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Huseby wrote:
Yeah the 6l astral plate from Celestial Justicar is only (or up to, not sure which) iLvl 80. So you can’t get top tier life rolls. Since I didn’t need the elemental resist from Astral plate I just search for any strength-based 6l iLvl 86+ armor. It was significantly cheaper than iLvl 86+ 6 link Astral plate or the celestial justicar div cards.

The only thing I’m not understanding is why people are using metallic fossils instead of prismatic? To me it seems like serrated, pristine, and prismatic fossils are the way to go.

Hmm fair point maybe I'll try that on a second base and see what sticks then i dont have to destroy this one (will have to see what the cheapest is if i can afford it)!

is i86 the min you need?

On metallics vs prismatics i thought metallics cut the number of delve suffixes down so that was helpful?
twonkz wrote:
Huseby wrote:
Yeah the 6l astral plate from Celestial Justicar is only (or up to, not sure which) iLvl 80. So you can’t get top tier life rolls. Since I didn’t need the elemental resist from Astral plate I just search for any strength-based 6l iLvl 86+ armor. It was significantly cheaper than iLvl 86+ 6 link Astral plate or the celestial justicar div cards.

The only thing I’m not understanding is why people are using metallic fossils instead of prismatic? To me it seems like serrated, pristine, and prismatic fossils are the way to go.

Hmm fair point maybe I'll try that on a second base and see what sticks then i dont have to destroy this one (will have to see what the cheapest is if i can afford it)!

is i86 the min you need?

On metallics vs prismatics i thought metallics cut the number of delve suffixes down so that was helpful?

Yeah that very well may be why people use metallic over prismatic. I believe iLvl 86 allows you to roll the highest tier life. I had a decent roll on my six link armor And I’m not taking the chance of messing it up. I don’t have the currency right now to do that so I’m gonna do what you’re doing and get a different 6l armor to see if I can get better rolls on it.
I got some currency to spend and just wondering where my best upgrades are? Things are slowing down on red maps a bit.

Thanks, the guide is awesome!
twonkz wrote:
Delichous wrote:
I cannot for the life of me figure out to get the Socketed Attack have -15 to Total Mana Cost in body armour. Ive read through this guide a million times and pinged friends. Please help this is my first season. No google, youtube video has been able to help. Thanks.

I just crafted one (first time ever fossil crafting) so might be able to help!

One of the older posts if you trawl through the thread explains it but basically

Step 1. Getting the armour itself

a) Find / Buy 6 of these


b) trade them to Tasuni in Highgate or Navali at your hideout if you have invited them there

==> At this point you have a 0 quality white 6L astral plate

Step 2. Getting ready for craft

a) use Armourer's Scraps on the white base (as it will only take 4) till you get 20 quality

b) Use + chromatics to get the sockets the right colours

Note: this I think was the recommended way to do it as it was the CHEAPEST. But one thing here is that I think if you do it this way you get an item level 80 astral plate so you preclude yourself from getting the TOP tier life rolls [citation needed?]

Step 3. Buying stuff for crafting

buy/farm X Serrated fossils https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Serrated_Fossil
buy/farm X Pristine fossils https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Pristine_Fossil
buy/farm X Metallic fossils https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Metallic_Fossil

buy / farm ONE powerful Alchemical resonator https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Powerful_Alchemical_Resonator

buy / farm ONE powerful chaotic resonator https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Powerful_Chaotic_Resonator

Where X is the number of tries you want to have at crafting ==? remember crafting is RANDOM so it might not work straight away and so you want to get yourself a couple of tries

Step 4. Crafting

socked one of each of serrated, pristine and metallic into the powerful alchemical resonator and do the same for each chaos resonator.

Socketing works like gems so click fossil and drop into resonator

With that done then right click the fully socketed powerful alchemic resonator and click your armour and PRAY (i.e. similar to as is your were applying a really large modified orb of alchemy!)

if you don't get the stats you want use the chaotic ones next.

Note: The alchemical resonator acts as a alchemy orb i.e. upgrades white to yellow (normal to rare) so you use that first.

If it doesn't hit what you want then you need to use the chaotic ones which (surprise surprise act as chaos orbs) so reroll the now rare item

Not sure where you looked on videos but if you are a noob like me and new to the whole thing I seriously recommend watching this first as it explains everything step by step for crafting generally


Hope that helps and remember to stay calm as its all luck based! Someone PLEASE correct me if i made any mistakes as don't want to screw up someone else's game and as I said am new to it so prob forgot something

If you land and empty mod slot you can then use your crafting bench to tidy up

Here's mine it took me 3 attempts!

One question from me:

What do you guys think - would you re roll it? Its got nice mods but all are like T6/T7 :(. I'm not rolling in ccy... like net worth 2Ex so thinking maybe i just have to suck it up

I figure at somepoint I am going to have to sell it and redo with ilvl 100 anyway right?

Don't reroll it, just farm for elder base and then try rolling high tier life, -mana and attacks have 1.XX % to critical chance once you have some currency saved up.
Killed Sirius at awakening Level 8 today (not deathless)

I drifted a little from the original build as i have super trashy items which mostly have life and resistances so i tried to squeeze a little more damage from the tree itself wherever I could.

Apart from the weapons and elder base astral plate, everything else was self crafted or found as a drop. I got lucky and hit both "Socketed attacks have -15 to Mana cost" as well as "Attacks have 1.32% critical strike chance" on my third fossil craft attempt. I used only Serrated and Pristine fossils. Took about 500 Fusings to six link it. (got 5 Link twice during the process and cleared majority of maps on five link)

Here is my PasteBin if anyone is interested (I am using the LocalIdentity version):


Managed to get all the jewels needed and left with 2-3 exalted
This is my first character ever and i cleared t15 kinda easy :)
I work on getting more money for endgame gear like curse on hit rings
I enjoy this build so much :)

I'm still learning about things like delve and how to improve my atlas
When i lvl up to 91 i plan to do some lab runs and hopefully get a cyclone enchant
Hey guys
I can't for my life seem to get the auras to work properly...
I can't have Pride running, while i also have: Dread banner, Flesh And Stone, and Blood And Sand running...

I got almost everything from the build, except Watchers Eye jewel and a chest with - manacost (got 2 praxis rings in bank though)

The mana reserved adds up to 104%
What am i missing?

Can someone help me out ? :)
The 4 auras should only reserve 95% (without support gems) and 98,25% with maim linked to BaS and FaS (thats what i have on my charecter). So if you are getting 104% reserved i would gues you have some support gem accedently linked with an aura. My tipp check your setup for that.

If you change your acc settings so we can see your chareters I could tell you where the problem is.
Last edited by Sauraus3#3847 on Jan 5, 2020, 3:35:56 AM
Sauraus3 wrote:
The 4 auras should only reserve 95% (without support gems) and 98,25% with maim linked to BaS and FaS (thats what i have on my charecter). So if you are getting 104% reserved i would gues you have some support gem accedently linked with an aura. My tipp check your setup for that.

If you change your acc settings so we can see your chareters I could tell you where the problem is.

Ahh thanks a bunch!!! Yeah i've just linked everything together ;)
How does this build survive through poison?

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