[3.10] Talamoe's 💪 Strength Stacking 💪 Blade Vortex Chieftain | 2400+ Str |
Last edited by HiddeNNN#6396 on Dec 21, 2019, 6:47:50 PM
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" damage on full life is for attacks |
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" AND WHERE IT IS WRITTEN THAT THIS BUILD IS A GREAT LEAGUE STARTER? This build requires 3 mandatory uniques, and everyone with a common sense can look up the rarity/price of these items before choosing this build. |
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Edit: Holy shit this turned into a wall of text.
TL;DR Super tanky, fun and active. Works as advertised, and really easy to play at a basic level, much more active/harder to play optimally due to low dps. Bad at blight/legion/synth bosses/a small number of the new bosses. super laggy (FPS lag) and stuttery (server/PoE's fault due to necessary BV calculations). Play if you enjoy the above, but avoid if you dislike the mentioned content problems. Just wanted to leave some feedback on this build becauase I saw a lot of people complaining about the price to start it. I rolled into it with a budget of 13-15 Ex about 3 days ago in Metamorph league. I did my research and saw that I could get all core components to give the build a try for its feel. I knew going into this build that A) I'd be relatively slow (bossing, mapping, everything). And B) I'd need to invest that same amount multiple times over to get anywhere close to OP's dps (about 1.4-1.5m). Realistically I expected to end on 1 to 1.2 mil or so with GG Metamorph gear. After all, OP's got very strong Standard gear (the shield mostly). So in short, I really liked the idea of this build's top-end playstyle. EDIT: I should mention that the DPS I had with the build (one reason I rerolled) was absolutely expected - and the OP was very clear about this. You really need all the DPS you can get and thats when this build will absolutely shine. It requires a decent chunk of investment, upwards of 20 Ex in Metamorph or so. I wanted to test the feel of the build and was very aware of this. This is everything I'd bought for a total of 13-15Ex: Plus every single Efficient Training and other jewel that's suggested for the build, in the right spots (Minus some DPS on the rare jewels). The only exception being my Watcher's eye, for which I had decided to grab a Anger version. Since a Clarity + Anger Watcher's is going to be stupid expensive this league. The clarity would've given me around 1-2k extra ES depending on gear. I did not expect to need this for testing the build out anyways. The anger one was a whopping 20% dps increase, so I fit it into my budget. As you can see, I opted to use shield charge with fortify instead of the classic CWDT+Immortal call combo. I would actually recommend that to everyone, dropping at least one Duration cluster too. Since we have so much downtime that we spam much more BV stacks than needed. Immortal call is nice, especially with a lot of +skill duration, but 24/7 Fortify feels better. I'd have linked shield charge to Culling strike later on. The build is so active and mobile that CWDT value falls off very fast, and our healthpool is enough to tank Ele damage, and fortify then takes care of hits. First thing to mention, is that the build requires very active, very tedious skill management. You really, really need to keep every single buff up (Arcane surge through Flame Dash, Time your Vaal RF/Discipline/BV, and your BV stacks). It does however work as advertised. You are extremely tanky. I facetanked everything and ended up with a 11.5K ES pool with that gear. Once I got to T13-15 maps is when some of the nasty Metamorphs and the right combo of mapmods + influenced pack spawns started to hurt a lot. This can definitely be overcome with more investment. I'd guess you can end up at 15-16K ES with something just below super GG gear (in metamorph). Main reason I decided to reroll to another build now: The league and current PoE is so incredibly poor performance wise, that this build suffers heavily from it. I really, really don't enjoy that I can't play this build to its strength when I charge into a fat influenced pack in the influenced maps and I just stutter and lag all over the place. Not the builds' fault. I'm not exxagerating either. Blade Vortex requires a LOT of calculations and sync server side (BV ticks on all the mobs) and will lag the fuck out of you. It's really bad. I played a triple herald BV a couple leagues ago, that did a lot faster attacks, and it was pretty bad as well. I'd charge into a HUGE pack with Inpulsa's and I'd occasionally freeze for 1-3 seconds. And no, it's not my PC. The game only got worse performance wise and as such the build really suffers from it. Other reasons: In order to play optimal DPS, you need to manage your cooldowns properly. And trust me, you're going to want that, because the DPS is very low on this build. The OP has every single checkbox ticked in PoB, that dps is only realistic in some cooldown occasions (vaal BV / Vaal RF / wave of conviction actually popped, which doesn't happen that often). The gear I linked and my current tree give me 500K dps, with me ending up at 650K with a 6link. I could get around 700-800k with minimal extra investment, and after that it would be pretty tough to get more. I decided that it wasn't enough, in combination with its button heavy playstyle (my keyboard hand dude!) and the other reasons. I facetanked almost everything in the game, except for some metamorph skills and the end boss, everything else was very doable. The build however also falls very heavily short in the following content: Blight maps (too low dps to do anything above T7-10 depending on your gear), Legion encounters (low dps, low area of effect), Synth bosses (clutter/trap stuff making the fight eventually impossible), and some of the new guardians (the one with the banners, the ice one, and one other I forget the name, since each of these have a lot of downtime on our dps (cant stay close) and clutter the arena with ever increasing difficulty). I could not find ways to alter this build to incorporate more dps or burst. The above in combination with the absolutely HORRIBLE fps lag/stutters is the main two reasons I decided to reroll. The pack cleanup is also kind of annoying sometimes. You just don't have the DPS to run inc. aoe. to counter this. But this didn't bother me. I knew it going in, and it doesnt affect the build. You could definitely run Inc. AoE with a bit more gear and feel just fine. Then swap to Conc effect at bosses. The build is super strong. I'd love to revisit it with really GG gear, but I really won't until the devs finally fix some of the stupid performance problems instead of adding layer after layer of new content, new flashy effects, and stuff that needs to be rendered out of nowhere such as spawning packs. Also, gear is fairly easy to snipe. A lot of people don't value Strength (both implicit/corrupt and explicit T1 rolls, and % rolls too). Do your research and get the mandatory pieces (the three advertised by OP, and, IMO, the Watcher's eye with Anger.) Keep in mind that OP was honest about investment requirements. I cannot recommend this build unless you have 15-20++ Ex to invest. The dps really needs to be there for this build to offer a better experience. If you have that, I'd recommend it to anyone that likes a SUPER tanky, slower playstyle, with plenty of room to get tankier/stronger. It's very fun for sure. Thanks for the guide, OP. Last edited by rEDNiNE150#5836 on Dec 22, 2019, 9:43:53 PM
