3.8| Stress Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)

Devilingii wrote:
Hey Wrecker,I just wanted to ask why you are using Bladestorm and what do you think of Perforate or Lacerate instead?

Anyway great guide and a very fun build, thanks a lot! :)
Hey Devilingii,

Good question! I seem to be the only one who likes it ;). I love the skill because: it coincides well with the Challenger Charges, it hits enemies 360 degrees around you, it has a naturally large AoE that typically only slow melee skills (and this is a fast-hitting skill), the Storm clouds (no matter the type) also hit and count as hits for you (so you can get Rage, Challenger Charges, or any other Hit perk without always needing to be offensive), and because of the two stances you don't have to worry about the skill only being good at clear OR boss killing. It's great at both without swapping gear or gems.

I like Perforate a lot. But for my Trigger Skills, it had too much range. I wanted something a little closer in range. Lacerate I haven't played around with at all. I've just read on it.

Do you like one more than the other?

Sadoldgit wrote:
Just a quick update. Completed Act 7 yesterday evening, level 58 and cruel lab done very easily.
So far progress has been on a 4 link chest and a mishmash of odd gems, still waiting for good gloves and shield. However build is sufficiently tanky for now.
It seems like I've picked up more alcs and chaos whilst progressing this league, which feels positive. Is this just me?
In terms of the guide, the 3 blue socket item for Pride, Flesh & Stone and Blood & Sand doesn't need to be linked, I think, so may be worth pointing out.
It will be interesting to hear how anyone gets one with The Surrender, so anyone tried yet?
There are so many good options on the passive tree it's hard to know which way to go. Is the recommended mana leech node the one down below Vaa Pact? Feels needed if running P, F&S, B&S I think.
As for the comments regarding Bladestorm it's definitely far clunkier that Cyclone last season. Cyclone was breeze with its movement capacity and therefore felt smoother and quicker to clear.
Overall it simply feels like a six link chest and a good weapon can take this build really far, so here's hoping.
Hey Sadoldgit,

I'm glad you're cruising well. I also feel that (even without league mechanics) story mode has more generous drops than mapping. Just a feeling though.

Thanks for the correction on the Aura links. I've changed it to "3 socket".

Yes. The recommended mana node is below Vaal Pact.

Ya. I hear you. Cyclone will make everything feel clunky though. Especially builds that go from Cyclone to a "non-cyclone" skill. But I, with all my symptoms and triggers, don't find Bladestorm bad at all. It's a lot better for me than Cyclone actually. And thanks to the storms, MUCH easier to play than any other melee skill.

Good questions! Let me know if I missed anything.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Hi. Thanks for the answer, I will not hesitate to ask you the next problem. I saw your video on youtube where you are rehearsing a ranger, will you be the next guide?
I now try a marauder with Ground Slam, on standard, in a couple of days after the update (now the servers have too many problems) I will start with the new league with the Happy Trigger and cyclone.
Thanks and good game
Well this feels like a daily diary update, so probably very boring! My aim yesterday was to complete Act 10, get Merc lab and be able to start mapping today. Almost but not quite! I got to level 69, went through the Feeding Troughs but decided to do Merc lab before completing Act 10 (less penalty). Failed Merc lab 3 times, probably due to pretty poor gear. Having hit 70 I'm going to upgrade gear so that I can do Merc lab and be sufficiently resistant to elements for mapping.

I've amassed 19 chaos orbs whilst levelling, which feels much more than any previous season, so here's the plan:
1. Get a 5 link chest - a 6 link is out of budget for now (5c)
2. Get any other gear that's required with correct socket links and colours (1c each, say 7c in total)
3. Buy the best weapon that I can with the remainder of the budget

Hopefully this will get me through white maps, but as I do the chaos recipe I can upgrade items as and when makes sense.

Can I just say that the basic loot filter has been fantastic - less screen clutter, easy to see. I think you notice it most at the end of a delve, when everything on screen is worth picking up. I will switch to the higher version shortly. Just a small grumble - could it be possible to identify chrome items as well please?

And, finally, is it just me or is anyone else really sick of a certain person's singing already?

Further update - started white maps, done merc, upgraded gear a little, but would welcome any recommendations.
gattobarbone wrote:
Hi. Thanks for the answer, I will not hesitate to ask you the next problem. I saw your video on youtube where you are rehearsing a ranger, will you be the next guide?
I now try a marauder with Ground Slam, on standard, in a couple of days after the update (now the servers have too many problems) I will start with the new league with the Happy Trigger and cyclone.
Thanks and good game
Ya. I was waiting for the Raider to be updated (as GGG hinted that I'd be coming in 3.8). I love that they kept the Phasing and Dodging branch in the ascendancy. It'll be a cyclone build that has ridiculous amounts of Dodge and other sweet perks all over the place. Console JUST got updated with a change that characters stop as soon as you let go of the analog stick, so that'll work great for that build. It should be out for 3.9 or at the end of 3.8.

