[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Hello. Want to say thanks for the build and all the comments helping players out. I have never really crafted in POE before besides simple bench crafts. I always sold my currency and bought what I needed / could afford. This game always seemed to me one of those only craft what you can afford to lose games. One of the things that attracted me about this build was experimenting with crafting nice items a bit so I could understand it better. I haven't been able to play much due to holiday commitments but I am finally ready to try to craft my chest piece and want to make sure I am doing this right. I currently have about 2,500 alts to work with.

Step 1: Buy ilvl 86 Shaped Vaal Regalia

Step 2: Use a Perfect Fossil in a One Slot Resonator until I hit 30% quality.

Step 3: Use Transmute then Alt/Aug until I get two of 12% Intelligence, Tier 1 Energy Shield (not sure how to see difference between tiers to be honest), and Tier 1 Energy Shield %.

Step 4: Beast-craft an imprint if you can. Use Regal and hope for the one you missed with the Alts. Is this a 25% chance?

Step 5: If you did not get the desired mods and if you did not beast imprint then use a Hunter's Exalt on any Hunter influenced chest with 9-12% max intelligence then on the Shaper Chest. This will re roll the mods but keep 12% Intelligence. Can you get a double 12% this way?

Step 6: If you still have shitty rolls then you scour and start over. This gives you a better pool of mods that hopefully either hits what you want faster or hits something great for someone else and you can sell it and buy what you need.

I do not know anything about crafting really. This is what I think is correct after reading all 123 pages in this guide and trying to follow along with Reddit since the beginning of this league. If I am about to do something wrong please let me know. Not sure I could recover this league if I do something bone headed due to ignorance and blow all the currency I have saved to craft. Thanks in advance!
archwerewolf wrote:
lilianmarius wrote:
ha ha ha, they buffed Sirus level 8 lol, still he can't do shit against me, but you have to know that the laser beam is way more dangerous now, hits for 12-13k now, previous was hitting for 9-10k

total or in 1 hit?
its beam than he "die!" ?

it's that five way beam that shock freeze ignite bleed etc. but they fixed the stairs and now the storms are moving away from boss after some time you don't need to kite them.

Will do another run and will record the damage!
Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Jan 9, 2020, 5:55:43 PM
archwerewolf wrote:
Lilian your luck really crazy

hm bought helmet...now again try to get t2-t1 int -_-
ed: 3rd fail *****

I got 2/9 attempts for %Intel helms.

1st was T1 which I broke shortly after... 2nd was T2...

Saving to try again for T1...
CooterTheWooter wrote:
Hello. Want to say thanks for the build and all the comments helping players out. I have never really crafted in POE before besides simple bench crafts. I always sold my currency and bought what I needed / could afford. This game always seemed to me one of those only craft what you can afford to lose games. One of the things that attracted me about this build was experimenting with crafting nice items a bit so I could understand it better. I haven't been able to play much due to holiday commitments but I am finally ready to try to craft my chest piece and want to make sure I am doing this right. I currently have about 2,500 alts to work with.

Step 1: Buy ilvl 86 Shaped Vaal Regalia

Step 2: Use a Perfect Fossil in a One Slot Resonator until I hit 30% quality.

Step 3: Use Transmute then Alt/Aug until I get two of 12% Intelligence, Tier 1 Energy Shield (not sure how to see difference between tiers to be honest), and Tier 1 Energy Shield %.

Step 4: Beast-craft an imprint if you can. Use Regal and hope for the one you missed with the Alts. Is this a 25% chance?

Step 5: If you did not get the desired mods and if you did not beast imprint then use a Hunter's Exalt on any Hunter influenced chest with 9-12% max intelligence then on the Shaper Chest. This will re roll the mods but keep 12% Intelligence. Can you get a double 12% this way?

Step 6: If you still have shitty rolls then you scour and start over. This gives you a better pool of mods that hopefully either hits what you want faster or hits something great for someone else and you can sell it and buy what you need.

