[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Is pestilent Strike still POGGERS?
Last edited by Mekinbaal on Jan 14, 2021, 9:33:12 AM
Thanks for the build guide and the leveling guide, it's perfect for me this league start cause it's a playstyle I'm really not used to and it's just in depth enough to carry me thorugh that. Been toying around a bit with some meh gear I had left on standard, and I think I'm going to run PS, liking that the most.

Looking forward to Ritual now :D
Damn I really hope gem updates will come before Leaguestart lol.
Also wish to see how strong venom gyre will be.
Last edited by NameMerken on Jan 14, 2021, 11:43:49 AM
What would be a good weapon to look for early
and what would be the perfect weapon in late game, no restrictions to currency,

is it still the same than before? since they changed the Pestilent strike GEM, i guess we just need a high phys damage roll on claws?
Wuhki wrote:
What would be a good weapon to look for early
and what would be the perfect weapon in late game, no restrictions to currency,

is it still the same than before? since they changed the Pestilent strike GEM, i guess we just need a high phys damage roll on claws?

Check out the lvling section on the first page. It's in the second post. He listed some nice lvling uniques that should be cheap.
For the perfect wep I have no idea. As you said they changed gems. But yeah my guess is a high phys dmg roll too, tho could be hard when you go for venom gyre, since at that point you'll also want the 100% more poison dmg.
Nikolas58585 wrote:
Pastebins doesnt work for me, what can i do?
Open the pastebin link in your browser and then copy and paste all the code into PoB. Copying the pastebin link into PoB doesn't work for me anymore. Used to work if I removed the s in https, but not anymore.

Wuhki wrote:
is it still the same than before? since they changed the Pestilent strike GEM, i guess we just need a high phys damage roll on claws?
This was talked about in the last several pages. High % phys claws are very hard to craft and do almost no more damage than the chaos claws. So if you get lucky with a phys craft, it can be very good. But when you don't have an unlimited budget, chaos crafts will be easier to craft and just as good.

Edit: I'll start with this build once again. Still not sure if I should go the transcendence route. Depends on how it all goes and what other builds people come up with.
Last edited by blastinMot on Jan 14, 2021, 1:19:06 PM
Wuhki wrote:
What would be a good weapon to look for early
and what would be the perfect weapon in late game, no restrictions to currency,

is it still the same than before? since they changed the Pestilent strike GEM, i guess we just need a high phys damage roll on claws?

I have a plan laid out for "the perfect weapon" but I'll wait until we see how Harvest pans out before posting anything just in case someone wastes currency on a pipe dream.

I'll most likely be posting a few harvest crafting guides as the league progresses. I already have one for the belt and the claws. Just waiting on harvest rarity. If its reforge league, just make the imperial claws in the guide, they're fine :)
Last edited by Yalpe on Jan 14, 2021, 1:41:14 PM
Hi, is there any version for VS that has more life + more damage? As in further upgrading for the build, would clusters be better for endgame?
Zerache wrote:
Hi, is there any version for VS that has more life + more damage?
If it was that easy to get more damage and more life, you would see it here.

Zerache wrote:
As in further upgrading for the build, would clusters be better for endgame?
Clusters can be better than a normal tree, but you would need pretty good ones to be a substantial upgrade.

You can look at "HarvestMot" on my account, to get an idea what good/perfect clusters look like. The notables on the clusters are somewhat debatable, but you will need to roll good stats on them (life/resists) to make them really stand out compared to the normal tree.
If you really want to min/max this build, then it might be worth a shot.
Uber melee Transcendence version might certainly be stronger though.
Zerache wrote:
Hi, is there any version for VS that has more life + more damage? As in further upgrading for the build, would clusters be better for endgame?

If you want more damage there are a few things you can do, but nothing is cheap.

- Lvl 21/23 gems
- Awakened Gems (lvl 6 is even better!)
- +1 socketed gems corrupted chest
- Thread of Hope for swift venoms is an option if not going loreweave

Obviously you can get more damage than the POB but you always have to sacrifice something in exchange.

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