imagine on 4.0...

Being unable to play because of difficult fix is tough. But the lack of ongoing communication by GGG on the forums about the fix and what they are doing is inexcusable. Little time or effort is required to post here and tell us what is going on and what the plan is to provide a fix. Shame Shame. GGG, show some respect to your players.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Fix crashes and return our bloody maps. Ty
IHellBoundI wrote:

Memory leak, bugged league, balance problems, bugged atlas, again performance problems (even streamers I saw having a lot of problems on boss fights). What else?

Deleted maps in Standard by using the conversion feature that I've paid for. ~2 weeks later - still no fix and no maps, it's like a slap in the face.

I've literally paid them to get fked by their incompetence, laziness and inability to test so crucial & elementary feature before releasing it.

And the most funny thing is that this conversion has obliterated several of my Map Tabs, on several accounts in exactly the same manner and it could've been avoided entirely if they (GGG) HAVE TESTED THIS FUCKING THING AT LEAST ONCE TO REALIZE THAT IT DOESN'T WORK AT ALL. They didn't.

Click the button next time, GGG. Click it!
Last edited by jewelsy2 on Dec 22, 2019, 7:26:32 PM
pls fix memmory leak
For the love of God fix this damn game! Been trying to do my 3d lab and i keep getting killed by these fking traps because movement skills are broken once again. Desyncing all the time when using any movement skill. Flame dashing takes you straight into the traps ffs.

2 Weeks after the new league and game is still unplayable.
Did they fix it so every boss you could handle yesterday one hits you now?


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