EA Templar, or how to deal up to 350k dps.
Hi Exiles.
First of all, my english isnt the best, i know. Second, this will be not a complete guide of the build, with all the stuff like how to level etc. More a charconcept. I fight long with myself, to release this build to public or not. At all, i will release it, so that GGG can fix it. Its not boring to play him at all, but i start to feel a bit like a cheater, when even a six player game has nearly no difference for me to an one player game. I dont think that that is it what GGG whant to have in Path of Exile. And its not how i whant to play. Where we start? Hmm, first an Index i think: 1. Intro/EA? 2. Passiv Skilltree 3. Equipment/Gems and Support 4. How to Play/Mechanics 5. Strength/Weaknesses 6. Outro/why i whait to write this 7. Videos 8. Often telled questions 1: Intro/EA?
What the hell is a EA Templar? Simply said, an Templar that using Explosiv Arrow (EA). Thats discribes it at all. Later , at 4. How to Play/Mechanics ill go more into detail. 2. Passiv Skilltree
Was so often forced to link it, but never done it.... her it is:
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAnEDxgQHBLMFLQVbBg4J9g48EmkUTRRxFxwaOB0UHwIlrSftKLUpTy0fMgk2xTbYNuk6UjwFPV9AoEGqRtdMs1JTVcZWBFnzYEtgiGFSY_1mnme9cXlyqXTtdhF65nrvfNl9U36vgpuDOIZgh2WIG4uMjRmPRpBVl5WYrZuhnC2dgJ2un8uf36IApwinhKyqtYXAGs9l0NDUfNgk2t3dBd2M37_gEuFz42rnauw47FXtIO5v707vfO-F8Wzz3fTp9zL46_rS_Qs= Ill describe my path of... Skilltree (little flat joke) later in the 4. How to Play/Mechanics section. Bandit reward i took skill/skill/skill, but better had choosen life/skill/skill 3. Equipment/gems and support
My build is very item/socket based. You not need all of them, only the weapon is a core item, but this should be nearly the best matchup for my variant of an EA Templar. Remeber, that this is not a guide at all, it is a charcocnept. So here i will post the items/gems i wear/use. To see why i use this equip/gems, jump to 4. How to Play/Mechanics. Any suggestions? Post them!
4. How to Play/Mechanics
Uhmmm...where to start. Ill mix everthing a little bit, so u must read the full text, sorry.
How to play Get Ready: When i start play my character, i not turn on any auras. As you seen in my skilltree, i use Bloodmagic, so auras will litheraly kill me. I have wrath equipped on gloves, but i dont use it mutch. All gems in the gloves are for testing, ecept lighttning warp, waht is a very usefull skill. Bloodmagic is extrem usefull to handle the high mana consume of this caracter ( my 6 linked arrow costs 128 mana, 3,57ap/s) with the loss of auras, what isnt a high loss for this character. fight normal monster groups(single player): I just fire some massEA (the 6 linked in the armor) at one of them (stick them into same target if possible), than i use the splitshoot(to trigger Elemetal Equilibrium) until they are death. 90% of the monsters die insant out of one arrow(yes, one, not a 5 stack) on the explosion, the rest of them die in the next second. So at most time, fire an arrow, use split shoot, screen death, repeat. fight normal monster groups with a champgroup/rare/boss inside (single player) I start same as above, but try to stick five arrows in one target, than double curse (Elemetal Weakness, Flamability), than split shoot. The resuslt is, that all enemys should be dead. If the rare/boss alive (only very fire resistent and/or curse immunes will alive the burn longer than a blink of a second) i start to fire my singleEA (the 5 linked in the bow) on him. Nothing should alive this in single player games. fight normal monster groups with/without boss/rare/champgroup(multi player): I do the same like i would facing monstergroups with a boss at single player games. Now there will be only more often a target for the singleEA. Fight single targets (mostly bosses) Use the singleEA (see bow again). Mechanics Each game people tell me questions like: "Why ure EA deals so unreal mutch dmg?" The answere isnt that simple. As you see, i use a burning dmg based build. I also reduce the resistences of monster by nearly 150%. Burning dmg is twice affectet by resistences(soon more).I shock the enemys. I spread status alligments. Burn dmg mechanic: If a target burn, it takes 1/3 of the initial fire dmg deald as bruning dmg for 4 seconds. So effective 4/3 of my initial fire dmg. Enemys burn, if you crit, or if you trigger it via "incease chanche to ignite" Shock mechanics Shock increase the dmg of ALL SOURCES(including dmg over time) the monster takes by 40% per shock stack. Can stack up to 3 times, what more than double your dmg output in best case. Enemys get shocked, if you crit, or if you trigger it via "chanche to shock" for 276ms per 1% max life dealt as lightning dmg ( as it would deal in single player games). All effects under 300ms gets ignored. Also seems like the shock is scored bevore the dmg gets finaly deald (needs proof), so if you would shock the enemy, the dmg gets already increased by 40%. This is just a theory that needs a proof from GGG, but it realy seems like. Dmg of my massEA to an enemy with 0% base fire resistence (Without the shock theory, all dmg rounded down) Me: Base fire dmg per stack: 523-758 (640) Burn dmg increase: 80% burn duration