Let me know how this build goes with Cyclone.

Sadoldgit wrote:
Well this feels like a daily diary update, so probably very boring! My aim yesterday was to complete Act 10, get Merc lab and be able to start mapping today. Almost but not quite! I got to level 69, went through the Feeding Troughs but decided to do Merc lab before completing Act 10 (less penalty). Failed Merc lab 3 times, probably due to pretty poor gear. Having hit 70 I'm going to upgrade gear so that I can do Merc lab and be sufficiently resistant to elements for mapping.

I've amassed 19 chaos orbs whilst levelling, which feels much more than any previous season, so here's the plan:
1. Get a 5 link chest - a 6 link is out of budget for now (5c)
2. Get any other gear that's required with correct socket links and colours (1c each, say 7c in total)
3. Buy the best weapon that I can with the remainder of the budget

Hopefully this will get me through white maps, but as I do the chaos recipe I can upgrade items as and when makes sense.

Can I just say that the basic loot filter has been fantastic - less screen clutter, easy to see. I think you notice it most at the end of a delve, when everything on screen is worth picking up. I will switch to the higher version shortly. Just a small grumble - could it be possible to identify chrome items as well please?

And, finally, is it just me or is anyone else really sick of a certain person's singing already?

Further update - started white maps, done merc, upgraded gear a little, but would welcome any recommendations.
Thanks for the dairy update! It's nice to see where people take the build. Let us know how your plan goes.

I'm glad you like the filer. In regards to Chromatics, the filter does include chromatic recipes, but I limit it to items that are only 3 squares high and 1 square wide...once mapping starts. Is that what you were referring to? Or did I misunderstand?

Once the guide replies slow down a bit I'll be able to take a look at gear and such. But I have the example videos to make first as Xbox just got update to 3.8 this morning.

Great post! If I missed anything, let me know.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Yes! I love the concept of the gladiator ascendancy, and I've always wanted to do a build that actually makes use of the trigger-skills but never really figured out how to get anything out of them other than some free dps that becomes negligible as you pump the main skill. This looks like totally my bag. Particularly after trying to make a melee summoner and just not really liking the playstyle. One more reason to stay away from WoW Classic. :D
Limbs wrote:
Yes! I love the concept of the gladiator ascendancy, and I've always wanted to do a build that actually makes use of the trigger-skills but never really figured out how to get anything out of them other than some free dps that becomes negligible as you pump the main skill. This looks like totally my bag. Particularly after trying to make a melee summoner and just not really liking the playstyle. One more reason to stay away from WoW Classic. :D
Hey Limbs,

I totally agree. Blocking is the best. So are automatic skills :). Let me know what you think! I'm always up for advice on the build or the guide.

Thanks for the encouraging post :).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Hey Everyone,

I updated the 3.8 pastebin again (the new gems were added...I'm not sure if that impacted the previous pastebin I posted). Nothing's changed in it.

I also added an example video of gameplay. Here it is so you don't have to go looking for it.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Sep 12, 2019, 6:08:22 PM
Hi Wrecker and others

Not quite a daily entry but here goes. Last post I was level 70 and the aim was to hit 90 and have followed the passive tree as recommended. At 70 I was able to get all the resistances I needed and felt very tanky. As I progressed to 90 I got all the block to 79%. I left the scion life wheel until last as I prioritised damage as the survivability felt so good. I think I only died once between 70 and 90. At 90 life is over 6.3k which again helps make the build feel strong.

The guide is right to say that pretty much any gear can take you quite a way but there are plenty of tweaks that can really boost dps (rustic sash, spiked gloves, etc.) so perhaps there’s scope to develop the build guide (good gear and great gear?).

The build has also taught me that there’s a lot I still have to learn about POE. I found myself in a position where both rings and amulet didn’t need any great defensive stats, just life and whatever could add to the overall dps. Not sure I’ve worked that out fully. For example are rings with ‘curse enemies with poacher’s/warlord’ worth considering? What should I aim for with my oils? What other tricks am I missing?

Having said that it’s also clear how important the main hand weapon is to the damage level. It seems as though decent gear is relatively cheap this league and that the investment in the weapon is what needs to be prioritised. Again, I’m not sure I know what the perfect weapon looks like so use Path of Building to compare when thinking about upgrading. Comparing pure physical dps is easy, but are there any really great additions we should be looking for?

The last week has also made me realise a few things. I see so many builds which seem to have crazy movement speed, so that’s something that I need to get to understand for one of my next builds. I’ve also struggled with the Blight mechanic. It seems better designed for group play rather than solo (or is that just this particular build?) which makes me think about my overall approach to POE. I’m in a clan, but it seems that more intimate groups are going to get the most from Blight.

It feels as though currency drops in Blight have been pretty good, but for me map drops have felt low. The build can easily do red maps but I don’t seem able to maintain enough maps of the right level. I’ve found delving pretty straightforward so far.