I do not know anything about crafting really. This is what I think is correct after reading all 123 pages in this guide and trying to follow along with Reddit since the beginning of this league. If I am about to do something wrong please let me know. Not sure I could recover this league if I do something bone headed due to ignorance and blow all the currency I have saved to craft. Thanks in advance!

First of all crafting is always gamble and you might just loose all the currency you are using without getting what you want. Start of this league I used over 5000alts to craft chest without getting it. On the other hand last league I succeeded with under 1000alts.

Step 1: Base item. ilvl 86 vaal regalia with shaper or crusader influence. ilvl84 goes as well. It will lack possibility of getting the T1 %increased ES roll, but is bit cheaper option.

Step 2: Perfect fossils to get 30% quality. Optional. You can also get 3star Hilloc on fortification and get 28% quality that way. If you use fossils you have to use it now as every time you use fossils it will reroll all the mods. If you use Hillock you can use him at any point as he wont be rerolling mods.

Step 3: Use Transmute then Alt/Aug until you get 9-12% Intelligence and ether high tier %increased ES or high tier flat ES. You can see what tier affix is by holding alt while hovering mouse over the item. You need to have Advanced Mod Descriptions activated (options->UI->Advanced Mod Descriptions) for this. Magic items (blue items) can have one prefix and one suffix. %increased int is suffix and both %ES and flat ES are prefixes so you cannot have both ES rolls in magic item. Even with T2 ES rolls you should be getting something 500ES at the end. How high you want depends on, well, how high you want. Your character tab is hidden so I cannot see what you have now, but T2 rolls and maybe even T3 rolls should be good enough to get you trough most of the shit for long time. Since this is your first crafting my suggestion is to not be greedy and expect best result here and now. Especially as you have "only" 2500 alts to use.

Step 4: Beastcraft Imprint. Optional. The beast you need for the recipe is called Craicic Chimeral and they cost around 130 chaos each right now. Benefit of using it is that if rest of the craft fails, you can go back to step 4 instead of step 3. But you need to get new beast each time.

Step 5: Have sealed prophecy with you and travel to act 1 to The Ledge. Here find Kuduku (the unique totem) and leave the prophecy of your choice next to him. MAKE SURE TO NOT KILL HIM!!!

Step 6: Pray Kuduku is satisfied to your tribute and use regal orb. You hope to get high roll of the ES modifier you did not got in step 3 or some of the hybrid mods with ES. You want to NOT get suffix.

Step 7: If you got suffix in step 6 (that is not high +int) try to annul it away. If you end up removing +%int or ES roll go back to step 3 (step 4 if you have imprint from step 4)

Step 8: Craft multimod (2exalts), 6% increased attributes and whatever is highest energy shield mod you are missing. If you got flat +int on step 6 craft another energy shield mod instead of 6% attributes.

Step 9: Divines until you get 12% increased int (%int is 9-12% roll, not the lower 5-8% right?)
Cjin wrote:
CooterTheWooter wrote:
Hello. Want to say thanks for the build and all the comments helping players out. I have never really crafted in POE before besides simple bench crafts. I always sold my currency and bought what I needed / could afford. This game always seemed to me one of those only craft what you can afford to lose games. One of the things that attracted me about this build was experimenting with crafting nice items a bit so I could understand it better. I haven't been able to play much due to holiday commitments but I am finally ready to try to craft my chest piece and want to make sure I am doing this right. I currently have about 2,500 alts to work with.

Step 1: Buy ilvl 86 Shaped Vaal Regalia

Step 2: Use a Perfect Fossil in a One Slot Resonator until I hit 30% quality.

Step 3: Use Transmute then Alt/Aug until I get two of 12% Intelligence, Tier 1 Energy Shield (not sure how to see difference between tiers to be honest), and Tier 1 Energy Shield %.

Step 4: Beast-craft an imprint if you can. Use Regal and hope for the one you missed with the Alts. Is this a 25% chance?

Step 5: If you did not get the desired mods and if you did not beast imprint then use a Hunter's Exalt on any Hunter influenced chest with 9-12% max intelligence then on the Shaper Chest. This will re roll the mods but keep 12% Intelligence. Can you get a double 12% this way?

