3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
" Consider essence crafting a new one. Use a base with a +1 socket level implicit (like the bow on my character: necrotaku_SEN). Fix the socket colors and links first, that is where I [formerly] used Harvest crafting and eventually Vorici for luxury white sockets. Annul orb what you don't need from the essence craft. So this is a little gambling which is what I always did for every league, the worst I ever did was gamble away 1ex (now 1div) worth of ingredients - annuls and essences). Once you just have only minion damage on the bow and nothing else, use Bestiary crafting to add another +1 socket (farric wolf alpha). Then add an aspect (avian) using Bestiary. Then bench craft "3 mods" to complete it. I never crafted my bow using Harvest during the league (never got what I could have used). The disadvantage of a minion bow is you can't cyclone (and I stopped doing this 8-9 leagues ago), but you can now use a quiver and maybe even a quiver with socket(s). No idea if any of this still works in 3.19 though, but I'll eventually craft a new minion bow for standard to take advantage of the new essence minion damage. PS. I'm a glass cannon right now. I only have around 3500 eHP, so I keep my distance from the fights. But, I can dish out 5m DPS (for mobs, not bosses) and just used about 2 divs total for gear. |
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" Thanks for the suggestion. But I am kind of broke after buying the Awakened Multistrike :-D The only thing I could do is to use a my 2 remaining divines to reroll my weapon and hope for at least 135+%. |
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" Not really. HP regen is key. Im at 600+ and was at near 1k regen which makes up for a lot of mistakes. Phys is no problem tbh with around 27k armor with flasks up. Spell block would be nice but that would require a different ammy and such to make it work. With Whispers things often die before you get on the screen with them. Tougher packs you just run around for a second while they die. Think of it as Tecmo bowl + poe. Damage is pretty massive for a cheap build but the regen is what makes it work. I mean IF you want to spend 20 divs+ and be a tank with this build it's very possible as is 35+ million pinnacle boss dps BUT with all the people whining about non survival of minions and dying on yellow maps with lots more investment than me thought I would post a roadmap per se. Crit is VERY workable even without ancient skull you can hit 70-80 crit chance with 450% multi which was drool territory/impossible a patch ago. They took away our phys block nodes so ignore it. Build armor and yeah spell block and a couple suppression pieces this would be "tanky". Easily adaptable for someone with more currency and time than me Last edited by ZRzAJBlvNx#7553 on Sep 5, 2022, 2:34:55 PM
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" Your characters are hidden - at least, according to your forum page. |
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Anyone still playing this build? Curious as to what works best atm after all the nerfs. Took a little break myself but want to give it another shot.
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I've run into the waters of tankiness and I'm enjoying it. But I still have my old gear and will definitely go back one day.
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" I'm using the tanky version (can check my char) and even tho the damage is lower than before, it still performs very good. Although, I'm using legacy items. No fun is allowed (GGG, 2020).
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After sorting through numerous remove-only tabs, I've managed to collect a passable version of this build:
https://pastebin.com/Dy0ayEcr It does t16s and some invitations, zombies are definitely more squishy than before. Going to try and figure out where can I shove a Purity of Elements(probably going to get rid of Aspect of the Avian) and if I have enough time to craft, to try and up the dps by switching to a 10-12link one hand weapon + squire. There is plenty of room to expand for people with lots of currency - better clusters, cb immunity gem, %Strength Lethal pride, legacy attributes ammy, rings and rare boots, better belt and flasks( legacy flasks would bring even stronger defenses) Would definitely be weaker in league since it falls off harder in endgame despite investments, but leveling and mapping is an absolute breeze and I find this build to be one that requires the least amount of micro-management. Make Bladefall Great Again!
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Hey mate, thanks for the guide.
Unsure if I am missing something but, what Masteries did you get if any? PoE Planner doesn't show any Life/Aura/Minion masteries. |
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" I think this thread/build might be a tad bit outdated for the game right now ^^ Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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