increase: 115% Fire dmg increase:177% Resistence:-145% Shock:120% 5stacks + firedmg:640 x 5= 3200 x 2,77 = 8864 Fire resistence:8864 x 2,45 = 21716 Burndmg/sec: 7238 x 1,8(burn dmg increas)= 13028x2,45(fire res again, thats the tricky part of it)= 31918x2,2(shock)= 70219 Maximum theoretic(shock lasts not as long as burning) overall burn dmg: 70219 x 4(dur)= 280876 x 2,15(dur increase)= 603883 over 8.6 seconds Dmg of my massEA to an enemy with 0% base fire resistence (WITH the shock theory, all dmg rounded down) Base fire dmg per stack: 523-758 (640) Burn dmg increase: 80% burn duration increase: 115% Fire dmg increase:177% Resistence:-145% Shock:120% 5stacks + firedmg + shock:640 x 5= 3200 x 2,77 = 8864 x 2,2 = 19500 Fire resistence: 19500 x 2,45 = 47775 Burndmg/sec = 15925 x 1,8(burn dmg increas)= 28665 x 2,45(fire res again, thats the tricky part of it)= 70229 x 2,2(shock)= 154503 Maximum theoretic(shock lasts not as long as burning) overall burn dmg: 154503 x 4(dur) = 618012 x 2,15(dur increase) = 1328725 over 8.6 seconds Also, there is a significant ligning dmg. I dont know if the ligning dmg stacks too, but after the explosion, the weaker nonrare/boss/champ enemys are often shocked for some seconds. Elemental proliferation makes sure, that all enemys in a very huge AOE gets 3 stack shock, and the high burning dmg of the weakest target in the monstergroup. So even rares that are curse immune suffer significant increase burningdmg deald by a non curse immune meber of the group. For fun, i calculated the now theoretical, in best case possible dmg of the single target EA: Burndmg/sec: 346708 Overall burn dmg over 8,6 seconds: 2981688 Also Elemental equilibrium works on curse immunes. 5. Strength/Weaknesses
Atleast, as you see my passive tree/equipment, this build hase some weaknesses: Squishy vs phys dmg: -only around 19% effective phys resistence -20% phys dmg is taken as fire dmg, 80% fire res = 16% phys reduction + some armor around 400 -only 2,2k hp -risky bloodmagic Curseimmune/fireresistent mobs: -when u encounter an curse immune, pury aura fire golem in a 6 player game, it may takes some time to kill... but this are rare encounters. Hard to controle: -uses 6 active skills (5 of them very often) -often must spamm instant heal poitions Sucks at teamplay: -two EA bite each other -anger aura kills youre dmg Gear depended: -needs mutch uniqes -needs mutch sockets -needs ldmgand/or cdmg on equip (possible turn on wrath aura to fix this) -needs mutch dex on equip Not recommended for HC! Strength: -unreal dmg (does in most open 6 player game more dps than the other 5 members together) -never runs out of mana -high life leech -high killspeed -very high as/ms for a fluid gameplay -very high mf -2x quicksilverflask: easy to evade projektiels -8.6 sec very huge safety dmg voids (all enemys within around 45 radius nealry die instant, if they enter) -effective vs any enemys -extreme resistence reduce, snyergized well with elemental teammates. 6. Outro/why i whait to write this At all, this build is a glass cannon, that has ha playstyle of: Kill it bevore it kills you, and if it dont die instant, evade everything what u can. I think its possible to build this char different, more safety. Non phys/chaos dmg dont hurt me more hard than other rangers. My opinion was to maximize the dmg without beeing instant kill at each single mob, so i dont went each lifepoint i could get. Why i waited: Iam a player that loves uniqe builds. I love to stay uniqe, so iam not the guy who share all the stuff he finds out. Often i play realy curios builds. When i remember back to diablo 2 (for all who knows)times, i played for example: summon sorc, poisen dagger assasin, hydra pala, werwolf barb (with 16,8aps/sec o.o), trigger assasin, taliban necro, frosthammerdin and so on. I love to test different ways of skilluse and playstyle, to stay away from the mainstream and iam disapointed of the copycat way the most players play there caracters. I was (and still be) affraid, that my caracter gets copyied 1:1, and become the new Lamerdin of Path of Exile. (for all who dont played Diablo 2: Lamerdin, also known as Hammerdin, was an Character, that was played by around 70% of the community as maincharacter, cause he deald way to mutch dmg due an bug, and was bypasses nearly all resistences. And resistences had played a huge role in Diablo 2) Why i now post it: Cause i feel bad and like a cheater. And cause iam go to loose my discovering caracter. All chars i start end up somewhere betwen 20 and 60, when i see that they will never deal more than a little fraction of the dmg deald by my EA build. Also i see that i start to avoid party games.... cause i know the feeling, when you have a carracter, love his strength, put youre hearth and blood in it and so on, an than someone joins, and breaks ure Illusion, by simply overdmg everything. I always remember a late dock run a marauder after an houre says: "Why u make so freaking mutch dmg? I dont love to play my marauder anymore...." Share that char direct to GGG is hard, its a big community, iam only a little part of it, and GGG isnt that big too. So its simply hard to get there attenton on a fix. The GGG support is great, human and near to players like never seenn bevore, but i got the feeling, they get drown in work and iam worry about to get not seen. So i simply hope for a viral share of this build, to get the eye of GGG on this problem, and a fix. A char of this devasting power simply should not exist. At all, i know, i have many gramma fails and faults in this text, dont judge me to hard. If you have any suggestions/ideas/other thinks, feel free to post it. If something is complete wrong or missed by you, tell me, ill update it. 7. Videos
