[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

When you are bored of endless Conquerors and Sirus kills and try to make something else in end-game

Loot from 4x Elder + 4x Shaper + 4x Uber Elder, checking prices it seems that overall the loot wasn't that bad, probably made profit over direct selling of fragments :)

lilianmarius wrote:
When you are bored of endless Conquerors and Sirus kills and try to make something else in end-game

Loot from 4x Elder + 4x Shaper + 4x Uber Elder, checking prices it seems that overall the loot wasn't that bad, probably made profit over direct selling of fragments :)

I think you made a lot of profit :-)

I was also bored today and made a pretty useless thing that just cost curreny and a lot of mouseclicks, a double influenced WI staff. Looks pretty amazing with a alt Art skin transfer. Well — i can not link it with skin transfer — the original ones looks not so shiny.

lilianmarius wrote:
phantom_god wrote:
any tips for my gear? seems like i am not sure what to invest in anymore


not sure why the link doesnt work for me :s

First of all, change your belt with a 18% attributes one (15% + 20% quality with Intrinsic catalysts), and if you have currency for a corrupted % increased intelligence implicit one even better (%increased area of effect does much worse than good to this build since it decrease the single target DPS because icicles from Icestrom are spread over a larger area and don't overlap to give higher single target DPS).

Second, you should aim for a 500+ ES chest with 12% increased intelligence and 6% increased attributes or T1-T2 Intelligence.

Gloves and boots can have higher ES value as long as you can keep T1 Intelligence on them and also 30-35% movement speed on boots.

Also try to get all your conversion jewels(Fertile Mind and Brute Force) with + 24 Intelligence.

And i see you don't have a Watcher's Eye yet, if you can afford it, BIS single mod for this build is +ES gain on hit while affected by Discipline, they currently going for 12 ex+ though but worth the money in end-game to make your life easier.

ty for the answer chest with the stats u said cost a lot and i am in a really low budget i am very very unlucky so far lol

the belt i will look for a better one ty,well trying to find a belt with high % attribute and % int is pretty much 5+ exlt so i am going to wait for now lol

wachers eye i got the energy reg one for now saveing for the es for ea enemy hit

the rest of the gear with higher es is hard to find with high int/high es and some resist but i will work towards that ty :)
Last edited by phantom_god#0601 on Jan 25, 2020, 2:33:57 AM
Naramie_VI wrote:
lilianmarius wrote:
When you are bored of endless Conquerors and Sirus kills and try to make something else in end-game

Loot from 4x Elder + 4x Shaper + 4x Uber Elder, checking prices it seems that overall the loot wasn't that bad, probably made profit over direct selling of fragments :)

I think you made a lot of profit :-)

I was also bored today and made a pretty useless thing that just cost curreny and a lot of mouseclicks, a double influenced WI staff. Looks pretty amazing with a alt Art skin transfer. Well — i can not link it with skin transfer — the original ones looks not so shiny.

if u so boerd i wouild love to get that %mana to energy shield watchers eye :P
Really enjoying the build so far, I came into the league late but a buddy threw an exalt my way and I just had to play WI this league; it's my favorite build type in the game.

This league I've been pushing myself to craft more, so I have a question @lilianmarius: I saw you mention a page back about what mods to look out for on a chest piece. My question is, can I just take a shaper base and just throw a shuddering & dense fossil at it and hope for good rolls + an open suffix (for % attributes) or is there a method you find that's easier? Just trying to understand my options.
LuckHasFallen wrote:
Really enjoying the build so far, I came into the league late but a buddy threw an exalt my way and I just had to play WI this league; it's my favorite build type in the game.

This league I've been pushing myself to craft more, so I have a question @lilianmarius: I saw you mention a page back about what mods to look out for on a chest piece. My question is, can I just take a shaper base and just throw a shuddering & dense fossil at it and hope for good rolls + an open suffix (for % attributes) or is there a method you find that's easier? Just trying to understand my options.

Most convenient way of getting an % intelligence chest piece is by spamming alts on a ilvl 84+ Shaper Vaal Regalia till you hit T1 % intelligence and T1-T2 % ES or flat ES. Regal it and hope for a good roll (T1-T2 + Intelligence or some T1-T2 ES prefixes) then multimod and add % attributes and one more ES prefix available.

Before doing this, quality it to 30% using Pefect fossils for high ES output.

Or if you think you are not lucky, just buy one from trade, in most of the cases it's cheaper than trying to craft it yourself :)

Naramie_VI wrote:

I was also bored today and made a pretty useless thing that just cost curreny and a lot of mouseclicks, a double influenced WI staff. Looks pretty amazing with a alt Art skin transfer. Well — i can not link it with skin transfer — the original ones looks not so shiny.

I liked your idea of burning some currency for the sake of good look only and created my double influence Whispering Ice staff also :).
But because i don't enjoy clicking my mouse a countless number of times to chance/scour, i use directly a Trash to treasure prophecy to get my unique dual influenced staff.

Shaper/Crusader combo looks best of all available combos and this paired with Disintegrator skin + Arctic weapon effect result in a very nice looking weapon.

Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Jan 25, 2020, 9:55:10 AM
lilianmarius wrote:
LuckHasFallen wrote:
Really enjoying the build so far, I came into the league late but a buddy threw an exalt my way and I just had to play WI this league; it's my favorite build type in the game.

This league I've been pushing myself to craft more, so I have a question @lilianmarius: I saw you mention a page back about what mods to look out for on a chest piece. My question is, can I just take a shaper base and just throw a shuddering & dense fossil at it and hope for good rolls + an open suffix (for % attributes) or is there a method you find that's easier? Just trying to understand my options.

Most convenient way of getting an % intelligence chest piece is by spamming alts on a ilvl 84+ Shaper Vaal Regalia till you hit T1 % intelligence and T1-T2 % ES or flat ES. Regal it and hope for a good roll (T1-T2 + Intelligence or some T1-T2 ES prefixes) then multimod and add % attributes and one more ES prefix available.

Before doing this, quality it to 30% using Pefect fossils for high ES output.

Or if you think you are not lucky, just buy one from trade, in most of the cases it's cheaper than trying to craft it yourself :)

Appreciate the detailed response! Did some searching on poetrade and came to the conclusion it'll likely be cheaper to snag a base and give it a go.
So i got a 6 link vaal reg and got tier 1 increased int tier 2 increased es i multi mod it and added flat es and 6% attribute now i was thinking about adding hunt exlt to try and get you can apply an additinal curse even tho the 2 other prefix are ok one of them is bot great since its scales with %life so not sure it will work with CI but the second good 1 is phys dmg taken as chaos dmg sound pretty nice to me

Anything else better before i grind that hunter exlt orb?
Last edited by phantom_god#0601 on Jan 26, 2020, 1:15:57 AM
So I just started leveling this char and crafted the amulet myself
like just how lucky was I?

And also seeing the double influenced Staves. I only have my Alt art one which finally got freeed from the remove only tab ^^
Last edited by TrueEdge#0890 on Jan 27, 2020, 5:30:03 PM

im kind of dead end at min-maxing. i currently have about 40ex mut dont have any idea what to upgrade.. body armour would be better for intelligence but then cold res comes problem because that t1 roll.. i think my rings are good for es/int rolls so is there any point to change with better res?

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