[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Do you cast the Signal prey for the spiders only or is there a way to link both signal preys on the build?
Mr_Neocronic wrote:

You can deal better dps if you stack impale + dread banner. My overall dps almost tripled when i add impale. Bosses i kill minutes before now i can kill in seconds.

How do you figure that? Triple dps?
I imported your character and the difference between impale and added minion damage was about 5% damage on sentinels
That amulet looks hella sweet. If it's fine, could you roughly share how you made this one? Dex and Int affix looks like a veiled mod.

Buy this amulet for 2-3ex and yes veiled mod.

Also how to stack 90% phys reduction from armor without flasks? I just add almost perfect rolled watcher eye and its still 45k and only 81% mitigation. Where i can find other 9%?

With 60-70k you have 90%

Many player dont know how work the physical reduction... The character sheet have "estimated" physical reduction, when you fight against engame boss you have 30-40% physical reduction with armour not more. (friend calculate 40-45% with 1 000 000 armour) That why additionnal physical reduction is really good with basalt flask (15%) and watcher's eye (8%) you have +23% -> 30-40 => 53-63%
Last edited by dextrelame on May 3, 2021, 12:28:50 AM
Can this build tank t16 ultimatum safely? I'm struggling with ultimatum with my current build, so looking to try this.
buttcommander wrote:
Can this build tank t16 ultimatum safely? I'm struggling with ultimatum with my current build, so looking to try this.


I run T16 maps with random mods. In most cases I to any ultimatum until the last wave and don't care about the mods.

If you start this build, make sure to get the weapon, shield and helmet as soon as possible. These items will carry you to red maps. Read the guide for more infos, it is very well written and the mechanics are explained! :)
buttcommander wrote:
Can this build tank t16 ultimatum safely? I'm struggling with ultimatum with my current build, so looking to try this.

Easily. Any ES on block, cyclone based build can to be honest. I ran a generic ES block, CoC cospri assassin before this that also did T16 ultis easily

This build is even safer, just a (tiny)bit slower damage wise
HI Folks,

I managed to get 93 lvl with this build.I'm following guide but it started to feel like dmg isnt there.I can't handle liek 10 boss fight at maiven area at AW8 but from the other hand sirus is going down. Would anyone have a look at my build and guide me what to improve . Also there is endu charges in pob. What's source of enduring charges in this one because im missing it.

https://pastebin.com/ajPYj7XM Here is my pob
Last edited by cofiq on May 3, 2021, 6:46:33 AM
cofiq wrote:
HI Folks,

I managed to get 93 lvl with this build.I'm following guide but it started to feel like dmg isnt there.I can't handle liek 10 boss fight at maiven area at AW8 but from the other hand sirus is going down. Would anyone have a look at my build and guide me what to improve . Also there is endu charges in pob. What's source of enduring charges in this one because im missing it.

https://pastebin.com/ajPYj7XM Here is my pob

There's 4 things you can do from what i see.

1)get vulnerability curse on shapers gloves (1ex)
2)get Level 4 empower and awakened minion dmg (5 ex)
3)Upgrade your rings for better Purity buff (70 to 90%)
4)get an ES clarity watcher's eye(2ex) so you can refund Arcane focus and get a 2 passive small cluster jewel. With the 3 point free you can spec into the Righteous army which is 13% by itself

All this will increase your DPS by 30%. Also endurance charges comes from "Enduring composure" small cluster, you're using stalwart
Mastodonic wrote:
cofiq wrote:
HI Folks,

I managed to get 93 lvl with this build.I'm following guide but it started to feel like dmg isnt there.I can't handle liek 10 boss fight at maiven area at AW8 but from the other hand sirus is going down. Would anyone have a look at my build and guide me what to improve . Also there is endu charges in pob. What's source of enduring charges in this one because im missing it.

https://pastebin.com/ajPYj7XM Here is my pob

There's 4 things you can do from what i see.

1)get vulnerability curse on shapers gloves (1ex)
2)get Level 4 empower and awakened minion dmg (5 ex)
3)Upgrade your rings for better Purity buff (70 to 90%)
4)get an ES clarity watcher's eye(2ex) so you can refund Arcane focus and get a 2 passive small cluster jewel. With the 3 point free you can spec into the Righteous army which is 13% by itself

All this will increase your DPS by 30%. Also endurance charges comes from "Enduring composure" small cluster, you're using stalwart

Thank you ill have a look on it now. About vulne on hit on gloves , i got conductivity on ring so does it exclude itself? i mean u can have one curse on hit only as far as i know ? so which one will be applied if ill have 2 since i cant just drop this ring for now.
Watchers which clarity one exactly you are talking about ? Gain max mana ?
So what should i drop for clarity tho? Maim from flesh and stone or which gem?
Last edited by cofiq on May 3, 2021, 7:26:05 AM
cofiq wrote:
Mastodonic wrote:
cofiq wrote:
HI Folks,

I managed to get 93 lvl with this build.I'm following guide but it started to feel like dmg isnt there.I can't handle liek 10 boss fight at maiven area at AW8 but from the other hand sirus is going down. Would anyone have a look at my build and guide me what to improve . Also there is endu charges in pob. What's source of enduring charges in this one because im missing it.

https://pastebin.com/ajPYj7XM Here is my pob

There's 4 things you can do from what i see.

1)get vulnerability curse on shapers gloves (1ex)
2)get Level 4 empower and awakened minion dmg (5 ex)
3)Upgrade your rings for better Purity buff (70 to 90%)
4)get an ES clarity watcher's eye(2ex) so you can refund Arcane focus and get a 2 passive small cluster jewel. With the 3 point free you can spec into the Righteous army which is 13% by itself

All this will increase your DPS by 30%. Also endurance charges comes from "Enduring composure" small cluster, you're using stalwart

Thank you ill have a look on it now. About vulne on hit on gloves , i got conductivity on ring so does it exclude itself? i mean u can have one curse on hit only as far as i know ? so which one will be applied if ill have 2 since i cant just drop this ring for now.
Watchers which clarity one exactly you are talking about ? Gain max mana ?
So what should i drop for clarity tho? Maim from flesh and stone or which gem?

I personally dropped maim for clarity because i cant fit maim+flesh into my setup. You can also drop inc duration maybe if you want
You want the mana as extra ES watcher's eye

And yes, you'll have to get rid of the conductivity ring. The curses will keep overwriting each other

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