Rip d4

i watched quin69 interview with the developer, and what i understand is skinned d3 thats all.

at the moment of 15:00 of video reveals that
Give me your heart,
And i will give you beauty,
Beyond your darkest dreams. -Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Gotta say looked way worse when i watched Kripp playing it in OP's link, just looked like slightly reskinned D3 tbh.

To be fair they are a long way off release so i'm not gonna go on tilt about it or anything but my excitement has been reduced from mildly excited to slightly excited.

Edit: our resident lovable moron Quinn's interview hasn't helped, pretty much reads like D3.5
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on Nov 2, 2019, 6:19:08 AM
ROFL horrible and here's the sad part, it's going to be a 2021+ game and that's how it looks/feels.

It has that same stupid pastel look D3 has. Are they just morons over there? I'd take D2 art/style of D4 any day of the week.
Last edited by poeGT#1333 on Nov 2, 2019, 7:16:51 AM
dude, looks and feels like d3 what is this shit
Second-class poe gamer
poeGT wrote: Are they just morons over there?

YES! They are big morons.
3 second shapeshift duration. Complete bullshit. Same cooldown crap as D3. This is not the druid the people want.
Naedingur wrote:
3 second shapeshift duration. Complete bullshit. Same cooldown crap as D3. This is not the druid the people want.

Oh relax, if you even did a few minutes of research in the developer panels, you would see you can spec into perma-bear, if that is your thing.

Which in seriousness, why even have the druid character? If you want to be a bear the whole time, let's just introduce animals as playable characters.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
Naedingur wrote:
3 second shapeshift duration. Complete bullshit. Same cooldown crap as D3. This is not the druid the people want.

Oh relax, if you even did a few minutes of research in the developer panels, you would see you can spec into perma-bear, if that is your thing.

Which in seriousness, why even have the druid character? If you want to be a bear the whole time, let's just introduce animals as playable characters.

You obviously never played D2 LOD.
Naedingur wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
Naedingur wrote:
3 second shapeshift duration. Complete bullshit. Same cooldown crap as D3. This is not the druid the people want.

Oh relax, if you even did a few minutes of research in the developer panels, you would see you can spec into perma-bear, if that is your thing.

Which in seriousness, why even have the druid character? If you want to be a bear the whole time, let's just introduce animals as playable characters.

You obviously never played D2 LOD.

I did, but much preferred the elemental Druid with enigma

Edit: I mean if you wanna be perma-shapeshifted, ok, it really didn't seem that cool imo. I like the idea of limited shifts, but I understand people want choice.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Nov 5, 2019, 12:43:25 PM

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