Step 6: If you still have shitty rolls then you scour and start over. This gives you a better pool of mods that hopefully either hits what you want faster or hits something great for someone else and you can sell it and buy what you need.

I do not know anything about crafting really. This is what I think is correct after reading all 123 pages in this guide and trying to follow along with Reddit since the beginning of this league. If I am about to do something wrong please let me know. Not sure I could recover this league if I do something bone headed due to ignorance and blow all the currency I have saved to craft. Thanks in advance!

First of all crafting is always gamble and you might just loose all the currency you are using without getting what you want. Start of this league I used over 5000alts to craft chest without getting it. On the other hand last league I succeeded with under 1000alts.

Step 1: Base item. ilvl 86 vaal regalia with shaper or crusader influence. ilvl84 goes as well. It will lack possibility of getting the T1 %increased ES roll, but is bit cheaper option.

Step 2: Perfect fossils to get 30% quality. Optional. You can also get 3star Hilloc on fortification and get 28% quality that way. If you use fossils you have to use it now as every time you use fossils it will reroll all the mods. If you use Hillock you can use him at any point as he wont be rerolling mods.

Step 3: Use Transmute then Alt/Aug until you get 9-12% Intelligence and ether high tier %increased ES or high tier flat ES. You can see what tier affix is by holding alt while hovering mouse over the item. You need to have Advanced Mod Descriptions activated (options->UI->Advanced Mod Descriptions) for this. Magic items (blue items) can have one prefix and one suffix. %increased int is suffix and both %ES and flat ES are prefixes so you cannot have both ES rolls in magic item. Even with T2 ES rolls you should be getting something 500ES at the end. How high you want depends on, well, how high you want. Your character tab is hidden so I cannot see what you have now, but T2 rolls and maybe even T3 rolls should be good enough to get you trough most of the shit for long time. Since this is your first crafting my suggestion is to not be greedy and expect best result here and now. Especially as you have "only" 2500 alts to use.

Step 4: Beastcraft Imprint. Optional. The beast you need for the recipe is called Craicic Chimeral and they cost around 130 chaos each right now. Benefit of using it is that if rest of the craft fails, you can go back to step 4 instead of step 3. But you need to get new beast each time.

Step 5: Have sealed prophecy with you and travel to act 1 to The Ledge. Here find Kuduku (the unique totem) and leave the prophecy of your choice next to him. MAKE SURE TO NOT KILL HIM!!!

Step 6: Pray Kuduku is satisfied to your tribute and use regal orb. You hope to get high roll of the ES modifier you did not got in step 3 or some of the hybrid mods with ES. You want to NOT get suffix.

Step 7: If you got suffix in step 6 (that is not high +int) try to annul it away. If you end up removing +%int or ES roll go back to step 3 (step 4 if you have imprint from step 4)

Step 8: Craft multimod (2exalts), 6% increased attributes and whatever is highest energy shield mod you are missing. If you got flat +int on step 6 craft another energy shield mod instead of 6% attributes.

Step 9: Divines until you get 12% increased int (%int is 9-12% roll, not the lower 5-8% right?)

Thanks for the detailed reply. Not sure why my profile was set back to private but it should be fixed now. My gear could be a lot better. Especially the Boots, Chest, and Helm but I really need to upgrade my chest next. Still using the 20 chaos chest I got to start doing maps back at the beginning of the league. I feel like I have way too low Energy Shield. I can farm low tier Red maps usually with no problems, maybe re-rolling rippy mods but I feel real squishy on Corrupted Tier 14 stuff. Will study your notes when I am back in front of the computer tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
this is my first scion, tis loving it.

Thanks muchly for the build.

Spent way too much trying to get a helmet, which i now have the one i wear and spare to spam fossils on...
Beat AL8 Sirus today now that I don't have to deal with the storm bullshit. This build did not make it easy - dude ports everywhere. So you either use conc effect and he just ports away or Spell Cascade and no longer be able to see / do the mechanics due to lag.