Docks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROT9ag1IouE
lvl 69 shore map: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlooqZ2jqJs Shock demonstration:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvZ-r8ULOKo LuckPwnSKill making piety:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjVw2BBPIrY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDwScSU3kfI Mana based build by PyrosEien: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/172483/page/1 8. Often telled Questions
Q:"When you hit the monster, doesnt it get also +25% fire because EA deals firedamage?"
A: NO. EA deals firedamage ONLY when it explodes, NOT before! So if EA hits the monster, they always get -50% fireresi in my build. Q."Why do you use Bloodmagic? Isnt that bad because u cant turn on auras?" A: This build has a ridicules manaconsume, if you whant to try it with auras, good luck, you will be constantly out of mana. Also there is current not a single aura that gives you benefeits thats are worth to not put one point in bloodmagic, and put around 15-20 points in manaabilitys to even use EA. Haste: the build not needs more attackspeed Anger: yay, destroy my own build Harted: 2 cold dmg more Wrath(easy to use with blood magic): 100 ldmg on attack more Vitaly: 1,5%hp reg, a little bit usefull, but not worth at all Grace(easy to use with blood magic): 1000+ evas, i cannot evade attacks, pointless Discipline: some hp that do not regenrate in combat or chaos dmg maps Purity: the only aura that i would have use for Clarity: PFFFFFFFFTTTTTT lol Q:"When you have deal fire, cold and ligningdmg, does Elemental Equilibrium debuff the enemy with -75% all res?" A: NO. Elemental equilibrium gets triggert, when you deal elemental dmg with a hit. The enemy you hit gets +25% to all elemental resistenz YOU DEAL, and -50% to all you NOT DEAL. So if you deal all three elements, the enemy gets +25% to all resisntece. Q: "Why dont you skill Weapon elemental dmg nodes?" A: Because the Explosion of EA do not get affected by Weapon elemental dmg. greez from germany :) IGN: Toxic_Artillery Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 Last edited by IsodorRodosi#0726 on May 28, 2013, 10:37:21 AM
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Added a short video at the end of the start post.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 |
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" this. with good dmg amu and rings you would even do more dmg. but you would loose that high iir ofc. IGN: NautyJugg
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Have you actually done maps with this build? I agree that it would utterly destroy places like merci ledge/felshrine, but 2200 health, virtually no ES, no avoidance, and no block means you will get instagibbed extremely often in maps regardless of how fast you kill. There are situations in maps where you simply cannot possibly avoid every leaper/projectile/AOE and you will not be able to survive them with your build and items.
EA damage does get pretty crazy if you try to maximize it, but it ends up making you such a glass cannon that it's no longer viable. Your damage is much higher than necessary, and your survivability is way way too low. I've built EA characters, and my fire trap witch currently reached the same point... Once you oneshot everything on the screen, stop pumping damage and work on making yourself harder to kill. |
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Iam lvl 80, where i got it?
Defently not in docs. Highest map i complete was 74. I have 80 all res, so only chaos/phys dmg hit me hard. Spamming instant heal potions mostly is enought to alive the 1 sec until arrow explodes...as long thre are 3 or more monsters and i not get one hitted, i can spam my splitshot to not run out of hp. At all, yes, somethimes i die, but it isnt HC, so... I made this build to see where iss the maximum, by not be an instant kill. Iam not mutch more squishy than the most of the rangers. IGN: Toxic_Artillery Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 Last edited by IsodorRodosi#0726 on Mar 20, 2013, 3:11:47 AM
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Quote : it isnt hardcore. Unquote.
Nc professional feedaz Last edited by oVersaucisse#5198 on Mar 19, 2013, 4:10:29 PM
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" Added a new video with a lvl 69 shore map. IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 |
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The English....He is r mangle it.
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I'm still confused if this guy is trolling, or russian.
IGN: Dewolff
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