Deathmark Support

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Last bumped on Jun 2, 2023, 5:48:34 PM
I'm not using this one on a spectre-based necromancer. Before 3.8.0, to direct the minions, I used Ball Lightning, and I don't see a reason to change this. Ball Lightning hits, so I can use Curse on Hit and a spectre-appropriate curse like Flammability. Unless I'm gravely mistaken, I can't use CoH with Deathmark skill, so... no reason for me to switch from Ball Lightning to Deathmark.
Now that this skill is getting a tiny bit of attention (renamed to Predator Support), any word on fixing the non-interaction between it and Manifest Dancing Dervish/Duo?

Currently, the gem deactivates along with the weapon as Rampage triggers. Using a 2nd copy of the gem somewhere else still does not allow you to control the sword.

I'd love for it to be changed to either allow a 2nd gem setup to direct the minions, or for the skill to not deactivate on item disable.

I would like to use Signal Prey to target rare's within packs, so I can remove buffs and make the pack less dangerous to handle. With pack density as it is, and how enemies move, it can be pretty impossible to do.

If it was possible to have signal prey target the entity with the most the most power, that would be super helpful. Or target the enemy that would give the most power if this was a warcry.

I mean am I yelling at my minions to tell them which one, or using mental control, either way I'd be able to give specifics as to which enemy exactly.

This encourages an active thoughtful playstyle, which sounds like the direction y'all want to go.

Champion Bladestorm Super Tank -
Last edited by GonzoHarratec#5923 on Jul 25, 2021, 10:28:44 AM
You lot forgot to change the name of this one? I believe it's called predator in game.
Currently, the Signal Prey ability granted by this in Crucible Trees is removed any time you zone. I've created a bug post, but I figured I would cross-post in this thread.

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