Fight itself is pretty easy, and would likely be easier on a different build. But this one can do it.
lilianmarius wrote:

Demand > Offer , prices will go up even higher, CI builds go strong this league

Thank you for an advice.
Got a good rolled one for 12 and consider it a fair deal.
This freaking jewel itself makes character ultimately tanky :)
Semantic wrote:
Beat AL8 Sirus today now that I don't have to deal with the storm bullshit. This build did not make it easy - dude ports everywhere. So you either use conc effect and he just ports away or Spell Cascade and no longer be able to see / do the mechanics due to lag.

Fight itself is pretty easy, and would likely be easier on a different build. But this one can do it.

You say that fight is easy and other builds can do better but you forget how many important defensive layers this build has against this shitty boss:

- build is perma immune to all forms of chaos damage, shock, ignite and also immune to chill and freeze while on Cons Ground(and we are 100% on Cons Ground while facetanking bosses due to Inquisitor ascendancy)
- build has over average EHP - ~10K ES is very easy to reach.
- high leech + high instant leech (+ES on hit with Watcher's Eye that works also against invulnerable targets)
- decent ES regeneration (Zealoth Oath + Occultist Ascendancy + Consecrated ground + Tukohama when we Cyclone in place)
- Hinder against mobs from Aspect of The Spider
- 3 curse setup (you can always go Enfeeble + Frostbite+ Temp Chains instead of Elem Weakness for even more safety)
- Blind and Physical damage mitigation from Flesh and Stone and % damage reduction from Immortal Call)
- Fortify with Cyclone (you can always swap a dps gem for Fortify in staff)
- Arctic Armour (fire and physical damage reductions when you Cyclone in place
- Chill mobs with chilled ground/AA/Vortex

So if you draw a line you can see that this build has hell lots of defensive bonuses that make him so tanky compared to other CI builds or life builds and these defensive layers allow you to make mistakes when fighting end game bosses and keep you alive.

And the damage is not lacking either, Icestorm can output millions of DPS after few seconds of channeling over a boss
Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Jan 10, 2020, 3:29:09 AM
lilianmarius wrote:
Semantic wrote:
Beat AL8 Sirus today now that I don't have to deal with the storm bullshit. This build did not make it easy - dude ports everywhere. So you either use conc effect and he just ports away or Spell Cascade and no longer be able to see / do the mechanics due to lag.

Fight itself is pretty easy, and would likely be easier on a different build. But this one can do it.

You say that fight is easy and other builds can do better but you forget how many important defensive layers this build has against this shitty boss:

- build is perma immune to all forms of chaos damage, shock, ignite and also immune to chill and freeze while on Cons Ground(and we are 100% on Cons Ground while facetanking bosses due to Inquisitor ascendancy)
- build has over average EHP - ~10K ES is very easy to reach.
- high leech + high instant leech (+ES on hit with Watcher's Eye that works also against invulnerable targets)
- decent ES regeneration (Zealoth Oath + Occultist Ascendancy + Consecrated ground + Tukohama when we Cyclone in place)
- Hinder against mobs from Aspect of The Spider
- 3 curse setup (you can always go Enfeeble + Frostbite+ Temp Chains instead of Elem Weakness for even more safety)
- Blind and Physical damage mitigation from Flesh and Stone and % damage reduction from Immortal Call)
- Fortify with Cyclone (you can always swap a dps gem for Fortify in staff)
- Arctic Armour (fire and physical damage reductions when you Cyclone in place
- Chill mobs with chilled ground/AA/Vortex

So if you draw a line you can see that this build has hell lots of defensive bonuses that make him so tanky compared to other CI builds or life builds and these defensive layers allow you to make mistakes when fighting end game bosses and keep you alive.

And the damage is not lacking either, Icestorm can output millions of DPS after few seconds of channeling over a boss

Idk about reaching 10kES so easy, which changes a lot for this fight - you cannot facetank boss meaning you have to dodge. If you dodge - 3/4 of your list is disabled. Again - any ES on hit is kinda huge cost meaning you have leech which you have to restart again.

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