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" Man this is the most professional reply I have seen in Path of Exile forum. I really like your in-depth analysis, and non-biased approach. I am really glad that you like the concept and you might revisit this build when GGG will fix the performance issues related to BV calculations. In regards to top-gear requirements I fully agree with you, once you get to the top tier of gear you will feel like an immortal god of path of exile. The tankiness aspect of the build makes it really what I expect from a build in path of exile. I play the build since 3.7 and the fact that I can facetank a lot of diverse game content makes this character my main. |
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" extraordinary reply. indepth and concise without any whining and bullshitting. 10/10 i personally agree with practically everything you've said especially the feeling of invincibility with unfortunately, low dps. To address the low dps issue that i also ran into, ive made sacrifices to my ES to get more deeps. using these 2 items, im currently sitting at 11.7k ES and 680k shaper dps with no pots in PoB. I also am not running anger yet due to not having enlighten or minus reservation jewels. With anger, PoB says my dps will be around 730k which is to me is still low'ish, but certainly serviceable. Thankfully for myself, i'm not running into any server issues and the build actually feels pretty good while mapping t16s. The dps, while not amazing, is definitely enough for swift and easy clearing and i feel the build strikes a balance between survivablity and dps specifically for killing metamorphs. Metamorphs have alot of bullshit rippy abilities and this build helps u survive most of them as long as you don't blindly try to facetank it on super rippy mods. The only issue to point out is to NOT STACK LIFE REGEN on the metamorph bosses, especially when they also have "more life" modifiers. THe dps for this build will not be enough to out-dps the regen of the metamorph bosses on T14-16 maps. All in all, i'm still sticking to this build and will try to push for more ES and abit more dmg and maybe try to reach lvl 97 or 98. Despite its limitations in dps and high'ish cost in gearing, i personally rate this build pretty highly. |
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" Greetings as you specified above, blight and legion feels quite awful indeed because of the aoe, but the dps is much better than you specified as well as the es value, ofc you can swap astramentis for a str amulet with the 20% inc es(trust me you will love it) Drop anger and use herald of ash/purity and discipline If you use a shield grab tempest shield for more block value ofc unless you have it and i didnt see, my apologies then. I did uber elder with this build and it felt really good(in blight ofc) I did the following things, just got 3 efficient trainings no brawn, 2 might of the meek and flat dmg jewels as much str as possible (you can get much more on the belt) On a 6l i had 1.2 mil dps and 15k es, could facetank everything! And BV is quite tricky /annoying if you want you can respec a few points and go for armageddon brand or something else As for mana surge... I did even use it, but used blood rage for some charges |
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I'm just starting to roll this now so I can't speak from experience, but I've spent the last week buying up gear and preparing and with the gear I own (except I haven't 6L my chest yet). I think there are a lot of little things people can be doing to refine the build to make it feel better.
Get an offhand with % increased AOE per 50 strength. You can get one with a strength roll on it and craft spell damage or fire damage to spells for less than 20c. This should add 120%+ increased AOE depending on your strength and give you more damage. Buy three rat talisman (% increased attributes), you can get one with strength, a resist, and flat/%es for under 20c if you are patient. Might be worth getting one with dex/int as well if you're resist capped to help with those stats. Allocate Tranquility instead of Beef (expensive). This is going to be pretty expensive (2.5ex right now or so) but will give you an additional 15-20% more damage. I'm leveling my character today and will update later and post my gear. I've spent only a couple exalts total and if I plug my owned gear into a lv93 passive tree I should be sitting at 12k+ ES and 1.5mil DPS with a lv21BV, no flasks, no RF, no watchers eye, nothing checked that doesn't have 100% uptime. IGN: Dmillz
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Hi, i did some builds on my witch buy im quite done with her. everything feels slow, clunky and vulnerable this league. Also i dont want to play the meta builds like ED or Vortex / summoners.
Your build really appealed to me at first so i made a Marauder, i just completed the acts im at lvl 60 now. will run some aquaducts and some cowards trials to get it to 80 quickly. What level do you advice to start building this build? right now i specced in some damage nodes and life and am using Ngamahu's. I want to make the transition as fast as possible, iv got a budget of 26 ex. Although i hate builds with ZDPS, do you think for 26 ex we can pump out some decent DPS? Also, i'v never played blade vortex before so i'm not sure if im going to like it, but we can give it a try. You said you tried armageddon brand but the dps was lower then Vortex, I would prefer armageddon brand but not if the damage is indeed significantly lower. Any tips or advice for me? let me know please. I'm a burned out witch boi waiting for a transition to something that doesnt die every time in juicy T16 maps :D |
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" Hey, I am sure you can achieve at least 1 million with 26 ex, for the armageddon brand perhaps my lower damage was a result of low amount of time spent on theorycrafting with it. After Christmas I am planning to test some other skills including armageddon brand. So far I have tested CwC cyclone blade vortex with this build and it felt very satisfying to play with, even though the damage was considerably lower than regular blade vortex. |
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