Thanks to Wrecker for posting an up to date video – it showed me that my character was pretty much replicating what I saw, so feel reassured that I’ve understood quite a lot from the guide.

So, time to grind a bit further, work out what might be the best way to spend any further passive skill points. Any comments and advice really welcome.
Ironhide75 wrote:

Bladestorm can use multistrike, have you experimented with it at all ?
I actually swapped out melee physical for multistrike in my levelling setup right now. Along with faster attacks, it makes the build feel very smooth, and I don't feel like I've lost any dps. Of course, I don't know that for sure since PoB is giving me such weird numbers for Bladestorm to begin with, and I'm assuming it still can't calculate multistrike dps like in Legion.
Hey Everyone!

I got some time to reply a day early! Gotta love rainy days :).

Sadoldgit wrote:
Hi Wrecker and others

Not quite a daily entry but here goes. Last post I was level 70 and the aim was to hit 90 and have followed the passive tree as recommended. At 70 I was able to get all the resistances I needed and felt very tanky. As I progressed to 90 I got all the block to 79%. I left the scion life wheel until last as I prioritised damage as the survivability felt so good. I think I only died once between 70 and 90. At 90 life is over 6.3k which again helps make the build feel strong.

The guide is right to say that pretty much any gear can take you quite a way but there are plenty of tweaks that can really boost dps (rustic sash, spiked gloves, etc.) so perhaps there’s scope to develop the build guide (good gear and great gear?).

The build has also taught me that there’s a lot I still have to learn about POE. I found myself in a position where both rings and amulet didn’t need any great defensive stats, just life and whatever could add to the overall dps. Not sure I’ve worked that out fully. For example are rings with ‘curse enemies with poacher’s/warlord’ worth considering? What should I aim for with my oils? What other tricks am I missing?

Having said that it’s also clear how important the main hand weapon is to the damage level. It seems as though decent gear is relatively cheap this league and that the investment in the weapon is what needs to be prioritised. Again, I’m not sure I know what the perfect weapon looks like so use Path of Building to compare when thinking about upgrading. Comparing pure physical dps is easy, but are there any really great additions we should be looking for?

The last week has also made me realise a few things. I see so many builds which seem to have crazy movement speed, so that’s something that I need to get to understand for one of my next builds. I’ve also struggled with the Blight mechanic. It seems better designed for group play rather than solo (or is that just this particular build?) which makes me think about my overall approach to POE. I’m in a clan, but it seems that more intimate groups are going to get the most from Blight.

It feels as though currency drops in Blight have been pretty good, but for me map drops have felt low. The build can easily do red maps but I don’t seem able to maintain enough maps of the right level. I’ve found delving pretty straightforward so far.

Thanks to Wrecker for posting an up to date video – it showed me that my character was pretty much replicating what I saw, so feel reassured that I’ve understood quite a lot from the guide.

So, time to grind a bit further, work out what might be the best way to spend any further passive skill points. Any comments and advice really welcome.

Hey Sadoldgit,

Awesome post. It's great to read where you're at.
You're right! I forgot about pointing out spiked gloves. I should have done that. I like to let people decide between gear themselves, but as a minion build would look for a Convoking Wand and Bone Helmet, melee builds should aim for Spiked Gloves. I'll add that in.

There are so many minor things in the game that can boost your character. I haven't touched oils yet (besides collecting them) so I can't say anything there. But the rings that give you curses on hits are amazing for this build as I didn't save any space for them. If you find a good one, incorporate it for sure. There are so many ways to improve characters in this game that I wouldn't worry about it. I'd just take what comes as you discover it and apply it as it comes.

In regards to your weapon, you got it. The build, because of bleed, is more efficient with heavier hits, but if you had better attack speed an hit damage, you wouldn't really notice a difference. Bladestorm clears well and hits hard. But in terms of a weapon, just look for the Physical DPS and if it comes with anything elemental, that's just bonus.

Being in the Sand version of Bladestorm really boosts movement speed. Did you find that the speed of the build, + 30% movement speed wasn't enough for you? It's too much for me, but that's medical stuff ;).

Thanks for such a kind post. Great questions too. Let me know if you have any more or if I missed anything.
Limbs wrote:
Ironhide75 wrote:

Bladestorm can use multistrike, have you experimented with it at all ?
I actually swapped out melee physical for multistrike in my levelling setup right now. Along with faster attacks, it makes the build feel very smooth, and I don't feel like I've lost any dps. Of course, I don't know that for sure since PoB is giving me such weird numbers for Bladestorm to begin with, and I'm assuming it still can't calculate multistrike dps like in Legion.
Hey Limbs,

That's cool. Thanks for the feedback. I actually don't use PoB for creating builds. I just add them to my guides cause many other do use PoB. I'm actually not a big fan of min/maxing too much. If the skills you want to use are working well, use them. My point is that if you like Multistrike, use it. Especially if it makes the build that much smoother. How is it for bosses in Blood Stance?

I hope everyone is having a great time this league! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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